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  1. #1
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    T3 Cycle.. T3 users pls comment

    Tell me what U think of this cycle:


    Weeks 1-2 ----t3-- 0.25mcg----Clomid 50mg
    Weelks 3------t3---0.50mcg----Clomid 100mg
    weeks4 4-5---t3---0.25mcg

    This is basicly my post-juice cycle... The clomid is to get the ole jewles back to normal and the T3 is to counteract the catabolic effects or cortisol and loose some fat in the process...... Tell me What U guys think
    (***Ps this is the first time I've used T3)

  2. #2
    tbulldog's Avatar
    tbulldog is offline Associate Member
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    T3 is catabolic my friend. It will eat your muscles, if you don't eat properly. I took it for about 8 wks and wasnt impressed. My muscles looked flat most of the time and I believe I could have burned as much fat without it.

    wk #.25 tabs
    1 --- 2
    2 --- 3
    3 --- 4
    4 --- 4
    5 --- 4
    6 --- 3
    7 --- 2
    8 --- tapered down to 12.5 mcg

    lost about 1% bf
    cardio inconsistently; 1-3 times weekly 30 min
    the reasoning cardio was inconsistent was because I began to get nervous when my muscles went flat.... I assume since you ran AS you want bigger muscles, i would toss the T3 and opt for creatine, clean diet, and consistent cardio.


  3. #3
    shorty2big's Avatar
    shorty2big is offline Member
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    personally I like T3, I think it's great. I personally wouldn't use it when not juicing for it does make me go catabolic then. I think you would be fine using it for about a month after your last inject as you will still be anabolic for at least that long. I usually use it at about 75mcg/day when cutting or 25mcg/day when I am trying to get bigger-it helps process all the nutrients faster.

  4. #4
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Originally posted by shorty2big
    personally I like T3, I think it's great.

    Hey bro... I'll be using T3/Clen together at the end of my current cycle. First time using T3, just wondering what kind of results you got from it, how much BF% do you usually lose from running it for a month...

  5. #5
    demetri's Avatar
    demetri is offline Member
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    Originally posted by EuroMan2
    T3 is great while using AAS, but off cycle it's really sucks b/c it'll eat away too much of your hard earned muscle.

    My advise to you is to use T4 with clenbutorol, IMO you shouldn't even consider T3 if you are not on a cycle...
    T4? IMO it's a waste of money. You can only conver so much of it to T3 and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone - converts T4 to T3) is usually suppressed in people that train hard and/or diet hard. Better to go with a moderate dosage of T3.

    I did T3 this summer and dropped a lot of fat (went from 10% to about 6%) and didn't lose any muscle. I was on some gear too.

    I titrated my usage with my body temp (as recommend by Dan Duchain in "The Body Opus"). Odly enough my dosage was almost identical to the taper up and taper down that has been recommended by other T3 users.

    I'm going to try T3 again starting next week with some nolva and CKD to see what that can do to lower body fat. I'll be taking no AS. I'm curious to see if i'll lose any muscle.

    I plan on tapering up every 3 days from 12.5 mcg to 75 mcg. It will be as follows:


    This will not be set in stone as I'll be making sure that my morning body temperature will not go over 98.2. If it does I'll keep the dosage level. I'll be totally off of T3 by December 16. Nolva's will also stop that day.

    My goal is to be 150 pounds and about 4% to 6% BF. Then it's off to Greece for me. I'll be bulking up on Baklava for 3 weeks and plan on being 190 pounds and about 25% bf when I come back

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