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  1. #1
    The Iron Game Guest

    Question Time On = 1 Year or there abouts.

    Wassssssssssssup, just a quickie

    I would like to talk to someone that has stayed on for about a year. Any recommendations, how quickly if at all did your body functioning return to normal and anyone that has been on for such periods of time have problems recovering?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: Time On = 1 Year or there abouts.

    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    Wassssssssssssup, just a quickie

    I would like to talk to someone that has stayed on for about a year. Any recommendations, how quickly if at all did your body functioning return to normal and anyone that has been on for such periods of time have problems recovering?

    Thank you

    I am getting the impression from a few of your posts that you have been on for some time?

    My current cycle is entering the 5 month and will continue to 6 months.

    I have entered "phase 3" and have already planned the end of my cycle. Including the post game therapy which will have clen , clomid and possibly a bridge.

    Not much help to you, this post that is, but I know where you are coming from....

  3. #3
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
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    I was on for 1.5 years and I just got off 3.5 weeks ago! I will let you know how long it takes! I imagine it will take minimum 3 months for everything to recover! I was on for a year before this and I came off for 2 months and not everything had returned to normal even by then! Right now I am taking .5mgs Arimidex and 100mgs clomid ED and I am about to start on HCG also!

  4. #4
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Ive done the year cycles but generally its more of a steady maintence cycle instead of a lot of high doasages

  5. #5
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i was on for four yrs str8.never came off.i've been checked every 6 months in those yrs and to this date.nothing bad kids.i had the ultimate complete physical last yr when i has the Serostim experience(it was in one of my posts and i'm not rewriting it).literally, every test known to man to determine the organ and physiological side effects of the gear.nothing.clean bill of health.the doctors were actually amazed at how well my immune system and general health was, even for someone didn't use gear, smoke mad cigarettes and do mad drugs.great BP, no hypertension, enzymes in check, proper digestive system, blood cells counts they said were awesome, no neurological or cognitive problems from all the e,k, i'm not condoning use of anything, but just sharing my extensive research into my body.

  6. #6
    Lush's Avatar
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    Re: hmmmmm

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    i was on for four yrs str8.never came off.i've been checked every 6 months in those yrs and to this date.nothing bad kids..
    Excellent stuff partyNYC.

    What kind of gear were you doing during that time?

  7. #7
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    ok let me think

    EQ,winny,halo,dbol (naps,thai,reforvit),test prop,test cyp,test susp,anadrol ,deca ,tried serostim for a week but had bad experience w/ it.clen ,clomid and hcg , but they don't really count.

  8. #8
    Lush's Avatar
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    Ok- that's about every juice I've ever heard of...

    What kind of max. quantities are we talking here though. ?
    I'm just wondering about the boys. Nuts I'm talking.
    How can you go for 4 years without them going into serious hibernation.
    Did HCG alone keep them going....?
    Didi you ever just bridge with primo and let the boys recover....?
    Lots of liquidex/arimidex ...?

    I just can't wrap my brain around it...

  9. #9
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    that i didn't have done

    i never had a spermogenesis test done.but i had a fullbody scan done to determine precancerous cells along w/ bloodtests.i have read alot of medical journals that take about spermogenesis taking time to upregulate after even the short gf and i have never gotten pregnant but she's anorexic and i use gear damn near year round so i would just assume that my boys or her girls have been shot all these years.honestly, it sounds juvenile, but we're both really consumed w/ our careers and having children isn't really important no i haven't checked it out and really don't care about it the future i'll have it tested.sounds like a bad answer, i know, but at least i'm honest.

  10. #10
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    I'm wondering more if they've shrunken, or you have any problem blowing loads...other stuff like that. Basically, is everything south of the equator cool? i.e. is the gf happy? and is staying home alone with porn still worth while?

    I'm not worried about being able to have kids or not... my days of careless lechery are far from over I suspect.

  11. #11
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah everything is perfect,haha.the boys are dropping bombs w/ regularity,haha.

  12. #12
    Lush's Avatar
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    Excellent- words of inspiration....
    thanks PartyNYC

  13. #13
    silverfox's Avatar
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    2 years

    hey Iron Game going on 2 years, here is what has been working, i cycle the test doses, anywhere between 400mg - 2400mg per week, most of the time running 1000mg week, then i add in other "goodies" depending on goals at time, I usually go no longer than 10 weeks on same cycle of gear. I key for me has been this, I take clomid EOD, during cycle, .25mg of Amerdrix ED, and 10000ius of HCG every 10 weeks. I also don't stay on orals for any longer than 6 weeks, and usually stay off orals for about same time. Get blood work done every 6 months, so far, so good. Few zits, but nothing serious yet.

  14. #14
    The Iron Game Guest
    Thanks JJ, you know what its like when you are off, you dont want to be

    X biker, then ya know exactly what I mean

    Gearedup, let me know how it goes I will be interested in knowing your results.

    Pureanger, that is it, I wont be using high doses but I have urges that need to be satisfied and I have been on with no real breaks for about a year now.

    Thanks Eye candy, I am not really bothered with zits, because I can take them on head to head with my accutane My main concern is recovering when I do come off and to not effect my little little sperm

    Thanks bruthas

  15. #15
    THE JU-ICE is offline Associate Member
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    My friend was on deca , 1 amp, every week for over a year. He also took 50 mg of Vinny everyday. He was huge, but didn't plan for the aftermath. He got very depressed and stopeed lifting for a while. The dudes C7 vertebrae also got bigger. That stayed with him, but the depression eventually subsided. There something about staying on for over the normal 10-12 weeks that scares me. I know muscle has memory, but do nads have memory after that long of a time?

  16. #16
    silverfox's Avatar
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    Sperm Count

    IG can' t really comment on that, i have 2 kids so not a concern for me.

  17. #17
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    yeah everything is perfect,haha.the boys are dropping bombs w/ regularity,haha.
    Let me guess because you take that extra zinc right? your always talking about that zinc. I gotta get me some.

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