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  1. #1
    Lattman's Avatar
    Lattman is offline Associate Member
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    New Year's Eve Drinking...


    I would like to start the following after a 9 week off period;

    30mg D-Bol ED Week 1 - 4
    500mg Enanthate /Week (1 - 10)
    400mg EQ / Week (1 - 10)
    0.5mg Arimidex ED (1 - 12)
    20mg Nolvadex ED (13 - 14)
    Clomid (13 - 14)

    First off, I would like to know if 9 weeks is sufficient after a 12 week cycle?

    My last cycle was as follows;

    500mg Sustanon Week 1 - 6
    250mg EQ Week 1 - 6
    100mg Winnie EOD (6 - 10)
    200mg Primo / Week (6 - 12)
    0.5mg Arimidex ED (3 - 16)
    Clomid (14 - 15)

    Now my second question is, I will probably like to have a few drinks on new year's eve, knowing that I will be on D-Bol, can I afford to get drunk 1 days out of the cycle or is it out of the question.

    Also, is taking GHB as bad as drinking while on?

    Thanks for your opinions,


  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    You'll be ok w/ 9 weeks. You really should wait the full 12 but that's up to you.
    And as far as newyears goes...Go out and have a good time. One night of drinking isn't going to kill you. Just make sure to drink lots and lots of water before and after u drink so your hydrated. Also use milk thissle while on the d-bol.....

  3. #3
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    6ft. away...but you can't
    No taking GHB is not as bad as drinking....unless you fuckup and die of coarse. I used it for this purpose before. Only thing is I don't like the idea of having narcotics in my house so I won't do it again. Just be careful and do one or the other, either drink or take GHB. Never combine these two.

  4. #4
    bowser is offline Associate Member
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    yeah the ghb will be fine. remember it was orginally made for bodybuilding. now adays the way it is made i think you can say the only reason for it is to get messed up. you know most G now has drano in it. I just don't want that in my body. It won't mess you up with the AS though. Also one night of drinking shouldn't either.

  5. #5
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    One night will be alright, it won't kill you.

  6. #6
    Foxy Sphinx's Avatar
    Foxy Sphinx is offline Associate Member
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    Be responsible with the GHB use, if anything you'll benefit from a better nights sleep

  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Shit bro, New years is only like 3-1/2wks away, just wait untill after New Years to start. It would give you that other 3wks of time off and allow you to have a guilt free night. I'm starting my new cycle the following Monday on the 6th.

  8. #8
    FinaLover is offline Member
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    Nov 2002
    most g has drano in it??? i would wonder about that information. an ingredient that is used to make SOME of the moderate to low grade g is NaOH, and some people use red devil lye. while this is some bad shit, you can test your dose with litmus paper, and see if the PH is right. if you would like to avoid all of this, grab some GBL. to my knowledge drano has sodium hydroxide in it, but is really not used in making g. then again i am wrong on occasion.

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