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  1. #1
    jonnyR is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    how long are steroids good for?

    Ok guys im kind of new here, so here goes. i'm 5.8 and 155 pounds. i have been lifting for a year and a half and trying to get bigger without the juice. i tried everything at GNC and nothing worked, well i gained maybe 10 pounds. well at the end of last year i came across a friend who could get juice. anyway i got test cypoinate and took like half the vile and stopped. i left school and had to take a little while off lifting. its now novemeber and i have been back in the gym for 3 months now. again im lookin to get bigger. should i finish the vile, can steroids go bad? also has anyone taken this, were they happy and what were their results?

  2. #2
    Ex_banana-eater's Avatar
    Ex_banana-eater is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    You should learn how to gain weight as a natural before you look to steroids as your easy way out

  3. #3
    Mastiff is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I just read a post from a guy who was doing gear that expired 12 years ago. He was making great gains with it.
    However, you need to know what you are doing with roids, and you, obviously, don't. For 1 thing, a single vial of test isn't enough. You need to get your diet and exercise routine right for you before you do roids. The fact that you haven't gained squat tells me you don't have it right. You need to be taking in between 4500 and 6000 cals/day, mostly protein. You have to train hard, but be sure to not overtrain. You can tell if you are overtraining if you can't add weight or reps each workout. Get these right and get plenty of rest and you'll start gaining. Then you can think about roids. Otherwise you'll be one of those guys who do roids, make gains, and within 6 months are back where they started.

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