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    nicnitro's Avatar
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    Keep getting an infection in thigh

    Hi, this is my first post here:


    48 yrs old
    190 lbs & 5'8"
    10% BF

    In & out of the gym for 33 years.

    I've done cycles over the last 8 years.
    I get all my gear from a prescription via my doctor. (compounding pharmacy in the USA)
    Brand new needles, used only once and disposed of.

    This summer I did 750mg of sus in the upper thigh and my leg turned hot, red and very swollen within 2 days. By day 4 it wasn't better, so I immediatley went to the ER and was 100% honest. They gave me a strong antibiotic and said I had either a staff incection or abcess.
    The antibiotics worked and I took some time off from cycling.

    Yesterday (after 5 months) I took 750mg of sus in the same thigh and it is so sore I am limping. Brand new bottle from the pharmacy, cleaned the top of the bottle with an alcohol pad, brand new needle 1 & half inches long 21 guage, plunged about 1.25 inches to the outside of the thigh one hand length away from the knee. My thigh was swabbed clean as well with an alcohol pad prior to inserting.

    I cleaned the whole area after taking the needle out as well with alcohol.

    If by Monday this isn't better, I am off to the doctor AGAIN.
    I cannot figure out what the heck is going on.

  2. #2
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    maybe this can help answer some questions for you.

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    nicnitro's Avatar
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    Thank you -

    For now I have: generic inflammatory processes that also mimic the signs and symptoms of injection site reactions. No redness or fever, just damn sore and a bit warm but not much.

    Previously on the last infection it was my fault: I was rushing: I did not clean the bottle or my leg. However this time I was exceptionally clean and safe.

    I might have plunged it to quickly and could have gone a tad deeper ( I might have gone to shallow, but not by more than 1/4 inch) .
    It sucks because I cannot reach my glut to inject on my own and I don't like anyone else doing it for me.

    Could I be having issues because I use just my thighs for the last 8 years ?
    Last edited by nicnitro; 12-13-2008 at 02:18 PM.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
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    I want to say dirty gear as unlikely as that sounds considering it is prescription.

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    daem's Avatar
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    Darwin says choose another site and see what happens when you inject.

    The possibilities of a contaminated compound if it is UGL or homebrew is high.

    Maybe you are allergic to the type of oil that is suspending the compound?

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    LATS60's Avatar
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    This might have nothing to do with the previous incident, it's quite possible that you are just feeling normal PIP. But as you know the next 48hrs will tell.

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    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    You're fine. I've done the quad twice and that happened both times. It goes away after a couple days but never again.

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    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post

    Yesterday (after 5 months) I took 750mg of sus in the same thigh and it is so sore I am limping. Brand new bottle from the pharmacy, cleaned the top of the bottle with an alcohol pad, brand new needle 1 & half inches long 21 guage, plunged about 1.25 inches to the outside of the thigh one hand length away from the knee. My thigh was swabbed clean as well with an alcohol pad prior to inserting.
    You took 750mg in one syringe? How many CC's?

    I shoot one hand length away from my hip. Too low with one hand away from knee.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Darwin says choose another site and see what happens when you inject.

    The possibilities of a contaminated compound if it is UGL or homebrew is high.

    Maybe you are allergic to the type of oil that is suspending the compound?
    did you read the original thread? he said it came from the pharmacy.

    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You took 750mg in one syringe? How many CC's?

    I shoot one hand length away from my hip. Too low with one hand away from knee.
    if it's sustanon 250 then that would be 3cc.

  10. #10
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    crap, i was going to post my info also.

    i gave up on legs. Every time I try in the leg it swells huge and i can barely walk for a week and it continues to hurt for about 2 weeks. I just stopped using that site and i'm good to go.

  11. #11
    nicnitro's Avatar
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    USA (CA) compounding pharmacy 100% legit - very large company.

    The odd thing is I used to inject higher up near my pelvis bone or as high as possible on the thigh. The only thing I had for issues was an egg would form and I'd work on massaging it out. Then I was instructed to go lower and I did for awhile with no issues at all.

