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  1. #1
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Whats the deal with clomid and being all emotional?

    I go fag you die (Analyse This)

    I keep seeing that clomid gets you all emotionally?? Does it make you depressed too. I start mine in 3 weeks. What you mean exactly by emotional?

  2. #2
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    im not sure why, but i hear it does and personally for me i get very emotional. i get whiney, cranky, and i cry at hallmark commercials. (hahah). but whatever, its the means to an end and in most cases is necessary. if you can tolerate being a piece of shit on your cycle, you can tolerate being a little ho for a few weeks. (j/k)

  3. #3
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    i've been sharing my knowledge with my girlfriend how AS and anti-e's work, and she can't wait till i'm on clomid.

  4. #4
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    It doesn't make me emotional, but I get a little zitty and I crave....chocolate... jeez, that's hard to admit.

  5. #5
    G-S Guest
    It messes me up. Many times I coulda just busted out into tears for no particular reason. It's hard to explain.

    And, I get mad acne from it on my chest.

  6. #6
    ironman57 is offline Associate Member
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    its true for some, other say its a mental thing. I just fell weaker, but its usually just my lack of juice that depresses me.

  7. #7
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Has anyone not felt these side effects when taking clomid?

  8. #8
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    plenty, jeeze cant stand it. forgot to include moderate acne on my back, neck, face, and sometimes chest...very annoying

  9. #9
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    I had extra acne on my forehead and back...slightly emotional, but I tried not to think about it which helped alot

  10. #10
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Personally I asked this same question to a very knowledgable Mod named Dr. Evil and what he told me made perfect sense. He said, that because your body is robbed of the hormones you were once shoving into it, after your cycle, your body is in a shock state, and starving for those hormones. It has shut down it's own hormone production, therefore, your emotional state may be very unstable do to hormonal inbalances. Look at it this way, when you take test your become naturally aggressive etc. Therefore, when coming off of a cycle, with no more test in your system, your body is affected by this, causing depression and leaves your body in a very unbalanced state.
    Most people blame clomid for this depressed feeling post cycle, because they are taking it. However, I do believe clomid helps with some of the depression, because it suppresses estrogen and encourages your normal test production to come back. I do believe this, I have experienced the depression post cycle, and I know where you are coming from.
    Last edited by Sicilian30; 07-20-2002 at 08:42 PM.

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