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  1. #1
    maxx's Avatar
    maxx is offline New Member
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    Question injection problem! used DECA and SUSTANON 250

    hey dudes,

    I have never had problems with injection, but 2 weeks ago, I administerd two shots(deca200mg+sust250mg) to my a$$ and I don't think I went deep enough and the lump of roid is still there after 2 weeks and is not going away.

    shoud I be worried?


  2. #2
    hammerhead's Avatar
    hammerhead is offline Member
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    Describe the lump. What length pin were you using? What was the strength of the deca ? 100mg/ml right? If you injected the sustenon into your subcutaneous fat then you could get a lump from the irritation. The deca being injected into fat might cause a little lump of oil that isn't being absorbed. Being in fat rather than muscle i'm not sure how long it takes your body to soak it up if it even does at all??? I doubt you have anything to worry about except the reality that you most likely wasted some juice. A ruptured vein would've been gone by now. Only an infection or an oil abcess would be an alarming situation. Is the spot itchy, rashy or sore? I bet if it were you'd have mentioned it in your post so assuming it isn't i'd say you'll be fine in the infection respect. How long will it take for the lump to go away? Don't know. If it doesn't go down after awhile i'd consider classifying it as an abcess and draining it.

  3. #3
    maxx's Avatar
    maxx is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by hammerhead
    Describe the lump. What length pin were you using? What was the strength of the deca? 100mg/ml right? If you injected the sustenon into your subcutaneous fat then you could get a lump from the irritation. The deca being injected into fat might cause a little lump of oil that isn't being absorbed. Being in fat rather than muscle i'm not sure how long it takes your body to soak it up if it even does at all??? I doubt you have anything to worry about except the reality that you most likely wasted some juice. A ruptured vein would've been gone by now. Only an infection or an oil abcess would be an alarming situation. Is the spot itchy, rashy or sore? I bet if it were you'd have mentioned it in your post so assuming it isn't i'd say you'll be fine in the infection respect. How long will it take for the lump to go away? Don't know. If it doesn't go down after awhile i'd consider classifying it as an abcess and draining it.

    it's not that itchiy, actually hardly iches. but other than that it's what u said. if it does not go away in 4weeks I'll drain it. and ideas on how I should drain it, if need be?

    thanx for help.

  4. #4
    Full Frontal is offline New Member
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    if it doesn't hurt and feel like an infection then i wouldn't worry about it

  5. #5
    123A's Avatar
    123A is offline Junior Member
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    just be careful of an abcess, i had same symptoms about 8 months ago, left it to long and it formed an abcess, had to have it cut open in 3 places and drained, @#$% that was pain, don't leave it to long, go see doc. trust me, if it feels as if it is getting bigger, even if its not ichy or red, and its harding go....

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