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Thread: is there a diff

  1. #1
    iluvttokyo is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2001

    is there a diff

    i want to do a bit of a cutting cycle, i got cut last time on 2 btls test e and 2 ofeq, but twds the end i lost my erection status. I wnat to do eq again 2 btls with some test. should ishot cyp 2wce a wk 300mg 2x, prop 3x a week at 200mg or should i do2 or three bts of aratest 500-750 a wk. would there be a diff in my gains. or should i shot 300 mg of prop for the first 2 ks to jusmp sart and run 600 mg a wk of cyp for the length of the cycle....

  2. #2
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    sounds confusing bro. what is it you wanna know exactly? if cyp and prop are the same as aratest? you dont have to put all that 2x aweek or 3x a week stuff. just put the mgs a week. like 750mgs aweek or 500mgs a week. your question is alittle confusing

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro rephrase also dont use the word bottles it could be 200 mg 50 mg and so on rewrite it

  4. #4
    iluvttokyo is offline Junior Member
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    aight im goin to do 400mg wk of eq for a cutting cycle in the past ive used 400mg of test e and 400 of eq a wk and twd the end of that cycle i had eq dick(if ther is such a thing)
    I want to ad either:
    600mg of cyp a wk or
    600 mg of prop wk, or
    500-750 of aratest wk. or should i
    front load prop for the 2st 3 wks of my cycle(300mg wk) and run cyp stright through at 600mg wk for my 10 wks.

    Obviously clomid clomid clomid after that

    sorr for the confusion

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    In a perfect world test is test. If you don't mind frequent injections though I think 100 mg of prop a day throughout the cycle will certainly keep your girl friend happy and be more beneficial to a cutting cycle.

  6. #6
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    im with rick here. do the prop if you wanna cut bro. good luck.

  7. #7
    iluvttokyo is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2001
    would there be a diff if i shot 100mg ed or shot 200mg every other day, i would much rather to shot eod

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2002
    You can shoot prop EOD. Your hormone levels fluctuate a little more which can cause sides to be more pronounced. Make sure you are using anti-E's.

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