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  1. #1
    JavieraTm is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    HHHmmmmm what to take?

    I just got on dbol to start a cycle. Im taking Winni-V also and I had an awesome workout today, but im almost out of Winni-V. I wanted to try something else...i think....besides ordering more Winni-V. Any suggestions. Funds are limited to about 100 bucks. my goals are to get lean. Ive almost reached the size that i want but want to get really cut. Help me out

  2. #2
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Bro, first off you are taking two 17AA's on this cycle, a very bad idea. You are really risking damaging your liver.
    secondly what you are asking shows your lack of research, (no flame) just my opinion. sounds like you are somewhat inexperienced in taking AS. I would use that 100 bucks to buy some Xenedrine, and go grocery shopping, and get some really clean foods, and go at it like that. If you are looking for us to suggest AS for what you are trying to accomplish here, then I don't think you will get any good responses bro..

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