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  1. #41
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Na u also Talk plenty of Bullshit....

  2. #42
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I simply wanted to know what your thoughts were, once i saw that you dont know how to read properly to respond to any questions board members have, along with prescribing Bullshit, i stopped listening.

  3. #43
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Ross if you dont act like an ass i will let you and your posts stay.

    I for one like some of the info you have to offer. Just dont be a dick.

  4. #44
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I my self dont agree with the cycle. But you know just liek i do. people only hear what they wont to.

  5. #45
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    And the ONLY reason I came BACK HERE, is to defend the TRUTH.
    Wow as if hes some Prophet

  6. #46
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Edited. Do not post email addresses.

  7. #47
    olederndirt is offline Junior Member
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    I smell a ROSS!!

  8. #48
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Could Grand Master Pump explain more on the subject of reaching a thre- shold dosage with an anabolic ? More is not more effective?

    Imo this varies greatly between induviduals as some people seem to have much more open androgen recepters in the muscles than others(so they can take up more and futher increase the anabolic response). One guy might start to get dimminishing returns after crossing 1gram ew, while others(advanced bb)claims they will need up to 4-5 gram of AAS ew to gain futher. Its a bit of a grey area, nobody really knows the whole deal about how this works.

  9. #49
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Could Grand Master Pump explain more on the subject of reaching a thre- shold dosage with an anabolic ? More is not more effective?

    Imo this varies greatly between induviduals as some people seem to have much more open androgen recepters in the muscles than others(so they can take up more and futher increase the anabolic response). One guy might start to get dimminishing returns after crossing 1gram ew, while others(advanced bb)claims they will need up to 4-5 gram of AAS ew to gain futher. Its a bit of a grey area, nobody really knows the whole deal about how this works.
    Very good point vitor....

  10. #50
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ofcourse, but it varies greatly between people how much drugs it takes to saturate all androgen recpters recpters vi the AR-recepter and non-AR mechaisms,
    whats overload for 1 guy doesnt seem to be thrue for the other guy...
    Some people have made huge muscle gains in a very short time by using mega-dosages.

    The only way to find out is trying it for yourselvels, I personally made good gains of 1 of the short cycles I discussed with Marcus about...

  11. #51
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    I heard what you said the first time bro,
    I was yust looking for an chemical explenation on AAS and how it reaches a thre-shold point? rather than yust hear you stating your opinion...

  12. #52
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Like me i dont respond to low dose of any thing. It sucks.

  13. #53
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    you have no idea what you are talking about, your a fool with old school methods, get in the right year, ive got plenty of studies showing it works, its better for recovery, its better bloodwork and you build more muscle tissue and can maintain it far easier than running longer cycling, you have been proven wrong so many times with your stupid methods and responses,

    No need to write in big words it still says your talking out of your ****

    oh by the way tell Dorian he was wrong, yeh right

  14. #54
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Yes and to find your threshold you need to test hyour self. This is why you start with a low dose and see how you respond. From there you can then start to add a higher dose and more compounds.

    Same goes for in the medical field. The doc will give you 10mg of viagra to see how you respond. Then if you body needs more he then up's the dose.

  15. #55
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Yes and to find your threshold you need to test hyour self. This is why you start with a low dose and see how you respond. From there you can then start to add a higher dose and more compounds.

    Same goes for in the medical field. The doc will give you 10mg of viagra to see how you respond. Then if you body needs more he then up's the dose.
    correct if you at an advance stage you have to take an advance amount of gear, your body builds up tollerance so more is needed, ask the pros if low dose would work for them or someone who as been training for 10yrs hard,

    infact he is not even worth a reply gssxr,

  16. #56
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    correct if you at an advance stage you have to take an advance amount of gear, your body builds up tollerance so more is needed, ask the pros if low dose would work for them or someone who as been training for 10yrs hard,

    infact he is not even worth a reply gssxr,
    That was the next thing i was going to state.

    Your body will adjust and buld a tollerance to almost any thing. This is when the dose needs to be adjusted.

  17. #57
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I think it was stated that is not a beginner cycle.

  18. #58
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Genetics play a very large roll in this as well. So pic can be very deceiving without before and after shoots

  19. #59
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ross, i think your info is decent and i respect both sides here but your use of CAPS and bolds makes ppl want to stop listening to you, even though the intent there was to make your points.

    i agree w/ you on on one note that warriors fat gain may have been in slight excess of his muscle gain. But i woulld like to see pics of his vascularity that came back. The BW thing, i didnt see a testosterone reading.

    but warrior is the better judge as his strenght gains seem worthwhile for him. Be interesting to see how he looks after he leans up.

