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  1. #1
    JMD is offline Associate Member
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    very low sex drive

    i ran 500mg sus for 10 weeks
    400mg eq for 12 weeks

    iam now on day 8 of my 50mg/clomid each day.

    is it the clomids that are lowering my sex drive?
    or should i be getting worried.

  2. #2
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    You must realize that the clearance of these drugs will take several weeks after you stop. You will be inhibited definately during this time. If you started clomid at the proper time, continue until you feel your testes regain size. Even then you may still have little or no sex drive. This is very common. When your body is shut down for months, it accepts this and it takes time to restore. Give it time. And although clomid helps restore HPTA, it doesn't necessarily mean your sex drive will be restored. Your body was used to having supraphysiological amounts of test which is good for your sex drive. But when you come off and eventually get back to normal, your test levels will still be lower than when on cycle. It sucks I know, but what are your alternatives? Low dose test replacement therapy? NO. Clomid, maybe tribulus, and see if you can get some cialis. Good luck!

  3. #3
    swole1 is offline New Member
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    You either have to start the clomid 2 weeks prior to the end of your cycle or use HCG when you first come off. Proviron gets it up quick, but so does Viagra Always be prepair. If you need more advice just e-amil me.

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by swole1
    You either have to start the clomid 2 weeks prior to the end of your cycle or use HCG when you first come off. Proviron gets it up quick, but so does Viagra Always be prepair. If you need more advice just e-amil me.

    Clomid needs to be taken 3wks after last injection. If taken 2wks prior to cycles end, you would be wasting your clomid. Actually, clomid is best taken 2wks after test, and 3wks after the EQ(or Deca ) but if both are stopped at the same time, the difference in time is neglegable.
    HCG would most likely not be needed on a cycle that short.

    ichabod has a good post bro. Hang in there untill after clomid therapy has ended. Patience is the key at this point. You'll tally whackin in no time.

  5. #5
    budman_z71_24 is offline Associate Member
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    Go with the Viagra until you are back in full affect.

  6. #6
    alevok Guest
    you are not running proper dose for clomid, do it like this 300 the first day then 100 for 10 and 50 for ten days.
    My sex drive came back at the third week of clomid treatment, soon yours will come back too.

  7. #7
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    just use the viagra if it is as bad as you say. It will come back soon. DO NOT take clomid until after the 3rd wk. You are using 2 long acting esters(sus/EQ). 3 weeks after your last shot! I love proviron to, 50mg/day t/out the whole cycle.

  8. #8
    swole1 is offline New Member
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    down south
    I'm sorry if my post was misunderstood, but I start my clomid 2 weeks prior to all gear being out of my system. But like I said, viagra also does the trick. HCG can artificially get things back to normal pretty fast, but I can't see inj myself with something that came from the urine of a pregnant woman. But that's just me...

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