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  1. #1
    RANDY-D is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2002

    Question Easy To Over Train While Juicing----?

    last week i had to take it easy, because i was burnt out and exhausted from the weeks before. since the test kicked in around week 4 till week 8. i have been pushing myself so hard that i cant leave the gym without working out for at least 2 hrs minimum! sometimes, i would go into the gym and come out 4 hrs later! gotta work out, gotta do cardio, gotta swin, gotta do ab's, and so on. anybody got the same problem?

  2. #2
    Definst's Avatar
    Definst is offline New Member
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    I work out with a buddy (both currently on bulking cycle), we make sure the other is using perfect form, assisting when going to failure etc... so by the time we're done with the gym it's about 2hours later, plus cardio 4 to 5 times a week and abs every other day. I don't think it's too rare for guys to spend 2+ hours in the gym (not chatting away or wasting time), I don't know about 4hrs+ like you though hehe that's a bit much

    Here's our current workout:
    Monday: Chest and triceps (machines only), 30-45min cardio, abs
    Tuesday: Back and biceps (machines only), 30-45min cardio
    Wednesday: Shoulders and legs (machines only), abs, no cardio
    Thursday: Chest and triceps (free weights), 30-45min cardio
    Friday: Back and Biceps (free weights), 30-45min cardio, abs
    Saturday OFF
    Sunday: Shoulder and Legs (free weights), no cardio, no abs

  3. #3
    Big Already is offline New Member
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    Get in and Get out ! Do what u have to do - do it properly with strict form - and then get out. It is not beneficial to stick around so long - u will hinder your gains. Always aim for 50min - 1hr max. Don't do cardio and weights 2gether. Conflict of interest! Rather do cardio early morning b4 breakfast 4 max fat burning benefits and then weights at night/afternoon. This is purely my opinion but is, however, based on experience. Later bro's.

  4. #4
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Big Already
    Get in and Get out ! Do what u have to do - do it properly with strict form - and then get out. It is not beneficial to stick around so long - u will hinder your gains. Always aim for 50min - 1hr max. Don't do cardio and weights 2gether. Conflict of interest! Rather do cardio early morning b4 breakfast 4 max fat burning benefits and then weights at night/afternoon. This is purely my opinion but is, however, based on experience. Later bro's.
    its not just opinion, and your right on. ive read that numerous times training longer than 45-1 hour begins to be counterproductive...these studies of course were not on people who were juicing but contrarary to popular belief just because your on sauce doesn't mean you get an extra hour in the gym, ,get in there, break the muscle down the intelligent way, and get out...its very simple, getting bigger/fit isn't even really so much as training, id say training is like 20% of it, nutrition and sleep can make up the other 80% imo...

  5. #5
    Mike62200 is offline Associate Member
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    i know a guy who is 5'8" 170 lbs and looks like a pit bull. you would think he spent endless hours in the gym. he does a 30 min chest tri workout(heavy bench low reps/heavy close grip bench low reps) and a 30 min back workout(heavy deads/wide grip pullups with weight around waist) every week. he works out a total of one hour a week and is the most cockstrong dude I know. i guess its just genetics

  6. #6
    still growin is offline Member
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    Jul 2002
    After 1 1/2 - 2 hours, you body is producing cortisol. This is not what you want to grow muscles! Try to keep it shorter than that. Speed up your workout / rest periods. You can't be doing 4 hours of fast intense training! lol

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