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  1. #1
    solid-d's Avatar
    solid-d is offline Member
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    Dbol first 3 weeks, then 1 week in week 8???

    In a stack of enathate weeks 1-10, and deca weeks 1-10..Dbol was taken weeks 1-3, then stopped a week earily. Now in week 7, looking for a boost of weight and strenth, is it safe to do 7 more days of dbol?? No weight was gained after week 1 after the first week of dbol and test/deca.. Strenth is up just a little bit, but the weight seems heavyier and harder to push the same or more reps. I think it was the loss of water in week 4-6 and that water weight is now solider muscle, but unsure. Protein and eating habits are up. Weight is at 170 now, was 160 at week 1, and 170 after week 1. Please help in what to do, mabee ending eariyier is still a thought. But need help on the dbol ? and how to gain more weight.

  2. #2
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Increase your cals as for the d-bol don't bother it is only used to kickstart a cycle no point doing it now

  3. #3
    solid-d's Avatar
    solid-d is offline Member
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    I done that and all I see is an extra inch or 2 around the belly..FAT

  4. #4
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Well d-bol ain't gonna help reduce it now is it? If you have an extra inch or two around the gut I would concetrate on getting that down as that could put you at greater risk of heart attack.What is your current bodyfat EXACTLY?

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'm with Billy Boy I don't see any reason to add the dbol . How does your body look in comparison to before? Weight is a poor indicator of the success of a cycle. Use the mirror it never lies. Besides most of the weight you might gain on the dbol will be water anyway and you will just lose it at the end of the cycle.

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: Dbol first 3 weeks, then 1 week in week 8???

    Originally posted by solid-d
    Protein and eating habits are up.
    hey bro, imho, this should have been taken care of and in order BEFORE you started your cycle. your protein intake should have been where it was supposed to be from the beginning.

    if you think just because you gained 10lbs. from the 1st week of dbol , that its gonna happen for you with one single week at the end, your wasting your time and gear bro.
    in theory it makes sense, but our bodies just dont work that way. billy is right, even if you do manage to gain a couple of lbs, it will most likely be water, and will fade when the cycle is over.
    rickson is also right, weight gained is poor indication of cycle success. use the mirror and get your b.f. checked.
    why didnt you just go ahead and run the 4 weeks in the beginning? did you have some problems on the dbol?

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    solid-d's Avatar
    solid-d is offline Member
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    First of all, I stopped after week 3 in fear of getting an oilly back. My back was starting to get oilly, and I feared what may be behind that oil. Well tanning and washing it helped and still not a pimple on my back. Well my theroy is if I can gain another 5lbs(water) on the dbol in week 7, then the next 2 weeks I will loose that water and still weight the same. And my strenth will go up a few reps, and I will try to keep them by end of week 10. It kinda makes sence to me, but Im still open to suggestions. BTW-, Im alot solider then after week 1, same size though. Im so hard, but I got 2 inches on the belly I could loose. Waist is 34", want to be 32". I heard that no cardio durring a bulk phase is best for weight gain. Well Im about to start up doing my cardio again, which is also a muscle buildup and cutter, boxxing.. That will loose an inch on me in 1 week. Then take a bit more complex carbs.

  8. #8
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    if youre dead set on doing it, then go ahead. i for one am against it.
    but thats just my thoughts on it, its totally your call.
    cardio is usually a no-no on a big bulking cycle, but if you feel youre getting more fat than muscle then some other things are to blame. your workout may not be getting the job done for you, or your cals could actually be too high.
    if your gaining weight nicely, try some cardio for a few weeks, it wont hurt, and it might make you feel a little better about the whole thing.

    peace bb79

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