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  1. #1
    Luke's Avatar
    Luke is offline Associate Member
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    Is the high protein/no carb diet good for 'while on mass building cycle'

    I'm looking at this high protein-almost no carbs diet (high protein, high fat, very low carbs). IS this only good for weight loss, or is it also good while being on a mass-building cycle?


  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'll answer this as briefly as I can. Have you ever seen somebody who was big and lean and used this type of diet? If you want to bulk then, no way should you follow this kind of plan. I don't even like it for getting lean...muscle glycogen becomes depleted when you eliminate carbs and the muscles become flat. Even if you do lose a lot of fat you also lose muscle and that's not a risk I'm willing to take. I believe that using a CKD for getting contest ready is a good idea, but it should only be used for a finite amount of time...never year round. JMO.

  3. #3
    Iceburg is offline Junior Member
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    No... Low carb/no carb is the worst thing for a bulking cycle. Without carbs you will not grow. I have experienced this first hand.

    Even if on plenty of AS .... no carbs= no grow.

    Now for loosing fat... this is a very effective diet. But not for muscle growth.

  4. #4
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Iceburg
    No... Low carb/no carb is the worst thing for a bulking cycle. Without carbs you will not grow. I have experienced this first hand.

    Even if on plenty of AS .... no carbs= no grow.

    Now for loosing fat... this is a very effective diet. But not for muscle growth.
    agreed with the bros here, why would you cut carbs (calories) in a bulkin cycle? you want as many as you can get (providing that most or at least some are clean)...not to mention they fuel strength, endurance, a billion other processes, control insulin , gosh what else...needless to say if you want to grow keep the carbs relatively high id say around 600g/daily...

  5. #5
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    1.5g per lean pound protein, 2-3 carbs, Fat EFA's omega 3 and 6 10-20% of total kcal intake.

    For competition, cardio, reduce carbs. When carb delepleting replace lost kcal with EFA's, anyway this is a whole different threas, maybe I write that up.

    I do not believe in any of these diets, simple is key.


  6. #6
    Luke's Avatar
    Luke is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2002
    OK, I'll take your advices. Thank you bros, you saved me some muscles :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    Originally posted by Pete235
    I'll answer this as briefly as I can. Have you ever seen somebody who was big and lean and used this type of diet? If you want to bulk then, no way should you follow this kind of plan. I don't even like it for getting lean...muscle glycogen becomes depleted when you eliminate carbs and the muscles become flat. Even if you do lose a lot of fat you also lose muscle and that's not a risk I'm willing to take. I believe that using a CKD for getting contest ready is a good idea, but it should only be used for a finite amount of time...never year round. JMO.

    I have to say you’re correct as hell on this bro.

    Only pre-contest would I see using this.

    Nothing wrong with carbs and when bulking they are essential.

    I have never beloved in the lean mass shit. You bulk then cut bulk then cut and so on. Old school maybe but proven to work.

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