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Thread: Deca

  1. #1
    gsweb13 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys...I have decided to go on a cycle of deca . Before I make my final decision, I really would like to know some side effects. I've researched it alot and have really read, but can't seem to find specific answers to my questions. My big concern is what exactly take in addition to the steroid itself, ie. anit Es and anything to nuetrulize the effect on the liver. I am also concerned about the effect of acne and if I will undergo any shrinkage of my testiceles or penis. Can someone please answer these questions?

  2. #2
    RiverBoat is offline New Member
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    Shrinkage will depend on you, but all steroids will cause the body to stop producing naturally and that's why you will have shrinkage.

  3. #3
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    If you had researched as much as you say you have you would know the answers

    As I,m in a happy mood (Only allowed 1 day per month) I,ll answer

    The testicles shrink because you are stopping the body,s natural test levels down they still produce just a lot less and despite popular believe you can still get a women pregnant when on a cycle.The shrinkage is benign

    The penis does not shrink it is a gland that fills with blood hence the erection as long as it gets the same amount of blood it will be the same size

    Deca is not a 17aa and therefore not as toxic to the liver unlike winny or d-bol

    I personally would stack the deca with a test

    Most acne is caused by the excessive amounts of test within the body for some this is during the cycle for others after once the clomid therapy commences and the natural test levels kick in.Its like going through puberty again for some.If yopu are prone to acne you may suffer from it.

    Deca dick effects some and not others for those it does effect you will find you can get an erection but will not be able to maintain it.

    Hope it helps a bit

  4. #4
    gsweb13 is offline New Member
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    how much is an average shinkage?

  5. #5
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by gsweb13
    how much is an average shinkage?
    Please tell me you are kidding me

  6. #6
    gsweb13 is offline New Member
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    I am kidding man...i apologize for the lack of knowledge...i have indeed read up a lot on the subject, but am simply looking for more confirmation rather than just reading and inturpreting. I am just concerned about acne and the whole testicle/penis issues. I dont want my girl to see a differnce...catch what Im saying?...will she notice?

  7. #7
    still growin is offline Member
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    If the sides are scaring you that much, mabey you should reconsider using aas. At least take some time to really research on the subject. Everyone is different, some people will get no sides, some get them every time. I had no sides my first 3 cycles, and got bad acne on my shoulders, chest, and back on my fourth. I did a cycle of deca and d-bol and got really good results and some deca dick at the end of my cyclecry: , But my next cycle I am going to run it with test enan. to prevent deca dick. Also, nolva doesen't work, you will need bromo to combat deca gyno. Read up and Good Luck!:
    Last edited by still growin; 08-12-2002 at 06:38 PM.

  8. #8
    chwester is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by gsweb13
    I am kidding man...i apologize for the lack of knowledge...i have indeed read up a lot on the subject, but am simply looking for more confirmation rather than just reading and inturpreting. I am just concerned about acne and the whole testicle/penis issues. I dont want my girl to see a differnce...catch what Im saying?...will she notice?
    Your girl will tell a big difference if yjou get deca dick!

  9. #9
    gsweb13 is offline New Member
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    Hey man...i realize that I'm a newbie and all,and that I'm not down with the lingo...but I take it as Deca Dick is a problem that occurs often with deca?...and what is it meant when this was said to me, "you will need bromo to combat deca gyno?" Help me out with all this shit...I've read up on as and how they work, things that happen...i just need specific help with deca and what I should expect.

  10. #10
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Ok GS, no offence but you couldn't have read THAT much. If you click the little button that says "search" and type in "Deca Dick" without the quotes you might just find an answer or two.

    I suggest you also search for "Deca Progest" or maybe "Deca Gyno" or maybe "Test Estro" or maybe "Prolact" or maybe "Test Gyno" or what about "Estro Gyno".....

    This one time, at bandcamp..........


  11. #11
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    I also heard that deca shuts down the natural test real hard I took it first cycle but scared to touch it again for that reason

  12. #12
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    also anyone tried the rocket fuel yet

  13. #13
    gsweb13 is offline New Member
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    hey DMX, fuck you pal, you little mother fucker, sorry that I didn't click the "search" button is quite possible to have better things to do with my time then sit around and respond with sarcasm to someone whos looking for some answers...scrawny bitch

  14. #14
    combolic is offline Junior Member
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    Listen to DMX, use the search button. You will probably get better answers by searching than posting a new thread.

    And I´ve seen him a lot more sarcastic than that bro
    Last edited by combolic; 08-13-2002 at 06:00 AM.

  15. #15
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by gsweb13
    hey DMX, fuck you pal, you little mother fucker, sorry that I didn't click the "search" button is quite possible to have better things to do with my time then sit around and respond with sarcasm to someone whos looking for some answers...scrawny bitch
    Change your attitude immediately!! DMX gave you advice on how to use the search feature. I don't care if you didn't appreciate that but we do not tolerate flaming (name calling)! You are new to the site so I suggest you familiarize yourself with our board rules. This is a warning, please do not let it happen again.

  16. #16
    Jamisun's Avatar
    Jamisun is offline Associate Member
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    Such anger , damn that rap music! GS - bro if you hang around you will see that new people ask the SAME questions over and over again. I myself did the same thing. For the guys that have been on for a while it must get old. The search is an awesome tool. Any question you will come up woth while getting ready for your cycle will already have been asked. Good luck.

  17. #17
    chwester is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by gsweb13
    hey DMX, fuck you pal, you little mother fucker, sorry that I didn't click the "search" button is quite possible to have better things to do with my time then sit around and respond with sarcasm to someone whos looking for some answers...scrawny bitch
    No offense-but you obviously have not researched much at all. Anyone who has done research on deca knows about "deca dick" etc. It took all of us a long time of reading, reading, reading, and more reading before we were ready to do our first cycle. I suggest ou do the same. Thhere are many steroid boards. Spend a few hours(like we did) on each board and make use of in your search for knowledge. Then if you have any questions after you have learned all the basics, let us know.

  18. #18
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Originally posted by gsweb13
    hey DMX, fuck you pal, you little mother fucker, sorry that I didn't click the "search" button is quite possible to have better things to do with my time then sit around and respond with sarcasm to someone whos looking for some answers...scrawny bitch
    Hahahahaa, you crack me up man. Well, in the spirit of things I'm glad to see that maturity still reigns king. I would say by your attitude that you are either too young to do AAS, or simply lack the mental capacity to handle yourself.

    Imagine doing a cycle when natrually you can not take constructive critisism. You seem to be the type of person that gives AAS a bad name. I guess we will be reading about you in the paper.

    Oh, and one more thing. It seams you don't have better things to do than respond to someone with sarcasm, at least my post gave you the info you needed, whereas yours was just childish.

    "Scrawny bitch", come on you can do better than that! My sister flames better! heh, I think it's funny to be called a scrawny bitch by someone like you. Gives me a little more pride in this board and the people who make it happen.

    If in fact I am scrawny (which is a funny statement) it is only temporary, whereas your attitude and mental capacity will probably never change. Aw, it's the little things in life that are so sweet .

    DMX (The Scrawny Bitch )

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