  20. #60
    G-1000's Avatar
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    The one thing people keep over looking if the 10iu of slin.

  21. #61
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Ross based on that pic, ur hardly one to talk about fat, warriors gut is no worse than yours. Anyway, whilst you are a prick, I always have had some respect for your beliefs. However your call of bs is bs in itself, why would marcus and warrior lie about the potential of what they are preaching here, if this way of cycling was negatively effecting them more than they claim. They gain absolutely nothing by lying about anything, so why would they. WHilst you have a good knowledge, you don't know everything and I remember in the past your hatred of test and doing similar stupid posts about it being the worst thing ever, yet not long after you began to preach yourself about how good it is!

  22. #62
    MASTER's Avatar
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    lol whoopsies

  23. #63
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Ross you have got to be from Jersey. Am i right?

  24. #64
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    An aromatase inhibitor is a completly different compound than an androgen, "awful comparison"...

    5 mg Arimidex is not going to reduce estrogen less than 1 mg(thrue) that doesnt mean all other drugs goes under the same catagory...

    1 bottle of Vodka is not going to make you more drunk than 2 bottels...

    "Lets say if someone wanted to sleep as long as possible"-The recomended dose on sleeping pills will knock you out with equal effect than halv a bottle?...Taking the ladder and you would probaly sleep for days if you wake up at all, cant compare diffrent drugs like that...

    Plenty of drugs have higher effect with higher dosages(more sides comes with it) and that seems to be thrue for Steroids and GH as well to a large extent imho.

  25. #65
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Sounds awesome, man! I think it was great that this worked for you.

    Depending on your starting and ending BF% you gained around 19lbs of potential lean mass, which is awesome! The only problem I could see is that you will potentially drop more weight now that the Test E is (mostly) out of your system. Keep us updated as to how much you weigh after another couple weeks. Definitely interesting! Thanks for this!
    Thanks. Yeah - 19 pounds through this evolution would be a great place to end 2006. I plan on moving into a cut once I am sure of full HPTA recovery, I don't want to start cutting food and increasing cardio too fast; as that can put a damper on endogenous testosterone production in itself.

    People in this thread keep asking about why I didn't get T levels checked. Why should I have... ? Honestly, I was going to just out of curiousity but the bill at the lab was already running high - I was charged for each test I ordered... and T levels after 3 weeks of administering exogenous testosterone seemed unnecessary - a waste of money (other than basic curiosity). I told the doc at the lab that I had taken some testosterone shots and I wanted to test my blood chemisty - and between the two of us, we came up with the test that should be done. I work overseas - my gear is from a local pharmacy (100 percent legit) and my blood work was from a local lab.

    Blood test were on 25 November - 23 days into the short cycle (from 2 Nov to 8 Dec)...

    From my cycle log...

    My complete blood count was good. Everything normal. The only issue I could bring up is Platelet count: 170. Average is 150-450... so it's in the norm - but in the low end. This could lead to slower blood clotting. Here are some other values:

    White blood cell count: 5.05
    Red blood cell count:: 4.65
    Haemoglobin: 144
    Haematocrit: .424

    Fasting blood glucose was good - certainly far from a diabetes concern. Creatinine levels are high, placing stress on the kidneys. But since Uric Acid levels are okay and BUN is only slightly elevated - I am not too concerned for my kidney's health; other than I need to drink more water. Liver/muscle enzymes were also elevated but these are not concerning me either - the values are conclusive to the fact that the liver receives extra stress from strength training via injury and the micro trauma to the muscles. This is obviously also due to the high calorie/protein diet while bulking up. Alkaline Phosphatase showed very healthy liver values.

    Glucose is 82.87
    BUN: 20.4
    Creatinine: 1.41
    Uric Acid: 5.75
    SGPT (ALT): 47
    SGOT (AST): 67
    Alkaline Phosphatase: 51

    Moving on to Cholesterol... the big winner here is that almost 2 grams of testosterone per week and I still have healthy values. LDL may be a little elevated but according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, I have healthy cholesterol levels. LDL level is not bad - its just that the ratio is to HDL is poor. The big surprise here was blood triglycerides - that are only 34.54 - this is very low. I guess I should exercise less and eat more McDonalds!

