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  1. #1
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    Oct 2001

    Best way to split up Enanthate Injects???

    I am almost completely out of prop and the only thing I have is enanthate . I have been taking 700mg Prop /week and I plan on doing 600-800 mg Enanthate /week when I start. My question is would it be better to do, say, 200mg (1ml) eod or to do 100mg (1/2 ml) ed. I really love injecting. I look forward to it every day (I was doing the prop at 1ml ed). So I would prefer to inject ed if I could, but if it is more effective in 1ml injects, then I can control my urges and wait eod.

    Or does it even make a difference as long as the 600-800mg makes it in by the end of the week?

  2. #2
    marx is offline Member
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    Yes, in fact it's better to inject ED as it keeps blood levels more stable, although with Enthante you won't notice much of a difference between ED and EOD...

    BTW, when are you going to start the Enthante? How are you switching over?

  3. #3
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ED do to stability of blood plasma levels, start ent injection one week before prop ends... do to peak time of ent this would be most benifitial.

  4. #4
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    I have 2 amps of Prop left. One for tomarrow, one for Tuesday. I will start the Enanthate Tomarrow as well. This way it will kick in by the time the prop runs out. Or do you think I should wait until Wed to start the Enanth???

    I have never switched tests in mid-cycle before. But I don't really have much of a choice here.

    Let me know if I should do the transition differently.

  5. #5
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    to it now the longer you wait the longer it takes

  6. #6
    marx is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Dancer
    to it now the longer you wait the longer it takes
    You should start the Enthante at least one week before the prop runs out, like dancer said...

  7. #7
    The original jason Guest
    think im a little lost on this thread does anyone know about enanth??? prop will be out of your system in days and enanth will take a good while to kick in at least 2-3 weeks for full strength did any of you view the charts about enanth in the blood that someone posted recently??. Really the other way around would have been better ending the cycle with prop cos its shorter acting and would aid with recovery towards the end. How long have u been taking the prop how long is your cycle???. Also the best way to inject enanth is really 2x per week there is no need for more frequent injections due to its half life. Hope that helps


  8. #8
    bonker's Avatar
    bonker is offline Associate Member
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    You are going to get a flou.It is very common for people that swithch tests during cycle.Especially enanthate .I'm am speaking from experience.It sucks.

  9. #9
    marx is offline Member
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    Originally posted by The original jason
    think im a little lost on this thread does anyone know about enanth??? prop will be out of your system in days and enanth will take a good while to kick in at least 2-3 weeks for full strength did any of you view the charts about enanth in the blood that someone posted recently??. Really the other way around would have been better ending the cycle with prop cos its shorter acting and would aid with recovery towards the end. How long have u been taking the prop how long is your cycle???. Also the best way to inject enanth is really 2x per week there is no need for more frequent injections due to its half life. Hope that helps

    My thoughts behind this was that he already has blood levels built up from the prop, so it would not take the full 2-3 weeks to kick in, and maybee by hitting the enthante about 1-2 weeks before ending prop, the levels of enthante should be up to the base level by the time the prop is cut...

    Of course it would have been better to run the prop at the end, but it sounds like he ran out of prop and only has enthante left...

    Just my .02...

  10. #10
    The original jason Guest
    My thoughts behind this was that he already has blood levels built up from the prop, so it would not take the full 2-3 weeks to kick in, and maybee by hitting the enthante about 1-2 weeks before ending prop, the levels of enthante should be up to the base level by the time the prop is cut...
    Totally agree there bro not sure on the time it would take to kick in cos never tried it but i see your point


  11. #11
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    What happened is that I was supposed to run Prop the whole 10 weeks, but my guy only had enough for a week and a half on him and told me he would have the rest by now. Well a week and a half later, I am out of prop and he says all he can get is Enanthate . He claims I can switch without any problems, but I know that there will be some gap with a dip in test levels. I don't really have much of a choice, so I guess my best bet is to just start taking the Enanth now while the Prop is still in me?? I have enough prop to get me through another couple days (if I switch it to eod instead of ed).


  12. #12
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by bonker
    You are going to get a flou.It is very common for people that swithch tests during cycle.Especially enanthate.I'm am speaking from experience.It sucks.

    Anyone else know bout this?

  13. #13
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    its a side that MAY OCCURE I have never had it even on over 1g of androgens a week...

  14. #14
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    I almost never show any sides (knock on wood) when on test. I have taken as much as 1400mg/week of Prop with no signs of gyno or acne. I am only running around 700-800mg on this cycle, so I don't think I'll catch the flu. But then again I have never tried Enanthate before.

    I know I am going about this cycle backwards, but it's not all my fault. My local source f**ked up and it's affecting my options. I am gonna try and get some short acting test (Probably Prop) for the last week or two of the cycle.

    Thanks for all the info!

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