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Thread: cutting vs mass

  1. #1
    fkn9381's Avatar
    fkn9381 is offline New Member
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    cutting vs mass

    alright, i'm

    6-8% bf

    I'm getting on in a few weeks, but i need advice.
    Originally i was planning a stack of

    D-ball wks 1-4
    EQ wks 1-10
    Test enanth wks 1-10
    chlomid (post cycle)

    but i'm worried that it's just gonna get me alot of mass then i'll lose alot after. Though in previous cycles that has not happened, but i have not been on anything as androgenic (strong) as dball and test ( i only been on relatively weaker shit like deca , etc...). Also, with the d-ball being so hard on your liver, i don't want to add anything that will cause more stress.

    My deal is i want another 15-20 lb's, but of quality, lean muscle and i am patient and not in a rush. so i'm thinking of dropping the test enanth and inputting winstrol -depot

    D-ball wks 1-4
    winst-dep wks 1-8
    EQ wks 1-10
    chlomid (post cycle)

    what i need to know is, is this redundant with the EQ with the Winst? or would it be a good idea? any other suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well you just said you were worried about your liver but now you want to add another 17 AA. Doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't think exchanging test for winny is necessarily a great option. You should be able to keep quality gains from that cycle with a proper post cycle regimene. Use an anti-e if you are worried about bloat. I like your first cycle better and that is the one I would choose.

  3. #3
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Whats up nkf, havin' fun nawlins??? I agree with rickson, stick with the original plan...test hould be the base of any good cycle IMO...You could throw some winny in the last 5-6 weeks or so...

    D-ball wks 1-4
    EQ wks 1-10
    Test enanth wks 1-10
    Winny 5-12 50mg ED
    clomid 13-16(post cycle)

  4. #4
    canadian_mofo is offline Associate Member
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    i dunno big rush doing 4 weeks of dbol then 8 weeks of winny like its shown in the cycle you posted would be killer on the liver. You could do winny the last 4 weeks of your cycle up to week 13 then there would at least be a decent break inbetween the two 17AA's. A better choice might be to end with prop though instead of winny.

  5. #5
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    for quality gains why not just rn EQ and T.E. for a good 10-12 solid pounds then work on keeping that untilyouare ready to hit next cycle up and if u keep all that size, maybe run a cycle with fina,winny, test, or test/winny/EQ orFina/winny/EQ togain another 7-8 pounds and keep your diet strict and lose what little bodyfat you have. You said you have time,weellthen take it and use two cycles to get that quality, KEEPABLE mass.

  6. #6
    Whiteyebrowe's Avatar
    Whiteyebrowe is offline Associate Member
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    based on your goals switch the dbol for winny

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