    Cholesterol: 172.08
    HDL: 80.43
    LDL: 88.55
    Triglycerides: 34.54
    LDL-C/HDL-C: 1.1

    The real winner was estrogen! I am not sure if this should concern me at all. I have been taking 20mg of Nolvadex everyday - and I don't think I will change it. But coming off this cycle, I will need to be sure to address the high estrogen levels quickly, so as to not delay recovery of the HPTA. Honestly, considering all the testosterone reacting with aromatase - I don't think it is that bad.

    Estradiol: 244.51

    For the record - TE was readily available... as was the Sustanon used the first two days for the frontload - both coming from a pharmacist; so gear legitamacy is not a concern. Short esters are probably better for this - for more control of blood leves. However... I used the 2 weeks after my last shot to re-prime... since I had the abundance of calories I was afraid coming off would be harder with less insulin sensitity (also from using exogenous slin the last two weeks)... here is a study suggesting insulin insensitivity can decrease CLomid's effectiveness - we don't ovulate but we are after a similar response: NEJM abstract

    Attached is how the cycle went...(the cycle itself was not exactly 40 days - but the chart reflects 40 - the original intent)

    1500mg of Sustanon on day one.... 250mg the next day... then 500mg of TE every other day from then on. Post-cycle, I had two weeks where the TE would still be getting metabolized... I used this window to do re-prime using a 7-day CKD rotation - help move out water and resensitize myself. After that two weeks - I may still be getting a trickle of hormone being metabolized - but most would have exited... and this is where keeping gains gets difficult. So I ended the CKD and start on a maintenance program/diet...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Warrior's short cycle feedback-cycle.gif  

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    The one thing people keep over looking if the 10iu of slin.
    Overlooking? IMO - administering exogenous insulin is not of any major benefit... I think 100mg of dextrose would suit most people needs - simply working off the good ol' pancrease alone. However, insulin has benfiet when used with a method in mind...

    I choose to use it post-workout for the final two weeks - just incase - I was burnign out my bodies ability to remain sensitive from the heavy feedings... I was eating a lot to keep providing more nutrients for building. I found that I felt 100 percent and with a physcological high when glycogen levels were peaked and I was well fed... if I didn't get a constant feed (as well as good rest), I started to slip - physically and psycologically from the "high." Basically, I used the insulin to keep moving nutrients toward the end of this short cycle that involved heavy feeding.

    Anyway - I am the strongest I have ever been at this bodyweight... and I am pretty lean... I know I can cut this up to about 235ish and look rock hard. I'll post pics once I diet it down again... then we can compare to my 220 pic after the prime.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by MastaAce
    Ross based on that pic, ur hardly one to talk about fat, warriors gut is no worse than yours. Anyway, whilst you are a prick, I always have had some respect for your beliefs. However your call of bs is bs in itself, why would marcus and warrior lie about the potential of what they are preaching here, if this way of cycling was negatively effecting them more than they claim. They gain absolutely nothing by lying about anything, so why would they. WHilst you have a good knowledge, you don't know everything and I remember in the past your hatred of test and doing similar stupid posts about it being the worst thing ever, yet not long after you began to preach yourself about how good it is!
    You may dislike the guy but openly flaming isnt permitted. Perhaps you should read Booz's thread on it. Its evident you havent.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by MastaAce
    Ross based on that pic, ur hardly one to talk about fat, warriors gut is no worse than yours. Anyway, whilst you are a prick, I always have had some respect for your beliefs. However your call of bs is bs in itself, why would marcus and warrior lie about the potential of what they are preaching here, if this way of cycling was negatively effecting them more than they claim. They gain absolutely nothing by lying about anything, so why would they. WHilst you have a good knowledge, you don't know everything and I remember in the past your hatred of test and doing similar stupid posts about it being the worst thing ever, yet not long after you began to preach yourself about how good it is!
    Thank you sir - thats what I eluded to when I first chimed in on this thread. I wouldn't give this my stamp of approval if it did little for me... I would post on the contrary... nobody has anything to benefit from endorsing this. I didn't like the idea at first (see my psots in previous threads); but I tried it - kept things well-documented - and subsequently found the theory had merit.

    I think someone would need to have a good understanding of their own limitations (AAS, training and dietary manipulations) before trying it - thats why I think this should be reserved to those that have been around for awhile. It's not to start faternity or anything... just some general guidance for newbies reading this - so they don't get flustered trying to understand how to maximize the process... and simply for the sake of discussion.

