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Thread: bigorexia

  1. #1
    skinnyhb's Avatar
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    in my sociology class today we were talking about eating disorders, and one called bigorexia came up. basically it is just eating massive amounts of food and working out constantly constantly trying to gain as much weight as possible. i thought this was ridiculous, it's not a disease, its just a lifestyle.

    then a girl told her story about her anorexia, and how her dad offered her a brand new porshe if she would just eat, and she wouldn't do it. the class laughed, and so did i. but then i started thinking, if someone offered me a brand new porshe if i were to go back to being a skinny "normal" guy, it would be a very tough decision. then he gave another stat about the amount of people who would give 3-5 years off their life to get to their idea of their perfect body weight. everyone in class again laughed at the idea. i again thought about it and realized that i would probably give 15-20 (and probably even more) years if i could have the body that i wanted for the rest of my life.

    i just thought this was interesting because im sure that a lot of guys here would agree with the way that i feel, and in a way, they are showing it by AS use. <----------- dont take that statement the wrong way, i know all about steroids how there is use and abuse, but lets face it, they aren't exactly life extenders.


  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Comparing giving an anorexic patient a brand new Porsche to start eating again to a bodybuilder to stop triaining deffintly ain't the same ball park. It's actually quite opposite. The atempt is to get the anorexic healthy... the bodybuilder you are asking to become unfit and out of shape.

    Give me a Porche to stop working out? Na. The Porche only last a few years... I got this body for a much longer time and damn it - it's gonna be trianed hard!

    As far as AAS use effecting long term health - ya if your a simple adddict. Abusing their use with no common sense or knowledge of their application.

    But using them with respect can lead to a much more satisfying life. And even healthier life.

    Anybody read that article in this month's Muscular Development about Bob Clapp called "40 Years On The Juice"? He is a 66 year old man with vitals of a 30-year old athlete. Has all his hair, sexually active... in perfect health and looks great!

  3. #3
    Sir Victorian guy, V.C. is offline Knight of the Garter and Member of the Victorian Order
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    England, by Grace of God
    Bodybuilding isnt about being healthly.
    Weider magazines try to give you that idea, then fill the pages with guys who are huge, obviously juice, use gh etc, and encourage you to take supplements galore. 300 grams of protein aint healthy.

    And anorexia kills, eating big and training and using moderate doses of gear wont leave you dead inside of 1 year.

    Another ridiculous example, by academics (your prof not you) trying to fit everything into a pre-conceived model, then standing back and saying their hypotheses about society are accurate.
    Sociology- it isnt even a science. I rank it up there with 'leisure studies', 'women's studies' and other areas of BS they are handing out degrees in.

  4. #4
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    This is a good topic. My girlfriend tells me I am a reverse-anorexic. I look at my self and think I am too small all the time. I sometimes even realize it myself. But in truth I know alot of guys just like me. I have buddies who went to highschool with me, we all ended up doing juice, some in the beginning of college and some 3 to 4 years later and some even later than that. When we all work out over the holidays we are constantly comparing our bodies. For example my bud Justin is huge, I think he has bigger arms and is in better shape, and is larger than I am. When Justin sees me he thinks I am ten times his size and is always asking how I got my arms that big. We both have reverse anorexia. I think this could be a bad thing. Sometimes when I look in the mirror by myself I will actually realize how big I am, maybe it is in the morning and I just wake up and see or it is after I get home from the gym, but once in a while it hits me. I am just under 6'1" around 245, just for info. I am in no way freakish but always compared in size to Arnold from his 1976-1977 days around 6'1" 245. I also have similar measurments (1 inch or so smaller everywhere) although of course am in no way in as good condition as he was, nore as low body fat as he was. But when I see my self I look sort of weird, like just big, I think an aesthetic shape would be better, but since I have reverse-anorexia I want to keep growing until there isn't anyone bigger. I already can tell the rate at which I am gaining I will easily be at 260 within 3 to 4 months without any juice and with the juice I would blow up to 260 in a matter of half that time.

  5. #5
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    i like the victorian guys post...I agree with that...if a feminist sees that last line your in for a ass kicking. hehe

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    300 grams of protein is healthy for a bodybuilder with the size and training intensity able to utilize it. Also if protein synthesis is "enhanced" and the body's protein utilization increased. How else do you expect to make new muscle?

    Bodybuilding is healthy brah. I disagree with you on this. When you take into the proper training techniques and form, and proper nutrition. It has all kinds of health benefits. The body was made to be worked. Strength training and bodybuilding has all kinds of health benefits for people of all ages.

  7. #7
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    I do agree with warrior but is there a limit? Excersice is good, some bodybuilding is good, but dorian that good?...LOL

  8. #8
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by Equiguns
    I do agree with warrior but is there a limit? Excersice is good, some bodybuilding is good, but dorian that good?...LOL
    That is an extreme. Bodybuilding after the 70's kind of took a turn toward crazy amounts of juice and lifestyles. I don't think what the top pros are doing today is healthy at all.

  9. #9
    richmond is offline New Member
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    Good Topic,
    Im in two minds on the one hand I can see the healthy benefits, the fact that I feel and look younger and my diet is healthier than most guys of my age(34). In fact when I compare myself to other 34 y/olds they are either out of shape, overweight or just consumed by work or life in general.
    However, I often wonder about the high protein intake and how it will affect the kidneys when I reach 50 or 60(God willing) and of course AS are a risk in so many different ways, obviously if abused without a doubt but even in moderate doses I am sure they can do harm to some people. for someone who is 40 years on the juice and still healthy there could be someone else is 10 years on the juice and dead. depends on the person.
    This of course goes for life in general so I come full circle, he he.
    However, bodybuilding totally and unquestionably healthy, I dont think so, though I shy away from admitting it.
    As for bigorexie, yes it does exist, not saying that everyone or anyone on this board suffers, how could I or we possibly know, but it exists, just as anorexia exists and bulimia and body dismorphia, obsessive compulsive exists. There was a case in Britain a few years back where a guy was so unhappy with his left leg that he had it surgically removed. this is an extreme case but these are (Phsyclogical) illnesses and I am convinced they exist.
    Just my 2c

  10. #10
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Good points. Bodybuildimng as a sport is just not healthy. I mean look at Ronnie Coleman, the guy looks like hes about to have a baby. And not to mention pro BBers have like the shortest lifespans of any pro atheletes.

    And yes AAS are by no means life extenders. I use them fully knowing the risks involved, and its my choice to be doing so. SO yes I do beleive in Bigorexia, or rather Vanityorexia. Im guilty of it myself. I by no means have any desire to be a pro BBer. But I do have an idea of what my perfect body would be, and I have chosen to do these drugs as a means to achieving that goal.

    Though alot of people like to think what they do is ok, and what others do is sinful, but I really dont think its a stretch to compare anorexic girls with pro and would be pro bbers. Both are extremes, and there are many shades of grey in between the two.

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