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  1. #1
    bumdart420's Avatar
    bumdart420 is offline Associate Member
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    steriods dont build muscle!!.....

    Judging from all the questions that are here about roids, I believe most of you think all you need is some D-bol and lots of test to grow. I am disappointed at the lack of interest some of you have for the diet section of this great site. DIET IS ONE THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR GETTING BIG!!!!! NOT ROIDS!! Diet is the foundation. Would you build a house on mud?! Why even try to build a great body with a shitty dietery plan? I have had the oppurtunity to ask many lifters about their diet, I am stunned at the lack of knowledge most bodybuilders possess regarding what the eat and how it works. What did all the greatest bodybuilders have in common? They ate and ate and ate some more and it was sensible. Doing roids for the sake of pure size is stoopid in my opinion as I stated once before. I am NOT against the use of roids but they should be used with individuals who have not ignored the other factors, ie: food, training, sleep and they should be used for PERFORMANCE ENHANCMENT ONLY. Guys (and gals), feel free to pump as much roids as you want in your system but if you havent followed the most important factors of training as mentioned earlier than don't expect any significant or lasting results. There is no magic pill to take, true champions (of every degree), are born from determination, the willingness to push through the pain barrier when others throw in the towel and through time alone. Champions aren't found in syringes only. You will be amazed at how quickly REAL muscle will form on your body when you practice proper nutrtion, (sleep and training should be common sense.), and the gains will stay on your body for years to come. Please educate yourself with the other topics on this site, they will do all of us a world of good. Peace out.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Not that you don't have a good message but 29 of your 30 post are in the steroid forum.

  3. #3
    bumdart420's Avatar
    bumdart420 is offline Associate Member
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    I apoligize that I put the posts here but otherwise they are totally ignored. Too bad, if people read anything else other than stuff about roids I wouldnt have to. Maybe things will change.

  4. #4
    zodiac66's Avatar
    zodiac66 is offline Associate Member
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    Good post. You spelled stupid wrong.

  5. #5
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    diet really is the key but without looking at the whole picture your gains or losses will never be where you want them.

    there are soo much more to research and plan out than just what juice to take.

    To get results you need to

    1) EAT clean! Plan out a diet and stick to it, can you say CHICKEN?!?!
    2) DRINK 2 gallons of water a day (or as much as you can)
    3) WORKOUT (sorry folks still have to sweat!)
    4) SLEEP You dont start growing until you repair what you have

    If you think jabbing a needle into your muscle will grow huge mass overnight or without a hell of alot of sweat your going to be disapointed.

    Lets take a lesson from this thread and use juice as it is ment to be. An aid to get us where we wan't to be, not do it for us!

    Hehe just my 2 cents

  6. #6
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Originally posted by Buddha_Red
    diet really is the key but without looking at the whole picture your gains or losses will never be where you want them.

    there are soo much more to research and plan out than just what juice to take.

    To get results you need to

    1) EAT clean! Plan out a diet and stick to it, can you say CHICKEN?!?!
    2) DRINK 2 gallons of water a day (or as much as you can)
    3) WORKOUT (sorry folks still have to sweat!)
    4) SLEEP You dont start growing until you repair what you have

    If you think jabbing a needle into your muscle will grow huge mass overnight or without a hell of alot of sweat your going to be disapointed.

    Lets take a lesson from this thread and use juice as it is ment to be. An aid to get us where we wan't to be, not do it for us!

    Hehe just my 2 cents
    Good post bro, how are things in buddah land?

  7. #7
    fast's Avatar
    fast is offline Associate Member
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    Good post buddah

  8. #8
    Ogre is offline New Member
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    Sleep is my personal favorite. 10+ a night.

  9. #9
    McBain is offline Member
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    BUMP to this thread, high dosages of gear DON'T make you grow! Diet, nutrition and rest does! Seems like too many people jump into high dosages way too quickly thinking it will make them huge. The pros in the olden days used very low dosages and are bigger than 90% of the people who use steroids .

  10. #10
    McBain is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Ogre
    Sleep is my personal favorite. 10+ a night.
    Don't want to get too much sleep bro, your body needs food on a regular basis I never try to sleep over 9.5 hours, and never less than 8 although sometimes I sleep more and sometimes less.

  11. #11
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    Life is good in buddha land

    Busy as hell but good. Tis the season i suppose hehe

  12. #12
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Need to bump this one......Budda- preach on brother!

  13. #13
    woodsy169's Avatar
    woodsy169 is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Ogre
    Sleep is my personal favorite. 10+ a night.
    Shit, I wish I got 10+ hours of sleep...with an 11 month old in the house I don't get a whole lot of sleep!

  14. #14
    FmRommel's Avatar
    FmRommel is offline Member
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    bumdart 420...
    I have to put in my 2 cents...
    First off...I agree...I think a lot of guys come on this site looking for an easy answer. I can not tell you how pissed off I get sometimes when I read a post and it says.."been working out for 1 yr and I am not seeing any progress..what should I use??".....Fucking drives me crazy. Expierience with training and nutrition is needed WAY before gear. I agree that most overlook (or dont bother with) their diet. I believe it is the biggest factor in everyhting. Growth and cutting. But, I have only been here a little while, and have learned a lot, one thing I do know is The guys here who know their shit(gear, lifting, etc)....know their diet.

    That being said.....I think you have to remember that the reason that this forum is so full is because this shit is dangerous...people dont worry about overdoseing on fuckin whey. Gear is looked down upon, unfortunately, sometimes worse than rec drugs. And it is idiots that take a gram of test with no exp or knowledge that end up ruining it for others..It really sucks.

    A lot of knowledge is here-say and can be given by any dealer or pseudo-scientist, thats why this board is so great!