    Then this summer the crap hit the fan - it was extremely painful. My leg swelled twice its normal size from Friday to Monday. I got up on Monday and went immediately to the ER.

    If I am allergic it is something that is either: new with how they compound or my body has changed because I've always like sus and other oil based test.

    Tonight a fever and chills have come on so I am going to the quick health care in the morning, unless I feel dramatically different. There is no way I want to want till this leg swells twice its normal size again.
    Last edited by nicnitro; 12-13-2008 at 06:36 PM.

  12. #12
    nicnitro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    crap, i was going to post my info also.

    i gave up on legs. Every time I try in the leg it swells huge and i can barely walk for a week and it continues to hurt for about 2 weeks. I just stopped using that site and i'm good to go.
    Besides the glut where else do you go trouble free ?
    Do you have issues with both thighs ?
    So far both times I've gone to my right thigh and had a problem.
    I have no idea if the left thigh will be an issue.

  13. #13
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    www. s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . com

    3cc's is a lot of liquid for thighs, why don't you shoot 1.5cc's/quad.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    www. s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . com

    3cc's is a lot of liquid for thighs, why don't you shoot 1.5cc's/quad.
    Thank you - I've used the site in the past as a guide.

    I need to get some blood work done and go from there.

    I will check a couple of things:

    a. try the left quad
    b. smaller amount
    c. going higher

  15. #15
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    Besides the glut where else do you go trouble free ?
    Do you have issues with both thighs ?
    So far both times I've gone to my right thigh and had a problem.
    I have no idea if the left thigh will be an issue.
    well, check your temp. I am continuously checking my temp. I get quite a bit of pain with my test prop/tren ace combo. My body hates tren completely and reacts against it and prop just hurts because it's prop. Both are at 100mg/mL so not crazy concentrations.

    My glutes don't even hurt at all when i inject. I can't tell i've ever injected them. Best place ever. I also use delt and bicep. The delts get a little sore and they swell and sometimes form a tough spot (not really hard, just tough) but it goes away in about 4 days. My biceps usually sting the first day, get a patchy red non-raised rash to them but stop hurting the next day. I tried lat and that didn't work. My muscle cramped full blown every time. I've also done pec injections but my chest is very vascular so it usually bleeds way too much for my taste.

    I had problems in both of my legs. I thought it was just 1 leg doing it, but it turns out that it's either leg and it gets a huge knot and turns red (not bright red though).

    Since i'm on short ester i try to keep the volume down as much as possible. I try to stay away from more than 1cc for my bicep, 1.5 for delt and 2 for glute.

    3cc should be fine though. That muscle with hold it. The only problem i could see is if your body didn't absorb it fast enough so it sat in the muscle therefore causing the infection. You could split that up and do 1.5cc twice a week.

    Do you have a fever? my fever usually goes up to 99.1 about 12 hours after every injection then goes down after an hour or 2. Normal response for me. if it gets any higher than 99 i would probably go get checked out.

  16. #16
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    I think a reduction in volume will solve the problem. But you may want to consider the specifics on how it was compounded. Organon sustanon uses 10% benzyl alcohol, which makes it painful as all hell. Ideally, if you get it compounded with ethyl oleate and low benzyl alcohol (I use 1% personally), it should be relatively painless.

  17. #17
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    I'm a bit lost, but here's my opinion.

    If your using sust. at 750mg/week, then inject 1ml. 3X a week.
    To make this a little more comfortable inject with a little smaller than 21ga.
    My favorite pin's are (in order) Glutes, shoulders, thieghs, chest, bicept, tricept, calves
    Just know the basic nature of where viens lay and aspirate .

    If your wanting to inject once a week you should get cyp or enth.

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    one more thing, is your doctor accepting new patients,LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    one more thing, is your doctor accepting new patients,LOL
    given he said he went to the ER and was 'completely honest', im guessing its not a valid script. just a guess though.

