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  1. #1
    Eddie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Cool need help couple of ? and got some gear today

    ok well picked up some gear got a bunch of good stuff...
    how much can you think i can get rid of this stuff for?
    and please can you guys put a cycle together for me not to sure what to do or how much.. this is my 2nd cycle, my first was 2 10 ml of qv propinate.. my stats are 5'10 and 160 with 8% body fat

    1 50 ml qv enath
    1 10 ml qv enath
    3 10 ml qv eq
    1 10 ml prop
    50 mg clomid pills

    i was running 1 cc of prop every other day soo can you give a brotha a hand and help him out

  2. #2
    McBain is offline Member
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    Dec 2001
    No offense bro but at 5'10" 160lbs you should be training naturally. Juice will not do the work for you, so if you can't make gains naturally you won't make good gains on juice. Also picking up gear and then planning a cycle is a no no.

  3. #3
    Eddie is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002
    well i knew i wanted to run eq and enath so thats why i got it but i was wondering on how to run it 500 mg a week of each? thats what i was planning on doing just wanted to make sure? and i was going to run the prop and the towards the end of the cycle.. and i was goign to do the clomid two weeks after the last shot i just wanted to make sure if i planned it right or not.. well i been working out for a year now i was weighing 130 when i first started.. gross haha i know but now im at 160 forever and a day i was weighing 168 but lost that weight some how and now im at 160 again

  4. #4
    McBain is offline Member
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    Dec 2001
    Again no offense bro but 1 year of natural training is hardly enough IMO. I'd hold off but you are going to do what you want to do, as it is your body, I'm just offering my opinion.

  5. #5
    McBain is offline Member
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    Dec 2001
    Bro I just read your other post, you are 16? That's messed up. Again it's your body but I got a little brother about your age, and to think of him using and fucking up his body makes me really sad. You are a child. I know you don't want to hear that but you are. You have no excuse at all to be using AAS at your age. Sorry to come down a bit harsh but this is a serious issue and I would hate to see you fuck yourself for the rest of your life at the age of 16..

  6. #6
    Eddie is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002
    hey bro whats up well im 21.. this is my first post the kid up the street from me wanted to use my name to post on this site so i gave him my password soo it wasnt me asking that... i tried to tell him hes too young and he wanted me to get him stuff but i wouldnt he wants a scholarship for swimming and wanted me to get anavar for him but i woudlnt but yeah anyways.. thanks for your concern and your comments your opinion is greatly appreciated

  7. #7
    McBain is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    oh ok, good to hear you are 21. I appreciate you not getting upset either. Personally I would run enth/eq for 10 weeks then prop weeks 11-12 then go straight into clomid. Run the enth at 500mg/wk eq at 400mg/wk. Split the shots up so you are shooting twice per week. Start clomid 3 days after last shot of prop and 2 weeks after last shot of EQ/enth (I believe, double check that though). I'd run the clomid as follows:
    300mg day 1, 100mg ed day 2-11, 50mg ed day 12-21

  8. #8
    Eddie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    thanks dude

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