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  1. #1
    evilways is offline New Member
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    Aug 2002

    Sust cycle...what do u think?

    Im going down to T>j and im going to pick up sust250 and androl. I will be running the androl at 100mg a day for four weeks. The sust will be 500mg a week. I know through in the deca ..the problem is i need a cycle that will clear in a few months. The androl {so i have been told} dose not latch on to receptors that well and should be used with deca. So my question is will the anadrol be a waist?? Im 220 with 18 1\2 in will a cycle of just sust be fine if the anadrol is a waste?? one more question....I would like to go down there with as littel money as i can. Just for saftey. I was wondering about how much would be just enough for the juice. thanks all


  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I don't think the anadrol will be a waste and have never heard you need to do anadrol with deca . The only thing I might change is using a faster acting test like prop if testing in a couple of months is an issue just to be on the safe side.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    This isn't really answering any of your questions, but I say it to everyone I see who wants to use sustanon . If you don't inject sustanon at least every other day, you will not get the maximum results possible. If you are only injecting once or twice a week, you can get just as good of results, if not better, with Testosterone enanthate or cypionate .

    If it was me, and I wanted to do 500mg of Test a week, I would get a couple of bottles of Test Enanthate (Brovel T200 and QV Enant 250 are both good, cost effective Enanthates) and do a 1ml shot every 5th day.

    This is just my opinion, just giving you a heads up.


  4. #4
    jmac is offline New Member
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    houston, tx
    if this helps, i just got back from the border. picked up the redi-jects for $12 each; however i didn't shop around, probably could have found them for $10 with no problem.


  5. #5
    hellapimpin's Avatar
    hellapimpin is offline Anabolic Member
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    i over paid then cuz i got my redijects for 15 a piece

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