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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    2nd cycle

    WEEK 5-12 ferring virormone prop 100mg ED
    WEEK 1-9 quality vet equipoise 100mg ED
    WEEK 1-4 pink thai dbol 25-35mg ED
    WEEK 1-4 arimidex .5mg ED
    WEEK 13-14 nolvadex 50mg ED
    WEEK 15-16 nolvadex 25mg ED
    WEEK 13-16 cialis, undetermined dose

    does anyone think moving from 500mg of qv enanthte to 700mg of human grade prop is a drastic step up in potency? i sure hope so.
    i have a question, when you plan time off, do you include your cycles post cycle therapy ? or does the timeoff come AFTER you get back to normal? thanks

  2. #2
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    What is the purpose of adding cialis in the end? Sex drive while recovering? Also, why run the prop only wks 5-12 and eq only for 9 wks. You'll see better results out of the eq if you run it for 10-12 or even 15 weeks. Longer is better with eq not higher doses.

  3. #3
    Anibolism's Avatar
    Anibolism is offline Junior Member
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    why the nolvadex if your already on arimidex ?? The arimidex is the better choice and will do the job perfectly. Adding nolva will just be useless ands will further clog your receptors.

  4. #4
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    the nolva is my post cycle therapy , just because it is not the preffered method at this board doesnt mean im gonna change it. i was under the impression that the daily prop shots should be limited to 8 weeks, with the eq, i want to be able to start post cycle in 12 weeks and stopping at week 9 will allow that. the cialis, some people experiece loss of sex drive post cycle, this is just being cautious

  5. #5
    Anibolism's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ANTWAAN
    the nolva is my post cycle therapy, just because it is not the preffered method at this board doesnt mean im gonna change it. i was under the impression that the daily prop shots should be limited to 8 weeks, with the eq, i want to be able to start post cycle in 12 weeks and stopping at week 9 will allow that. the cialis, some people experiece loss of sex drive post cycle, this is just being cautious
    Ok your not understanding me at all. Nolvadex and arimidex do the same fucking thing they block estrogen. So I was trying to say why are you using both. Its a waste of money. Pick one and use it. I would suggest the arimidex because it doesn't block receptors and allows you to get full effects from your current drug regimen. As far as this boards preferences its neither but using both is stupid when they both have the same effects.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2nd cycle-evil-1.jpg  

  6. #6
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    i am using the arimidex because i have extra. and another person told me itd be ok to run it post cycle with the nolvadex . id rather use it than let it sit here. i will never run it on cycle again because i feel like it really lowered my gains on my cycle. post on my newer thread. this will only confuse people. i decided on running 6 weeks dbol and prop with nolva post cycle. simple.

  7. #7
    Bigk is offline Junior Member
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    arimidex isn't a miracle anti-E it's still possible to get gyno while on, so have nolvadex on hand.... thats what most guys do.

    this goes to anabolism by the way. There are reasons for having both.

  8. #8
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    here is what i can use, 100ml of ferring uk virormone 50mg prop, 200 5mg naposim dbol tablets, 105 10mg ttokyo stanol v tablets, 25 1mg arimidex tabs and 50 50mg nolvadex tabs. this is the tough part, figuring out how to dose the orals. as a note, i have already run winny before at 50mg day or 6 weeks if that makes a difference. i want maximize size. i really need help with this part, thanks.
    Last edited by ANTWAAN; 11-16-2002 at 04:15 PM.

  9. #9
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    check your PM deisel

  10. #10
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Anibolism

    Ok your not understanding me at all. Nolvadex and arimidex do the same fucking thing they block estrogen.

    this is entirely untrue.

    nolva is an estrogen blocker. it does nothing to inhibit the production of estrogen. it just keeps the estrogen away from the target tissues.

    arimidex is an estrogen inhibitor. it will stop most if not all estrogen production.

    in some cases its VERY NECESSARY TO RUN BOTH PRODUCTS. while this is an unlikely scenario, it is, once again in some cases, a logical one. you can run ari throughout your cycle, and instead of clomid, run nolva to bring natural test levels back to normal.
    also, some people have a definite aversion(meaning it dosent always work for them 100%) to ari or liquidex, meaning nolva will be the drug of choice as an anti-e, because arimidex just isnt real effective.

    peace bb79

  11. #11
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for your resposes guys.

  12. #12
    symatech's Avatar
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    Arrow A few Questions

    Bump to Barbells post.

    1)So by running Nolva and armidex/liquidex throught an entire cycle is overkill, even though they dont do the same thing?

    2)I believe it was MikeXXL who said he used clomid throughout his cycles with great success (ie no testicular atrophy (sp) keep gains etc) is there any other information on this as I have heard also that running clomid throughout an entire cycel inhibits growth (though im not sure why)

    3)TO all the bros who run NOLVA and CLOMID post cycle: What are your experiences with this and would you reccomend it?

    I only ask because Im planning a cycle and want it spot on before I get my gear. Thanks


  13. #13
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the whole point of my post was to bring to attention that you CAN run both at the same time, and in some cases its not only possible, its necessary.
    theres a few different reasons for running ari(or liquidex) and a few different reasons for running nolva.
    for example: im running nolva on this cycle to keep my good cholesterol(hdl) levels up, along with 'dex, for estrogen related problems.
    when ari shuts down estrogen production, it also kills off any chance of maintaining hdl levels, because, in men, some estrogen is needed to maintain good hdl levels. therefore, nolva use is in order, as it stimulates the liver to produce some estrogen, and this keeps hdl levels in good balance, while at the same time, keeping it from attacking target tissues.

    does this make sense to you bro? did it answer the questions you had? if not, feel free to pm me.

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 11-17-2002 at 08:22 AM.

  14. #14
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    got it, thanks bro!

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