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  1. #1
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002

    Is This As Good As It Gets? Or Is The Best Yet to Come???

    Ok guys heres the situation. My cycle started off with a bang, this is what it looks like:

    Weeks 0-5: Dbol @ 30mg ED
    Weeks 1-16: Arimidex @ .5mg ED (bumped up to 1mg during week 2)
    Weeks 1-10: Test Enan @ 500mg
    Weeks 1-10: Deca @ 400mg
    Weeks 7-12: Tren @ 75mg EOD (more of a test to see if I can make good tren)
    Weeks 8-12: ** Winny @ 75mg ED
    Weeks 13-16: Clomid Therapy, possible DNP @ 100mg as well

    Now during weeks 0-2 I was rocking and rolling, gained 25lbs, and crazy strength (straight off of Dbol Id assume) Then week 3 my gains in weight stopped. My weight has gone NO WHERE in the last 2 weeks, though I continue to gain decent strength. NOw I just had the first shot of Week 5. Id figuere by now the Test and Deca (the test for sure) should be kickin in. But my weight has gone NO WHERE!!

    Could it be that the big water gain from the dbol is now dropping, and Im actually gaining muscle? (THe reason why I upped the arimidex is cause after the first 3 weeks, people were telling me I was looking very puffy).

    Heres some more info: My sex drive has been going absolutely insane the last 2 weeks. However, my nuts still seem the same size they always been, no atrophy. I am getting plenty of zits on my face, but none to really speak of in my shoulders, back or chest. Whats everyone's take on this?

    Should I expect the Test/Deca to come crashin in sometime this week, and see some more weight gain? Or should I expect this water gain to solidify? Maybe even loose soem weight due to the increased Arimidex?? What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    REM is offline Member
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    Oct 2001
    bro 25lbs? is fuckin awesome man, i gained 8lbs i forced myself to be happy that's all i gained anyways,

  3. #3
    natural_NO_more's Avatar
    natural_NO_more is offline New Member
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    25lbs in two weeks?? Must have been a lot of water.....

  4. #4
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Oh, Im VERY happy to have gained sooo much. No doubt about that. But Im just trying to make sense of the whole thing. I woulda figuered to continue to gain some more weight once the test/deca kicked in. You know? Im definitely greatful and thankful for the weight I have put on!!

  5. #5
    skii96's Avatar
    skii96 is offline Member
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    A cage in the Zoo!
    Bro, let the mirror and the way you feel determine how good of a cycle it is and not a scale.

  6. #6
    Luke's Avatar
    Luke is offline Associate Member
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    D-bol and Fina will give you such gains, but most of it is water from D-bol. You gains will slow down as you will be loosing water (after stopping D-bol) and gaining some lean muscle. Your strength however will continue to climb. I personally would run Winnie foe 5 weeks at 50mg ed. At 75mg you're really stressing your liver. DO take milk th. and ALA with Winnie!
    Good luck!

  7. #7
    REM is offline Member
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    Oct 2001
    after 2.5 wks gained 8lbs doing D-bol25mged,
    test500mg, EQ400 then i lost 2lbs and after that
    no more gain what happen? no clue i been doing the shit routine but i'm still working on it..

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