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  1. #1
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Thumbs up My crazy ass trip to TJ(MEX)...

    Ok, today was hell to say the least. Fucking spent the day standing in lines and driving in shitty traffic. The whole trip took 7.5 hrs!!! ! Left at 9:30 got there at 11:00. Me and my Gorilla source , walked across. TJ was Vacant, nobody around. We get to the pharmacia, and there are 2 new guys running the place I guess...The gorilla asked where Miguel was and they say that he was fired. They say didn't you replied the Gorilla. The Gorilla asks whut up with the order's why they haven't been shipped...
    They look for my order but can't find it, hmmmn I begining to think that my Gorilla never made an order, since he's acting very peculiar. Well the Gorilla start's sweating as I peer at him through my Spy glasses, he's panic'ing. Well he told them he'd refax the order and they said they'd ship it right away it shouldn't take more than 10 days. Well being the well prepared mutha fucker that I am I have a list of everything I need in my sock strategically placed. This is about the time this Kid walks in to shot up some special K intraveinously...fucking nutty! I thought that might intrest you Partyboy . So I'm like well I know what I want I got it all right here, the Gorilla steps in... oh but I got a bunch other stuff coming with your order for another guy so I'll just refax it tonight. I'm like well I want to add some shit to it so I added some Prop 30cc to a list with my addy on it to be shipped back with the rest of my order. This is when The Marshmellow man walked in AKA a Jarhead but I say marshmellow because he was huge a 5x5 square. He started shooting up everything, it kinda freaked me out, he was a trip. Then the Gorilla decideds to start shootin some. Then the Gorilla tells me I should shoot some to get going...I'm like no, I'll just wait till I got everything...that way I know it ain't gonna be no half assed cycle. I didn't want to start and then not get my shit next week and be stuck with nothing to shoot - ya know? So what did I do? I shot 2cc's of Primoteston Depot and 1cc of EQ. It was sketchy fucking shootin up in the back room of a Pharmacia, the bathroom was fucking nasty, syringes all over the place, fucking blood stains on the wall...I felt like I was a fucking Junky in a crack Leonardo DiCaprio in the Basketball diaries. The Gorilla stuck me. I was all ready for intense pain gritting my teeth, shit didn't hurt one bit, and now I got 3cc's of shit flowing through my body, Whoopie!!! - I felt like a 14year old virgin girl that had her cherry poped by a overpowering male(The Gorilla)! But fuck it feels good to cross that line...and damn I gotta end this story soon before I write a friggin book. Well to make it short I bought Omnifin -2 boxes, some clenbuterol - not spiropent that shits expensive, and I bought some a box of Proscar- that shit's a grip too. All that with the 30cc's of Testosterona Prop was $85. good shit! The rest of the trip sucked ass!!!!!!!!! 2.5 hrs to get back across...scared shitless with gear stuck down my pants..All that^ some soma's, and other misc painkillers for the Gorilla and 10cc's of T-400. I was kinda shitting my pants when the made me take off my studded belt cause it made the metal detector go off, then they pulled me aside and checked me with the hand held...but then I was good to go and stand in another make it short...don't go to Mexico right now unless you really have to the wait fucking sucks.

    *Oh yah, and it's nice to join ya on da dark side mmMMMUUUUHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA!

    Ya I'm a kook, but a soon to be Larger than Life KOOK! HeHe!

    I took some before's so ass soon as I get to Kinko's I'll post em

    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 10-24-2001 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #2
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Thatta baby! Just make sure you get your shit this time, or youll have to go back again and shoot up down there again. Anyway, kick ass bro...get ready to ROCK!!

  3. #3
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    damn solid

    you have me stressed out w/ this shit!!you can't find gear in cali??thats' so insane you have to go get it.why not just bite the bullet and get some domestically off some good source even if it costs a bit more?i'm felling for you though.

  4. #4
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    the source is in cali, he gets it from Mex they ship it...

    there was trouble with the order that's why we went down, to see whut up!


  5. #5
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    that's an awesome story- you earned that gear Solid.!

    Alright- no more fucking around bro- time to get huge..

    hehehehe. So the gorilla popped your cherry in some stank-ass bathroom in mexico...

    i love it...