  20. #20
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post

    If your wanting to inject once a week you should get cyp or enth.
    Sust is supposed to be shoot eod to keep blood levels stable. What is with 3cc's in one shot?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    I'm a bit lost, but here's my opinion.

    If your using sust. at 750mg/week, then inject 1ml. 3X a week.
    To make this a little more comfortable inject with a little smaller than 21ga.
    My favorite pin's are (in order) Glutes, shoulders, thieghs, chest, bicept, tricept, calves
    Just know the basic nature of where viens lay and aspirate .

    If your wanting to inject once a week you should get cyp or enth.

    it's an annoyance thing. i don't know where people get the "t" from on those.

    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Sust is supposed to be shoot eod to keep blood levels stable. What is with 3cc's in one shot?
    using it all in one keeps him down to 1 injection a week and i would assume that's why he did it.

  22. #22
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    100% Honest in the ER - even though I have a legit script and doctor care (out of state)- I still feel funny talking about it. Why ? I live in a rural state in New England and HRT is not cutting edge here. You get some funny looks in the medical profession when you discuss it.

    3cc's of sus: Maybe there is new data that I have not kept up with but being an old fart when I learned to do cycles, I was taught to front load. Plus yes I like to only take one injection (or two) a week. I hate freaking needles - I know it is weird doing what I am doing.

    A couple of thoughts:

    One: I will go to a larger gauge
    Two: I think I need to go slower and a little higher when injecting.

    I put 3cc's in under 1 minute -- more like 30 seconds.

    Last night I had a fever, not to high but it was there.
    No redness at the injection site or rash.
    I put on a heating pad last night and this morning, it definetly helped.
    Plus I started taking an antibiotic just to be safe. (I had some I never used from when I went out of the country rock climbing.)

    The limp is almost gone.
    No fever
    The pain has been cut by 50 to 60%.

    My guess is:

    3cc's is to much now for whatever reason for the quad and I went to fast.
    It sucks getting old :-)

  23. #23
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    It sucks getting old :-)
    Nah, 40 is the new 30. You're not old. I feel better at 45 then I did when I was 30, now that Im following a more strict bodybuilding protocol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Nah, 40 is the new 30. You're not old. I feel better at 45 then I did when I was 30, now that Im following a more strict bodybuilding protocol.
    Ha ! I know... just last year was a rough year for me.
    In 9 months I had 5 surgeries:

    Both shoulders redone (lifting & genetics)
    Hernia fixed (not from lifting - they didn't stitch me right after taking out my gallbladder)
    Knee done (lifting)
    And skin cancer removed from my back

    So I feel like my lifts are starting back at ground zero again.

  25. #25
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    As far as the skin cancer is concerned.
    Did you tan a lot? Was is from a mole? Just curious about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherman01 View Post
    As far as the skin cancer is concerned.
    Did you tan a lot? Was is from a mole? Just curious about it.
    No I don't tan - if in the sun I wear a tee-shirt or a high SPF.
    I had 3 moles which caused a chunk of skin to be exercised.

    I've got to go back and have a few checked now.
    It can get damn serious if they go to long without being removed.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post

    A couple of thoughts:

    One: I will go to a larger gauge
    Two: I think I need to go slower and a little higher when injecting.

    I put 3cc's in under 1 minute -- more like 30 seconds.

    Last night I had a fever, not to high but it was there.
    No redness at the injection site or rash.
    I put on a heating pad last night and this morning, it definetly helped.
    Plus I started taking an antibiotic just to be safe. (I had some I never used from when I went out of the country rock climbing.)

    The limp is almost gone.
    No fever
    The pain has been cut by 50 to 60%.

    My guess is:

    3cc's is to much now for whatever reason for the quad and I went to fast.
    It sucks getting old :-)
    You mean smaller gauge (larger number). If you heat your gear up in a hot bath of water you should be able to use a 25g needle. I use a 23g with room temp gear and 25g with heated stuff and it works fine. It also forces you to inject slower (because it just won't go fast). Injecting fast can tear the muscle causing more swelling and pain. that also happens with large volumes of oil.

