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  1. #1
    lxorl's Avatar
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    My girlfriend wants to try clen.. Any input??

    My girlfriend wanted me to ask what experiences any ladies on here have had with clen .

    Her stats are 5'4 122 17-19%BF(rough estimate), vegitarian diet(needs more protein)

    Her exercise program is majority cardio(5hours cardio a week) plus some toning classes and 3 weight sessions a week(natalus)

    Her goals are to shed a few %body fat and be come more toned. She is not trying to add more muscle. As she puts it she "wants her muscles to stick out"

    She asked me if there were any female gear she could use and I told her Lift more and eat more protein. I also told her clen might work. I know some people who swear by it, and others who think plain old ECA works better. We just wanted some feedback from girls who have used clen, or i guess if anyone has any other suggestions.

    She sais if she is happy with the results she will post her pics for all the guys to check out.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you don't get feedback here from the ladies on the board tell your girlfriend to register and she will be given access to the women's forum where she can get all the help she wants without having to listen to us meatheads.

  3. #3
    lxorl's Avatar
    lxorl is offline Associate Member
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    lol.... Ill tell her to add some test !!!

  4. #4
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    hey, I wanted to make a similiar post the other day, but never got around to it.

    BUMP for the responses.

    My girl is 5'7-5'8 130 lbs about 15% bf, est.

    She wants to get a little more toned, and I said that maybe clen could help. I'm not sure I should be advocating drug usage to her, but I hear it is relatively safe to use clen.

  5. #5
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    I wouoldn't advice gear as she is not consuming enough protein, clen could work, but i preffer ECA, but if she dicides to go the Clen route tell her to go 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off, the off weeks use ECA stak and repeat as needed, the dose should be around 80mcg per day (2 x 40mcg) she should start out with just 20mcg 2 times a day and build from there...XXL

  6. #6
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    I'd say get her to try using ECA before jumping onto clen . Mike's dosing advice for the clen is bang on though, couldn't agree more with that.

  7. #7
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    If she does want to try roids, go with the BTG anavar (oxandrin). Womens doses are small, so the expense is not as great. Anavar was designed for women and kids, so there aren't many sides. Use the BTG Oxandrin because a lot of what is sold as anavar is actually something different. It's better to be safe on something like this.Try and get her to consume more protein. Soy or whey protein drinks would work.
    I agree with Mike and NJ about trying ECA and the dosing for clen .

  8. #8
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    most women ive talked to about this find that clen makes them feel 'pooey' and that eca actually energizes them while working better...good luck for you and your girl

  9. #9
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    She doesn't need clen yet. ECA is the most she should be looking at right now. What does her diet look like?

  10. #10
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Originally posted by dickrenegade
    Oh - and keep telling/hinting to her that she's fat. It'll really get to her and if you're lucky she'll become anorexic. If she starts to lose the tits you might want to tell her to stop. Another thing, hard cardio will decrease her sex drive.

    I hope this part of your post is a joke, because if it isn't that is the dumbest advice i have heard here in a while...

    ixorl desregard this part of the post, it's usless information and sudgestion...XXL

  11. #11
    lxorl's Avatar
    lxorl is offline Associate Member
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    Like I said, she already does more cardio than most of us combined.... I believe she has used an ECA before, with minimal results. I personally think she needs to lift more and take in more protine.

    Are there any girls out there that have used Clen ??

  12. #12
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    She should join the board and ask for access to the female forum. Not a lot of female members will read this thread, but they would if it was in their forum.

  13. #13
    lwb357's Avatar
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    Re: of course...

    Originally posted by dickrenegade
    of course it's a joke... however it probably would work....
    no, it never works. they just find someone who will make them feel good about themselves to reward with thier pot-o-gold.

    they need to believe they are doing it for themselves and that it is thier idea!

  14. #14
    lwb357's Avatar
    lwb357 is offline New Member
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    the fact that she does excess cardio and is still carrying a high bodyfat should be an indicator that vegetarian diets are niether healthy nor do they promote fat loss.

    the definition of crazy is to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result. it's kind of like watching the "titanic" over and over because maybe "this time" the boat won't sink.

  15. #15
    Gucio is offline Junior Member
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    women always carry more bodyfat than men, 17-19 is normal for a woman.

  16. #16
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Re: Re: of course...

    Originally posted by lwb357

    no, it never works. they just find someone who will make them feel good about themselves to reward with thier pot-o-gold.

    they need to believe they are doing it for themselves and that it is thier idea!
    word, not to mention that attacking your mate's self-esteem is not the way to get what you want.

  17. #17
    Gucio is offline Junior Member
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    tell your chick, that she looks good and advise her againts eca's or clen ,tell her to get back on a normal diet cause its probably not to healthy whats she is doing. women IMO should not be to skinny or defined, it doesent look healthy or attractive.

  18. #18
    sicilian40's Avatar
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    Re: of course...

    Originally posted by dickrenegade
    of course it's a joke... however it probably would work....
    yes it works! it turns a girl into a being with no self confidence. I can get that you were jokin bro but some things just get streeeetchhheeed too far.

  19. #19
    overactive-girl's Avatar
    overactive-girl is offline Female Member
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    If she has never tried an ECA stack before, tell her to go for it (start with half the recommended dose, she may be sensitive--plus, us girls are smaller and that dose is way too much at first). I have the same stats as her (although I might have more muscle because I've been lifting for a while). ECA ALWAYS works REALLY well the first time you use it! She'll see results with it definately. Don't recommend clen until she's tried everything else first (diet, workout, ECA)- just like with AS, you want to do what you can naturally first, and then if that's not working, get a little help with clen.
    Also, I recently tried NYC (bought it from anabolic fitness) and it works like an ECA stack, but it seems to make the fat go away around the hip and butt area (last place I needed to lose it)- but if that's the case with her, I recommend it. Just make sure she's not sensitive to stimulants or it could be trouble.
    hope that helps!

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