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  1. #1
    jake the snake is offline New Member
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    just finished a cycle and put on a bit of fat

    I have just finished my cycle and gained quite well but I have been eating like a horse so I put some love handles and a bit of a double chin.
    So the gym owner told me that I should go on, t3 two weeks and then ephendrine two weeks and finaly clen two weeks and that completes the six week cycle.

    I am scepticle about taking t3 and I heard that t4 is a lot safer.
    Any suggstions from you guys, coz I will be on anther A.S cylce in six weeks time and it would be nice to kee the fat percentage on the body down.


  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Two things, first of all I would NEVER follow the advice given to me by a gym owner. T3 is a thyroid med and can potentially be dangerous. Don't take his word and pop tabs for two weeks, do some research on your own. There is plenty of info on the net about T3. As far as losing the excess baggage, try tweaking your diet and upping your cardio. Second of all, why are you only taking 6 weeks off before starting another cycle? You need to give your receptor sites a chance refresh and the best way is to spend 8-10 weeks using OTC supps, continue training and dieting and focus on losing the fat.

  3. #3
    jake the snake is offline New Member
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    Yeah thanks for that, it would have been 8 weeks before my next cycle because I have been on clomid for the last two weeks, I dont know if you want to include that.

    I have also been on creatine and glutomine since my cycle ended, but I heard that if I do to much cardio, my testostorone levels will go down and I will also burn muscle.

    I have done my research about t3 and thats why I wouldnt be keen on taking it, I was just thinking of alternatives.

  4. #4
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    T4 isn't going to do you any good. I never recommend T3 when you are not on some kind of AAS. Like Pete said quit relying on drugs for everything and get your diet in shape and start doing cardio. This is not directed at you but a general rant. It seems that people have decided to do drugs to get big and drugs to get skinny and have forgotten that those are only suppose to be supplemental to the hard work and nutrition that make us special.

  5. #5
    jake the snake is offline New Member
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    I understand what you are saying, but a couple of weeks ago I did a deca course and I understand that it stays in your system for approx 4 weeks so realy, I still am on AS and I wasnt looking for a short cut either, its just that I just finished my cycle and at the end of my bulking up cycle I like to cut up as well.

    That way I contrlol my body fat percentage better, when I start my buliking up cycle again I will stop cardio because I cant get big and do cardio at the same time.

  6. #6
    Vice's Avatar
    Vice is offline Associate Member
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    Message Ripped_82, he know's about T3 and alot about cutting diets.


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