  6. #6
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Talking yeah I'm a whore now Lush


  7. #7
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    did gorilla call you the next day or send you flowers at least?hahahahaha

  8. #8
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Lush
    So the gorilla popped your cherry in some stank-ass bathroom in mexico...

    i love it...


  9. #9
    IronRuffy's Avatar
    IronRuffy is offline Associate Member
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    you crazy bastard!

    Well you still got balls.... Good on ya pal!

  10. #10
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Like the pump man said I hope you get you stuff now. I't would be a bitch to have to shoot that way every week.

  11. #11
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    my mexico story

    shit, did everyone go to mexico today? it seems so, b/c i know a few peeps on this board that were headin to TJ today as well. anyways, here goes my story. let me start from the beginning - the night of the 22nd. my buddy and i went down to Tuscon to see a friend of mine (she's my former roommate from school's ex-girlfriend) and chill with them. it basically takes out 2 of the 3 hour drive, so he bought a sixer and was drinkin the shit on the way. to make a long story short (so i can get to the mexico part), he was so faded that night, and smoked a blunt, then threw up, and then passed out. crazy mofo. ok, so we wake up at 8, leave by 9, cross the border at 10. we check our watches and decide we gots 2 horas (cause we're in mexico now, so it's espanol time) to get our gear and head back to our town. so, we start walkin around, i'm lookin for this one dude i did business with last time, but he's no where to be found. so, this one hombre comes up to us while we're lookin around for my muchacho. we talk to him for a few seconds and decide to do some business with him instead, cause we're hurtin for time. anyways, we go to this local tienda that him and his wife own or some shit, and he's askin us what we need. we write it down on a piece of paper, he makes a phone call, and bam, 5 minutes later, this homey rolls up in the store with a bag full of about 20 bottles. he's got test. cyp, testanon, deca , winny pills and injections, boldenon, and a few more shit. so, we look through his bag of goodies and pick out the gear we want. he gave us a price of these:

    Ttokkyo Stanol V 100 mg / cc - 240
    Ttokkyo Testanon 250 5 mL - 50
    Ttokkyo Deca 300 mg / cc - 80

    Not sure what the prices of these are in other areas, so we need to think about adding some sort of pricing guide area or something. Shouldn't be illegal - just to let people konw what to expect.

    Anyways, we talked the hombre down to 200 for the Winny. It wasn't for me, so my friend was like "whatever, that's fine". I got mine for 180 from a vet. the last time I went. Plus, we picked up 4 boxes of Testanon (same as Sus) and I grabbed a bottle of the deca for a future cycle (like next year). Anyways, we pay the dude his cash, thank him for his time and biz, and we're on our way with our original hombre back to the border. But first, we stop off at a local farmacia to pick up some Clen , Clomid, and Viagra. Yes, you read that right. I've been hearing some crazy stories about the Viagra (pm me if you're interested). So we've got our gear and are ready to head back home. We're too chickenshit to try to cross the border ourselves with the shit tucked in our drawers, so that guy found a runner for us. We tipped the guy who was helpin us find our way around 40 bucks (this dude seemed kinda pissed, but shit, 40 bucks is a lot of money to make in 1 1/2 hours, so I was about to tell him to fuck off, but resisted, b/c he was friends with our runner). Anyways, the runner took his chances, tucked the shit in his pockets and walked in front of us while we crossed the border. I had the 3 thigns from the farmacia in my hand and was planning on declaring them, but they didn't even ask about what was in the bag. So, we met our runner in the bathroom of BK across the street, slipped him a bill (100) and got our shit and headed back home. I was nervous as hell when we were walking back across the border even though I had nothing illegal on me. I did, however, print out a thing from the customs website which told about how much we were allowed to bring back across w/o a prescription just in case. But, like I said, no questions were asked. They just typed some shit into their computer to make sure we were straight with the law, and let us be on our way.

    So, that's my fun story, hopefully the other boys will reveal theirs too. They know who they are.....

  12. #12
    bd2g's Avatar
    bd2g is offline New Member
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    solid dude, and welcome keep the good stories commin

  13. #13
    Pete235's Avatar
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    Re: wow

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    did gorilla call you the next day or send you flowers at least?hahahahaha
    Heh heh heh....nice one PBNYC.

