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  1. #1
    Dawgman is offline New Member
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    First time help needed

    Ok guys, i need your expertise, and quick. I am 21 and have been seriiously lifting for about four years. I am ready to take the next step and may get ahold of some dianobol tabs. I want to start asap but have read a lot about how much to take how long with what etc. All i have is these tabs and i want to use them and make good results without many side effects. i'm not looking to compete or prove anything but i want to know if Dbol alone is worth a cycle. also the man i got them from runs another site like this and i think he knows his shit and said they are 50mg apeice and to take 1/2 to 1 whole a day. but i've read they don't even come in 50mg tabs. i don't want to get crazy and take way more than i should. All adice and suggestions very welcome.

  2. #2
    Cynical is offline Associate Member
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    slow down you got tons of time, i dont know if i would just take dbol tabs alone, you would probably loose all results gained and its hard on your liver so kinda pointless, why not throw in some test 200 and decca?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The island of Lesbos..where every guy wants to be.
    Cyn hit the nail on the head. YOU'VE got the rest of your life.

    Dbol traditionally doesn't hold gains very well, after you stop using them.

    I think 50mgs a day is way too damn much for your first few cycles any how.

    I would do a deca only or a test. only cycle and enjoy the 20 lb gain.

    You need to decide your personal philosophy on this. Is it to get as big as possible in the shortest amount of time? Is it to add 20 lbs here and there and let your body learn how to support it while your off the Gear? Do you want to juice more than once or twice(Im sure most here said it was just this one time or only til I hit 200lbs, etc, heh)?

    Deca or a test(most like sustanon or omnadren ).

    Im a fan of tapering deca, but you can run 300mgs per wk for 8-12 wks.

    Sust you can do 250-500mgs per wk for 8-12 wks.

    I would chill on the dbol based on your tone of post. Sounds like your health is a priority, and trust me, you won't need them to get where you want to be on this cycle. Its your call though. Live and learn. However, before you do a damn thing.....get your Arse into a doctor and get a complete physical. Get your test levels checked and your liver enzymes checked in the process. That way if something does go have a baseline to go from. And your controlling the variables here.

    Dbol will increase anabolism and on most that means some bloat or water gain. Its also an alk-17 based AS which means it can wreak havoc on your liver since it has to pass through your liver. The alk17 is used to keep the liver from breaking it down, and of course your liver doesn't say to itself, "Self...we've got some dbol here...let that sumbetch pass through so we can build a bigger body" it says, "this damn pill won't break down...we suc bootay..lets work harder to break this hoe down." So you can damage your liver. Be sure to take sillymarin(milk thistle) it will help detox your liver.

    really though....deca or a test at this point and do your clean up afterwards (clomid).


  4. #4
    Dawgman is offline New Member
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    Thank you guys, seriously. I am very new to this and health is absolutly my #1 concern. Also i am in college working as a bartender where i tend to drink three nights a week. i don't want a lot of added stress on my liver. I am just looking to get over this two year plateu and dbol is all i have come across. Hard to get stuff to the midwest with all the security concerns. Thanks again for the advice. Keep in touch

  5. #5
    basskiller's Avatar
    basskiller is offline Associate Member
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    If the guy Knows his shit, then why are you asking this question?

    And Yes there is a person that makes 50mg d-bol

    I've seen a couple d-bol only cycles One with a guy taking 125 to 150mgs of naps a day.

    I would never go that high,But it works for him. Then again he is huge!

    Dude you should wait!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The island of Lesbos..where every guy wants to be.
    If thats all you can get...wait!

    And if you reaching your goals is important..then stop drinking 3 days a week.

    And the midwest? Shoot me an email.


  7. #7
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: First time help needed

    Originally posted by Dawgman
    All i have is these tabs and i want to use them and make good results without many side effects.
    I wanna eat a bucket of KFC every day and not get fat, but its not gonna happen.

  8. #8
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    dbol does come in 50 mg and can be cut in half,but i also dont suggest taking them alone,its a total waist of strong liver values as well as a waist of money because you WILL lose ALL of your gains.and cool out on the drinking buddy or ill kick your ass,its no good for ya hehehe

  9. #9
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    dont take the dbol alone, wait until you get a full cycle. 2 bottles of t200(about 140-60 dollars for both) along with your dbol and you are set. run the dbol for 3 1/2-4 weeks, 30-40mgs a day, to kickstart your cycle then get off of it and keep running the test. cycle should last a total of 10 weeks. clomid 3 weeks after your last test injection. this as basic as it gets bro, all you will need to get you on your way to hugeness, trust me on this one.

  10. #10
    Medicine Man's Avatar
    Medicine Man is offline Associate Member
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    like what everyone else here is saying, slow down and get all your priorities straight. i am in college as well and i used to drink almost everyday of the week. since i seriously started lifting and taking gear i NEVER drink, hit the bars on occasion, and i have made THIS a prioirty. not because i need to, but because i want to - my life and my health is way too important to me.
    on to YOU
    dbol only is not a cycle i think you would be most interested in.
    a great first time mass building cycle would be like was said above
    200-400 mg deca 1-10 weeks
    250-500 mg sus250 or omnadren 1-10 weeks
    if you are dedicated enough, will stop the drinking alchy and add drinking about a gallon+ water per day and milk thistle add
    25-40 mg dbol per day weeks 1-4

    dbol however is toxic to your liver and therefore do some research before adding this to your cycle
    and you say thiere is nothing in the midwest? I dont think so.
    i am on a cycle now to omna/deca ... seeing very good results.
    what is more important however is your whole outlook on this thing. you want to be prepared for the decision you are about to make. not only do you have to be ready for all the unexpected results of your cycle but you must be ready to diet like a madman (ie eat eat eat or you would see the results you want), workout as hard as you possibly can (ie within the bounderies of your scheduled workout plan), and made significant gains in a short period of time (ie people will notice- at least for me they do)

    if you can sit back and think about this, not rush into it, and listen to the great people of this board you will be ready for what is to come, or what will come if you are responsible.

    so.... what are you stats? how long have you been working out? and why exactly are you looking into doing a cycle of AS?


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