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  1. #1
    psychopath is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    from enthante to prop.?

    i was plannin on running my cycle of test enth for 12 weeks at 600mg/week. i had 2 1/2 bottles and then found out the hard way that brovel highly underfills.... so now all i can get, as of now, is prop. i do have some time, about 3 weeks, so hopefully it will come back sooner. if, however, i can still only get 100mg prop. would it be as effective as runnin the enth all 12 weeks straight? if i switched it would prob. be from weeks 9-12 i believe. id prob do a good 150mg eod. Also, now with the prop. seeing its a different ester than enth. could i actually run it longer than week 12. say 15 or so? if its a little confusing, which it can be, ill sum it up in the end. any help will be appreciated

    1. Is it ok to change from enth to prop? 600mg/week enth---300-450mg/week prop.

    2. Can i actually run the prop. longer than week 12, say 15, and still get good results without wasting any?

    I will be running an 18 week cycle altogether, however im adding in tren and winny to my test and eq. i like longer cycles and i know its pretty much the trend now anyways. thanx in advance. peace


  2. #2
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    1. Yes, it's ok to change from prop to enanthate . I would actually suggest doing so by week 15 anyways. Either way, it really doesn't matter when you start the prop.

    Try this,
    weeks 1-8 600mg T200
    weeks 9-18 150mg prop eod
    weeks 12-18 50mg winny evd
    weeks 12-18 75mg fina evd or 1 1/2cc's eod

  3. #3
    psychopath is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thanx Ironfist, ill be pickin up my prop. asap and run it until the end. Peace


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