  14. #14
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
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    Re: my mexico story

    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    So, we met our runner in the bathroom of BK across the street,

    I've been there for a Whopper once or twice back in the day.

  15. #15
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    That wasnt TJ was it?

  16. #16
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    2,532 you call or send flowers? that was funny though. good story solid. i doubt i'll ever be making a trip to mex. sounds interesting though

  17. #17
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i'm not big on it.i use the partyboy method of birth control: she doesn't know my name, phone # or address before or after,haha

  18. #18
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Key, That wasnt TJ was it?
    Nope, it was Nogales, AZ

  19. #19
    SWOLL UP is offline Associate Member
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    How does crossing the border work? I used to live in San Diego...and I thought that they only check you randomly at the border patrol on the freeway? Is there another place where you get checked too? My friend said that we are going to drive down there and then take a bus into mexico and then take the bus back to the car and go back home. Where do you have to walk through a metal detector?


  20. #20
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Re: Mexico...

    Originally posted by SWOLL UP
    How does crossing the border work? I used to live in San Diego...and I thought that they only check you randomly at the border patrol on the freeway? Is there another place where you get checked too? My friend said that we are going to drive down there and then take a bus into mexico and then take the bus back to the car and go back home. Where do you have to walk through a metal detector?

    The only place I know of (or have heard of) that you have to walk through a metal detector is TJ. Nogales (AZ), Brownsville (TX), and Laredo (TX) don't have the metal detectors. The border patrol on the freeway is a different thing - they're checking for illegal aliens, while the dogs are sniffing for drug imports (marijuana, cocaine, etc.). I've never heard of taking a bus into Mexico. What's the point if you're going to drive down there and park right by the border anyway?

  21. #21
    SWOLL UP is offline Associate Member
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    so if I was coming back into cali going towards the 215 freeway would I have to walk through a metal detector? Does the metal detector catch the amps of roids? Do dogs sniff for roids?


  22. #22
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    No - the tops of Vials are aluminum...dogs can't sniff roids.


  23. #23
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Re: so...

    Originally posted by SWOLL UP
    so if I was coming back into cali going towards the 215 freeway would I have to walk through a metal detector? Does the metal detector catch the amps of roids? Do dogs sniff for roids?

    you'll have to wait for someone who's been through the metal detectors with bottles in their pants. but, i don't think it would. and no, dogs don't sniff for roids. but, if you're drawers are stinky, watch out, they'll come a bitin.

  24. #24
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
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    Talking I've been through them, you'll be fine, I had Vial's in my drawls..


  25. #25
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    People drive down to the border, park, and take either a cab or bus into town because if you didnt know, your car is not insured in Mexico or Canada. Now, some folks do buy insurance for the day just inside of the border. You can get it pretty cheap. I've never done it, but I understand it can protect your car against theft, damage, etc, in Mexico for however long you want to pay for.

    If you take the buses ($2-$5 for a round trip), you are dropped into the center of town and they pick up at the same location every 1/2 hour or so. The busses piss me off cause there's always some putz on board singing friggin Mexican songs with his guitar and then walking around with a little bag looking for your $$$. I just ignore him. I cant stand that crap. I get it enough along the damn street.

    On the return trip, the busses stop at the border crossing, you have to get out and walk through the metal detector, etc, then get back on the bus to get back to the parking lot. I've done this one time and cant stand it.

  26. #26
    bigstylios's Avatar
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    GH: Bringing it back

    how much GH can be brought back from Mexico...legally, with no problems??
    say across the border in TJ?? I am not even sure if any can be brought legally with no prescription. Anyone who knows for sure, let me know>

  27. #27
    spywizard's Avatar
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    dude, please.. alot of these guys aren't even here any more.. if you look at how old the thread is..

    start a new thread to ask your question..

    i'm glad you have learned to use the search feature..

    and welcome to ar..
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  28. #28
    almostgone's Avatar
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    ..Wow...this was an oldie....
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  29. #29
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigstylios
    how much GH can be brought back from Mexico...legally, with no problems??
    say across the border in TJ?? I am not even sure if any can be brought legally with no prescription. Anyone who knows for sure, let me know>
    Doubt you could ever get away with that. Are Doctors even writing scripts for GH anymore?

    Might as well take some vaseline, lube your sphincter up, and have your girlfriend RAM IT HOME!!!

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