    What was your temp? you said slight which is normal for an inflammatory process. Heating pads are a godsend. Use them as much as possible to increase circulation and it should cut the pain down considerably.

    I would have waited on the antibiotic but since you started it I recommend finishing it.

  28. #28
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    I think some people are just allergic to something is specific types of steroids . Rather its the suspension, ester or whatever. I abesolutely can not use test prop. I get an infection every time.

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    23 gauge in the future
    My temp went to 99.8

    And you are right - the heating pad works nice.
    I should have brought it to work.

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    Ok - update:

    I called the HRT Doctor, desribed the problem and he said: well the compounding pharmacy seems to have put in to much of one test in their batch that hurts like a bastard. We don't carry it any more or atleast until they can get batches right.

    So he tells me to throw it away, keep the heating pad on it and plenty of fluids. That it can take up to 10 days for the burning to stop. Then he says: we will give you a discount on your re-order of a new product !!!

    Mind you this a reputable doctor and large compounding pharmacy in the USA.

    Thank God I am not developing allergies to gear ! (just to crap gear)
    He is suppose to get me the exact make up of the sus 250 and I will post it latter once I have it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    I think some people are just allergic to something is specific types of steroids. Rather its the suspension, ester or whatever. I abesolutely can not use test prop. I get an infection every time.
    I agree. I have no problem with prop whatsoever. I run all fast esthers now every cycle. But, everytime I have ever inject winny, I can't make it more then a week. Every site swells and turns red, I run a fever and feel like I have the flu. But, I can drink it, no problem.

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    I am curious if there is good reputable testing lab I could send the gear off to and have it tested ? If either someone could PM me or if isn't against the rules tell me in the thread.

    I'd be willing within reason to pay to find out what the hell they sold me.

    The Doctor said it was to much prop in the mix, but I think that is to simple of an answer.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    I am curious if there is good reputable testing lab I could send the gear off to and have it tested ? If either someone could PM me or if isn't against the rules tell me in the thread.

    I'd be willing within reason to pay to find out what the hell they sold me.

    The Doctor said it was to much prop in the mix, but I think that is to simple of an answer.
    that makes sense. Usually my first week on prop everything swells horrible and makes me think infection but then goes down. I never had that with enanthate .

    I find it hard to believe that a pharmacy would sell you contaminated gear. That is a liability and you could sue them like crazy. More than likely they were just using more of the short ester than they should which is considerably more painful than the long esters (for most people).

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    Written by: bushidobadboy in 2006

    Sorry. What I'm saying is that there seems to be 2 main causes of test injection pain. 1) Test prop is said to resemble bee venom, and this is what causes the dreaded 'prop pain'. Heating the gear prior to injection seems to work very well in moderating the pain. 2) superhigh concentrations of gear can cause pain/tissue damage by two mechanisms.

    Firstly, high BA is required to help hold all the gear in solution, plus UG gear sometimes has excess BA added to maintain sterility. This causes tissue necrosis if the BA is high enough/enough is injected in one spot. Secondly, as the oil, BA and BB (another co-solvent) leave the muscle tissue, they leave the test behind as crystals. This irritates the muscle tissue, and can cause actual mechanical damage as the crystals can be quite 'sharp'.

    Neither of these two pain-inducing factors can be alleviated (as far as I'm aware) by heating. However, cutting with sterile oil can reduce pain, firstly by diluting the BA, and secondly, by spreading the crystals throughout a greater area/volume of muscle tissue. This is my understanding of the mechanisms anyway...

  35. #35
    Cazadore is offline New Member
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    Ouchiee mamma.. If you took 750 mgs of sus then its probally the Prop that causes swelling & well as the sheer volume of oil injected . the same thing happens to me.I dont shoot 750 mgs at one time. everyone tells me that they have the same problem with prop. the bottom line is prop hurts but its effective. try just taking 250 mgs at one time.(eod). rotate injection sites & take every other day & you should be just fine.

