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Thread: injection pains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    injection pains

    I am injecting 1 and 1/2 cc ttokkyo test 200 and eq 200 twice a week. In past cycle's I have always injected in the delt, but I decided to try the thigh. I've tried twice now and both times I woke up the next day barley able to walk! I was just wondering if this is normal or if I am injecting wrong or something. Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    are u ijecting the enen. or the cyp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ttokkyo enth and eq together for a 3 cc injection

  4. #4
    jamotech's Avatar
    jamotech is offline Member
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    If your only injecting twice a week why not use your glutes? Its the most effective place for a shot, it a twist though.

  5. #5
    cnyce&9 is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by jamotech
    If your only injecting twice a week why not use your glutes? Its the most effective place for a shot, it a twist though.
    most effective? Anything to back that up? Id actually like to see something on this. What muscles, if any disperse oils quicker?

    i myself beleive they all disperse it the same...but i could be wrong..thats just what i think

  6. #6
    osujudoman is offline Junior Member
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    Dunno about most effective place to inject..

    But I prefer my quads over anything else. I understand that there's fewer nerves in the upper glutes which would make that a nice injection site but the difficulty of having to twist myself into a pretzel to do it makes it a *ahem* pain in the ass. I like quads better because I have no problems reaching them. I'm also looking into doing my calves for this reason as well.

    - Judoman

    P.S. As for pain, I just did my second injection of my homebrew fina today and the only pain I get is a 'charlie horse'-type of feeling in the immediate area surrounding the injection site.

  7. #7
    Uncle_Buck's Avatar
    Uncle_Buck is offline Junior Member
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    When I first injected into my quads, I used the description someone wrote on this site before. Put your thumb into your pocket and let you hand hang down and where your index finger is pointing, you inject into that area. I first injected into my right quad and I got a "charlie horse" pain that day and the next, it hurt a little more, but it was bearable. When I injected into my left quad, same thing except the pain the next day was a lot more, enough to cause me to limp, and that lasted 2 days. I found that funny that injecting into the quad caused two different reactions from my left and right side.

  8. #8
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    I inject into most sites and have had to stop hitting my quads. No matter what I put in there I was cribbled for a few days, so during a conversation with Ranger (a Mod here) I was telling him of my quad injecting experience's and I think he hit 'the nail on the head'.
    I have good quads and work them hard, Ranger said that as a result the muscle fibers in people's quads like mine can become very dense making for painfull injections. I like shoulders, biceps and glutes in that order.


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