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  1. #1
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Unhappy Just check BP..Help Plz!

    Hey bros! Well, the last two days i havent been feeling well at all. It started yesterday. Feeling nauseous, light headed, tremors, sweets and a feeling of heart rate being elevated. Today i got the same feeling but i actually had to run into the bathroom at work and puck. Got all sweety and shit. Was really bad! I came out and my bros at work were u dont look good at all! All yellow and shit! Felt better after awhile. But tonight i got the same feeling again. So i decided to go out and get a portable BP monitor. It registered 183/91 Pulse 89. I have no idea if thats good or bad??? Can someone help me out here? Please!! Im not feeling good. The only thing different iv done is add the creatine(below) 3 days ago. Iv been loading so i kinda figured it might be it?? So iv stopped as of this morning. But im still feeling like shit!!


  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your systolic is through the roof. The good news is that is the one to be least concerned about because stress, food, nerves can cause fluctuation in that reading. The diastolic maybe a little high but nothing to bad. Are you extremely bloated? Are you taking any thermos? The Dbol alone might be causing this high read. I am more concerned with your friends saying you look yellow. That is a sign of hepatic disfunction. Do you drink a lot or have you taken very high doses of orals for long periods of time? Go to a doc and get BP taken with extra large cuff and see how it goes. Also I suggest arimidex to control the bloat better then Nolvadex .

  3. #3
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thxs bro! Im not bloated at all. No water retention either. Iv lost about 90% of my body fat too. To be honest i only took the dbol for the first two weeks of my cycle. Im in week 5 of Deca and 4 of Sust. I added 50mgs of winny depot last week. Im drinking it instead of stickin myself ed. Could it be the winny? Iv cut out alcohol also. My friends told me i looked yellow after coming out of the bathroom from pucking. Thanks for the help!


  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
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    Actually several people report an increase in BP from Deca . Some say it doesn't go down even after the cycle. I have never had this problem but it is not uncommon. That would be my guess as to the culprit.

  5. #5
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Rickson ya'think the Deca ? Even after 5 weeks of everything being ok? Well,,,maybe its hitting me now because Deca usually kicks in around 4 - 5 weeks?? Should i maybe go down to only 200mgs of deca a week?? Any other helpfull suggestions is greatly appreciated!!


  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I wouldn't panic or change anything yet. Get another BP test from a better piece of equipment and not one of those ones sitting in Wal Mart. There are supplements that can help with BP and again I have never experienced this increase from Deca but have read about it from several reliable sources. Something to consider and monitor but again don't panic.

  7. #7
    Prot is offline Banned
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    deca is bad for this for me...Why are you taking all the potassium? I have read dbol actually causes a sodium depletion but dont know if thats true. Your pulse is too high and that happened to me with deca too, but overtraining will also cause this.

  8. #8
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Im taking the potassium because i have trouble with cramping in my legs. What sups are there for lowering BP?? I reaaly need some advice guys. Im going to go Monday and get my BP checked by a Dr. any other help plzzzzz!! thxs


  9. #9
    Prot is offline Banned
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    I tried every sup I could find...none helped...get some bp meds from your doc if its high there. Deca caused the bp to stay up even after the therapy ended. I gave up and got meds.

    Lack of calcium can also cause leg cramps. IMO you might try 1200mg per day with magnesium...its cheap and often effective. Too much potassium will throw off your "sodium pump". Try cuttimng that out for awhile.
    Last edited by Prot; 07-27-2002 at 11:08 AM.

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