  36. #36
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnitro View Post
    Written by: bushidobadboy in 2006

    Sorry. What I'm saying is that there seems to be 2 main causes of test injection pain. 1) Test prop is said to resemble bee venom, and this is what causes the dreaded 'prop pain'. Heating the gear prior to injection seems to work very well in moderating the pain. 2) superhigh concentrations of gear can cause pain/tissue damage by two mechanisms.

    Firstly, high BA is required to help hold all the gear in solution, plus UG gear sometimes has excess BA added to maintain sterility. This causes tissue necrosis if the BA is high enough/enough is injected in one spot. Secondly, as the oil, BA and BB (another co-solvent) leave the muscle tissue, they leave the test behind as crystals. This irritates the muscle tissue, and can cause actual mechanical damage as the crystals can be quite 'sharp'.

    Neither of these two pain-inducing factors can be alleviated (as far as I'm aware) by heating. However, cutting with sterile oil can reduce pain, firstly by diluting the BA, and secondly, by spreading the crystals throughout a greater area/volume of muscle tissue. This is my understanding of the mechanisms anyway...
    just get ETHYL OLEATE based prop, its painless. the oil will keep the prop in solution until its absorbed and requires little to no solvents. its perfect.

  37. #37
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    Here is the make up per the Pharmacy that made it:

    Sesame Oil
    Test Proprionate 30mg
    Test Phenyl Propionate 60mg
    Testosterone Isocaproate 60mg
    Testosterone Decanoate 100mg

    I met today with a new HRT doctor and he said this construction would cause most people alot of grief. He said his pharmacy also uses cotton seed oil as well and he likes it better than sesame seed oil. Also he said he'd be able to get working with a 25 gauge needle as well. Anyway I will meet with him and get details on how his pharmacy compounds their product and post it.

    My best guess is: I am allergic to something in this mix or this product is flawed in its construction. I am not a chemist - just a guy who needs HRT and reads as much as I can, but relies on my doctor to give me the skinny.

    Curious to hear from guys in the know here on this product's construction or make up.

  38. #38
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    I use cottonseed oil (CSO) in my batches. Also it seemed that my batches with guaiacol as a solvent instead of the BB actually hurt less. Guaiacol is better solvent so my guess is less crystallization in the muscle.

    High concentrations do hurt. It will also cause more of a site reaction if that muscle isn't quite used to it. I noticed i had to come in lighter with my gear for the first injection then I would be ok. When i started off with high volumes it crushed me.

    Like stated EO helps. I don't use it, but i have some tren acetate right now that has EO in it and it's very thin and injects nicely. I also heat my gear and use a 25g needle. I get a little sting in the muscle if i use it that day and some soreness that is about equal to a gym workout soreness the next day. The first week i'm usually crippled though.

    About the heat. Heat does help. It works in the same reason as why we heat gear to make it. When the temperature of a liquid is raised it also raises the amount of substance that can be dissolved in it. When you heat the gear then heat the muscle it is keeping the compound in the oil therefore reducing crystallization. ALSO heating the muscle will increase bloodflow which circulates the gear faster therefore reducing pain. Heating your muscles DOES help with the pain. People that say it does not obviously don't understand how to reduce any type of muscle soreness and haven't tried it. Try it once and you'll see the difference.

    That mixture sounds pretty good. That amount of prop shouldn't bother you. The pain we usually get from prop is from 100mg/mL

  39. #39
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    Test Phenyl Propionate 60mg <-- I've been told by guys that this product is not good at all in the quads and gives the type of pain I am getting.

    Also the Doctor said the pharmacy overdosed this in their batch - he didn't say by how much however.

    So if we guess and say just by 10mg- I did 3cc's or 60mgx3 = 180 normally PLUS an extra 30mg = 210mg at once in my quad.

    Thank you for your comments and help.
    Last edited by nicnitro; 12-17-2008 at 04:43 PM.

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    day 7: still sore as hell - No redness, no fever, about the size of orange knot in the thigh

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