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  1. #1
    pvthndl is offline New Member
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    Question Preventing Cycle Side Effects

    I've just started my first cycle. 400 mg Eth+EQ/week for 4 weeks, then add Winny 50 mg/day through week 9. Finish off with Clomid. I'm 37, 6'3", 193 and 12% bf. My diet is around 350 g protien, 400 g carbs and 40 g fat. My goal is to gain size and strength without looking puffy or like I swallowed a whole chicken.

    I know it will be a week or so before the juice hits, and I wanted to know what type of side effects I can expect. I'm taking 1000 mg of Milk Thistle for my liver. I'm also drinking a ton of water. Will I get acne (I'm not prone to it)? Are there things I can do to help prevent any of the side effects as I begin my cycle?

    Thanks for the help.

    By the way - I got a major rush injecting the juice. I read up a lot on prep, etc and it was so smooth I didn't even feel a thing. But I sat in bed last night for 4 hours with my mind racing. Guess I'm sick.

  2. #2
    sp33dg33k's Avatar
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    Re: Preventing Cycle Side Effects

    Originally posted by pvthndl
    My goal is to gain size and strength without looking puffy or like I swallowed a whole chicken.

    Are there things I can do to help prevent any of the side effects as I begin my cycle?

    arimidex or liquidex will alleviate the estrogen related sides
    eg. bloat, gyno

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Like sp33 said, make sure you have nolvadex , arimidex or liquidex in case of aromatization. Don't use it unless you need it. If you nips get itchy and look puffy then you take it.
    If you are not prone to zits than it should not be a big problem...I'm not prone and I had very very little on my shoulders when i was small I just scratched them off.

  4. #4
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    2000mg/d B5 will help with acne, so will the milk thistle. Tanning is another good idea. Also I hear hot/cold showers will do the trick. Start with hot to open the pores up, scrub and then the cold water will help close the pores to keep the dirt out.

  5. #5
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Get some Liquidex to prevent aromatization. There is really no reason for bad sides. The trick is low doses, which is what you seem to be going with. You stand to make a lot of good progress if you eat, train and sleep right. I'd up the protein to 400g were I you. I think you need more calories as well if your goal is to bulk. With Liquidex, you should bloat up too bad. With Liquidex I retain about 4-5lbs. and it's obvious in the face mostly. I'm very prone to edema though. To help prevent acne, shower regularly. That's it. If your prone to hair loss you may want to take extra precautions for that.

  6. #6
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Im doing pretty much the same cycle

    let me know how it goes so we can compare, I started Tuesday...
    Get some Liquidex like the guys said and you'll have no worries with gyno, plus you won't retain as much agua... good luck, get big...


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