  29. #69
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    I'm not against running short burst cycles, as I havent personally tried one. But I feel its for the experienced cycler's/BB's and should be used when most other avenues of cycling have been exhausted and many compounds/dosages explored first.

    This way the user will know exactly how they respond to various compounds and build a short burst cycle effectively.

    Until I have tried many compounds/dosages, I wont be cycling like it...Yet.

  30. #70
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Overlooking? IMO - administering exogenous insulin is not of any major benefit... I think 100mg of dextrose would suit most people needs - simply working off the good ol' pancrease alone. However, insulin has benfiet when used with a method in mind...

    I choose to use it post-workout for the final two weeks - just incase - I was burnign out my bodies ability to remain sensitive from the heavy feedings... I was eating a lot to keep providing more nutrients for building. I found that I felt 100 percent and with a physcological high when glycogen levels were peaked and I was well fed... if I didn't get a constant feed (as well as good rest), I started to slip - physically and psycologically from the "high." Basically, I used the insulin to keep moving nutrients toward the end of this short cycle that involved heavy feeding.

    Anyway - I am the strongest I have ever been at this bodyweight... and I am pretty lean... I know I can cut this up to about 235ish and look rock hard. I'll post pics once I diet it down again... then we can compare to my 220 pic after the prime.

    Exactly that is why it played a large roll. You would have peaked to early and would never had made the gains you did. It was a smart choice and worked well.

  31. #71
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Now being that you did this cycle with long esters. How would you feel about doing one with short??? Also why did you decide on the long ester over the short in the first place?

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    you have no idea what you are talking about, your a fool with old school methods, get in the right year, ive got plenty of studies showing it works, its better for recovery, its better bloodwork and you build more muscle tissue and can maintain it far easier than running longer cycling, you have been proven wrong so many times with your stupid methods and responses,

    No need to write in big words it still says your talking out of your ****

    oh by the way tell Dorian he was wrong, yeh right
    Can you post the studies for me?

  33. #73
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I can see this thread getting intresting.

  34. #74
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Ross if you dont act like an ass i will let you and your posts stay.

    I for one like some of the info you have to offer. Just dont be a dick.
    Well i for one will delete any, and all, of Ross' posts.

    Once banned.. always banned.

    Like i said before.. Pinnacle has more to offer the message boards than Ross does.. Pinnacle is my friend..still he is banned.

    Ross can get no preferential treatment here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Truthosterone
    In the NAME OF TRUTH, I HAD to return. Although I NEVER was legally BANNED; banning requires that the member COMMIT A BANNABLE OFFENSE, meaning, i had to BREAK A RULE, which I NEVER DID!
    Actually this is far from the broke a number of rules.

    You were reported on a number of occasions as being rude and antagonistic... you flame without regard to the no flame rule etc.

    You are not wanted here.

    You are not liked.

    Go away.

    Further.. you are listed as a scammer on other boards.

    All in all.. i do not want you here.. and as long as i'm Mod you will be banned.

    How do you like that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Truthosterone
    ^^ e.g. of antagonism

    Quote Originally Posted by Truthosterone
    I am only here for the SAFETY and well-being of the members. After all, I was technically HERE wayyyy before most of you jokesters.

    Actually you're here to garner clients.

    Fortunately this forum is moderated.

    Go away you fraud.


  35. #75
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    You are not wanted here.

    You are not liked.

    Go away.



  36. #76
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Well i for one will delete any, and all, of Ross' posts.

    Once banned.. always banned.

    Like i said before.. Pinnacle has more to offer the message boards than Ross does.. Pinnacle is my friend..still he is banned.

    Ross can get no preferential treatment here.


    As if i did know now someone was going to do that.

  37. #77
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Admin.. his new account:


    Quote Originally Posted by * Ross *

    SWOLECAT banned me because he percieved me as a threat.

    Sound familiar?

    P.s. Ross... Swole didnt' ban you.

    I did.

    More times than i can remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by * Ross *
    And if YOU want to have a BATTLE with ME...we can do

    that elsewhere..
    So i can own you?


    'battling' with you would be beneath me.

  38. #78
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Stay out of this you have nothing to gain.

  39. #79
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Gain? im not trying to gain anything? other than true info , and some of his is ridiculous.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Gain? im not trying to gain anything? other than true info , and some of his is ridiculous.
    Like i said let the fight it out.

    We do not need a parrot.

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