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  1. #1
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    Gyno/Puffy Nipples at 16

    Sup guys, im new here i was just curious im 16, turning 17 in 2 months. But i have puffy nipples, ive never used any anabolic steriods or pro hormones......I have a low bodyfat about 11-12%(currently in a gaining phase) at 5'4 140. Is this just from pueberty likely to go away or will it stay with me? If it does would something like nolvadox or clomid cure it?

    Any advice from people who know what do or have info would be great.



  2. #2
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    it'll probably not get tooooo bad if its puberty induced gyno.

    if your really concerd thats its just not fatty tissue, and hard tissue is forming, talk to your doc.

  3. #3
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro to be honest if u were older id say jump on 20mgs of Nolv ed. Buuut since ur 16 im not sure what that will do to u?? So im with Iron horse! I think this is something u should take up with ur Doctor.


  4. #4
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    dou you eat alot off chicken or smoke pot these r 2 things i used to do & developed gyno at that age

  5. #5
    JetBlack's Avatar
    JetBlack is offline Junior Member
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    do you or have you used creatine?? creatine has been known to cause water gain in nipple area. if so, it will go away eventually. as long as it does not get sore you should be cool. but see your doc. our advice should not be taken as medical advice, so doctor can help you thats what he/she is there for. Slide!

  6. #6
    swoll is offline Junior Member
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    i had/have the same thing... started at 16 (now im 18). My nips are just puffy but they started to hurt last year. So i went to the doc and he said it was normal and will go away. Well the pain did but there still kinda puffy. Hope it goes away soon!

  7. #7
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    2 best best are topical yohimbine (yohimburn.. deals with A2(oestrogenic) fats and puffyness) and/or bromcriptine (a prolactin suppressor.. prolactin causes puffyness and glandular growth)

    these attack puffy nips at the root(s) of the problem

  8. #8
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    Alright thanx guys, i remember going to the docs when i was younger about 14 or 15, and he said it will go away and its still here. I do take creatine and chicken but i took it after having this puffy nipples etc. When im working out they seem to go away, not sure why Someone recommended brewers yeast tabs at GNC would these work?

    What are those 2 products you mentioned up top macro?


  9. #9
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    No i don't puff the magic herb either...


  10. #10
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    puffy nipples are due in almost all cases to estrogen or prolactin. Progestins(nandrolone and others) seem to be one of the roots prolactin puffyness.. though prolactin surges during puberty as well as does estrogen.

    Yohimburn is a topical that deals with estrogenic fat and puffyness.

    Bromocriptine is a tablet that suppresses prolactin ( there are others but this one is cheap and readily available from overseas pharms (IAS))

  11. #11
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    What is the probablity that it will go away on its own?

    Will these brewers yeast tabs from gnc work?


  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by JetBlack
    do you or have you used creatine?? creatine has been known to cause water gain in nipple area. if so, it will go away eventually. as long as it does not get sore you should be cool. but see your doc. our advice should not be taken as medical advice, so doctor can help you thats what he/she is there for. Slide!
    Are you frickin' serious? Creatine Monohydrate? Where did you hear about "creatine has been known to cause water gain in nipple area." Not doubting you - I just never heard such a thing.

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey freaky, how serious is this? Do you have a pic?

    You have a lot of testosterone pumpin through your body right now and nature may be able to take care of this by the time you are 18-19 years old. If it is a body fat problem - just keep pumpin' those weights and performing cardio. It will smooth out. Many people get puberty induced gyno that goes away as the "babyfat" disappears.

    "If the Gyno is well established, nothing short of surgery is likely to help a whole lot. In the early stages, however, what you have is inflammation and swelling rather than formation of fibrous tissue. In this "phase", anti-estrogen agents such as Arimidex can help. At the very least, it could help prevent any further growth. Now, most of what you read on this board applies to bodybuilders who acquire Gyno from use of aromatizing steroids . As you mention, gyno can occur "naturally", and is actually fairly common in the adolescent male (due to a changing hormonal milleau). These cases are (usually) a bit milder than bodybuilder's Gyno, and most even go away eventually without treatment. Why is this? I believe that since there is not the high level of stimulation from the markedly elevated estrogen levels that bodybuilders sometimes experience, that in MOST cases what you have is not true gynecomastia at all (as we define the term in the bodybuilding comminity), but is simply nipple sensitivity (and maybe some inflammation), or what you term "puffy nipples". These cases may well respond to antiestrogen treatment, BUT I would be very hesitant to give such treatment to the postpubescent adolescent. At the extreme end of the spectrum, I have seen some pretty impressive cases of pubescent gynecomastia which were entirely "natural" in their origin. This condition is relatively uncommon, and would not respond to anti-estrogens, but would require surgery to correct. "

    "I don't know of a sure-fire way to differentiate the two, but if the Gyno is particularly severe (large) or has been present fro quite some time, then it is unlikely that it will reverse. Now, I don't know how old YOU are,but if you are 19 or 20 or so and STILL have gyno left over from puberty, then you probably have a "permanent" case. There seems to be a fair amount of individual variability in how long before the gyno becomes irreversible. As I said earlier, I have seen some adolescents who have symptoms for quite a while, then improve spontaneously. This seems to be because their symptoms are more sensitivity and puffiness, rather than development of a firm "lump" of tissue. So I would say this: If you are an adult, and your symptoms are fairly mild, it might be worth a try to use anti-estrogens. If the results are not satisfactory, then surgery will probably be necessary. And I fully agree with your plans of having medical supervision for this."

    "If you are 19, then a trial of Arimidex will probably not hurt (especially if you can get if for free!!). I'm not sure of what to make of your surgeon's response (sounds like he just didn't want to do it). But I sure would not let him operate on the gyno after saying that!! Large pectoral muscles are not a contraindication to surgery (hell, many of the top pro bodybuilders have had gyno surgery, and I seriously douby that your pectorals are larger than theirs are!!). If you were in the US, I would recommend a good Plastic Surgeon with experience in these areas (an example would be Dr. Bruce Nadler in New York), but I understand that you may well not be able to have such a wide range of choice in the Canadian health care system. For you, I would say that you should remember that this condition is not an emergency -- if you are not comfortable with the surgeon, then I would WAIT (you can always have it done later)."

  14. #14
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    Nope i don't have a picture, the nipples are puffy when i feel on them theres a little hard tissue about the half size of a penny


  15. #15
    DDD is offline New Member
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    I had the same thing at 16 and the doc told me that theres a small disk(sorta hard to explain) in the male that changes during puberty and should clear up. Still go to the doc and get it checked befor using nolv ect during puberty may have some side effects that are not forseeable.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by Freakymuscle4u
    Nope i don't have a picture, the nipples are puffy when i feel on them theres a little hard tissue about the half size of a penny

    you definitely have gyno as well.. an aromatase inhibitor OVER TIME may help.. in addition to the above sugggestions

  17. #17
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    btw- andactrim may also help (a topical DHT gel).. though keep in mind that this will have at least some systemic DHT effects

  18. #18
    McBain is offline Member
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    I would question that docs advise as I thought that armidex would not do that much for gyno once it started, comparative to nolvadex ....maybe I am wrong though....

  19. #19
    showtime is offline Junior Member
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    hey bro, i used to have the same prob. when i was 15 or 16. my nipples were never big but i got lumps in them but it went away over time, you should be fine

  20. #20
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    I hope so.....


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