    ...but I do believe that more discussion in the diet forum would be good.

  15. #15
    FmRommel's Avatar
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    Sorry to ramble...but I had to get it out...

  16. #16
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Not that you don't have a good message but 29 of your 30 post are in the steroid forum.
    you were saying what about diet?

  17. #17
    Steak Helmet is offline Associate Member
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    I agree 100%...AAS opens your recptors, but if you have nothing to put in there, then you are shit out of luck as far as growth goes. PROTEINS are the building blocks for muscle. Well, AMINO ACIDS.

    Your muscle is not made up of test or D-bol...water, tissue, blood, protein makes up muscle. OK getting all rambly here...

    DIET IS KEY!!!!

  18. #18
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    steak helment, water is a big part of the muscles I believe along with protien of course.

    the people in the steroid board (for the most part i hope) have there diet down, thats why there going into the next steps in achieving gains.

  19. #19
    ibiza69's Avatar
    ibiza69 is offline Senior Member
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    bullshit, that steroids don't build muscle, and i don't have a 12 inch penis; (looks in pants) shit i guess they don't build muscle

  20. #20
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    Re: steriods dont build muscle!!.....

    Originally posted by bumdart420
    Judging from all the questions that are here about roids, I believe most of you think all you need is some D-bol and lots of test to grow. I am disappointed at the lack of interest some of you have for the diet section of this great site. DIET IS ONE THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR GETTING BIG!!!!! NOT ROIDS!! Diet is the foundation. Would you build a house on mud?! Why even try to build a great body with a shitty dietery plan? I have had the oppurtunity to ask many lifters about their diet, I am stunned at the lack of knowledge most bodybuilders possess regarding what the eat and how it works. What did all the greatest bodybuilders have in common? They ate and ate and ate some more and it was sensible. Doing roids for the sake of pure size is stoopid in my opinion as I stated once before. I am NOT against the use of roids but they should be used with individuals who have not ignored the other factors, ie: food, training, sleep and they should be used for PERFORMANCE ENHANCMENT ONLY. Guys (and gals), feel free to pump as much roids as you want in your system but if you havent followed the most important factors of training as mentioned earlier than don't expect any significant or lasting results. There is no magic pill to take, true champions (of every degree), are born from determination, the willingness to push through the pain barrier when others throw in the towel and through time alone. Champions aren't found in syringes only. You will be amazed at how quickly REAL muscle will form on your body when you practice proper nutrtion, (sleep and training should be common sense.), and the gains will stay on your body for years to come. Please educate yourself with the other topics on this site, they will do all of us a world of good. Peace out.
    I have a couple things to say about this post.... First off AS do make muscles grow! If you took a 1 gram of test per week, watched TV, and didn't lift weights you would still gain muscle size and strength. The other thing I disagree with is “they should be used for PERFORMANCE ENHANCMENT ONLY” The fact is AS play a real role in medical treatments for things such as HRT, AIDS, anti-aging and other diseases where main stream treatments fail. However, I do agree with you that diet and training are key to maximizing the benefits of AS and other performance enhancing drugs. This is just my .02 from the reading and research I have done on AS.

  21. #21
    bonker's Avatar
    bonker is offline Associate Member
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    Great post I agree.
    Some people have great genetics and may never need AS.But there are alot of people on this board that lack a genetic foundation and in there cases I believe As is needed if they want to join the big boys.

  22. #22
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    They have done studies with giving roids to people, and having some not exercise at all, another group exercise without roids, and a third group gets roids and works out. The results are the group that exercised without roids gained the least, the roids without exercise came in second, and roids and working out came in number one. In another study AIDS patients were given 150mg of anadrol per day for 7 months. They put on an average of 17 pounds of LBM. Having said that, I have to agree that diet is the most important part of the equation. The better your diet, the more gains you will see and keep. I've seen a thread where some bro is on his 8th cycle and is using over 1500 mg test a week and is still 190lbs. This guy was gaing like 5 pounds a cycle!Getting the diet and exercise right first will enable you to get the most benefit out of the roids when you take them. Without the diet right you probably won't even be able to maintain the gains you do get.

  23. #23
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    First off I think anyone that takes as knows how they should diet just because they dont post in the diet section doesnt mean they dont know how to calculate there protien intake i most got my info just talking to people around and at the gym so theres my 2 cents later
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails steriods dont build muscle!!.....-arnold.jpg  

  24. #24
    FmRommel's Avatar
    FmRommel is offline Member
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    Originally posted by wrstlr69sdnl
    First off I think anyone that takes as knows how they should diet just because they dont post in the diet section doesnt mean they dont know how to calculate there protien intake i most got my info just talking to people around and at the gym so theres my 2 cents later
    Ever hear of punctuation bro?

  25. #25
    bumdart420's Avatar
    bumdart420 is offline Associate Member
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    great comments from everyone but i think some of you took me too literally. Yeah roids will put on muscle for emmaciated (really skinny), people who are sick, but that is another issue all together. I'm talking about healthy individuals who drown themselves in roids for the sake of being big. I went through this phase as well but luckily it only lasted two cycles and they were a joke when compared to what others are taking. I've made my best gains naturally and the gains stayed on my body. Sadly, i think very few people have their diet planned right (as well as other factors) and that is evidenced with some of the blobs I've seen. Individuals who are huge alright, fat ass huge! Anyway, I hope this post shed some light to the newer guys (and gals) on this site. Best of luck to all, always.

  26. #26
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Originally posted by bumdart420
    I apoligize that I put the posts here but otherwise they are totally ignored. Too bad, if people read anything else other than stuff about roids I wouldnt have to. Maybe things will change.
    Hey i answer questions in every forum, not all the time, but i hardly ever go into this forum as i know all the others are underlooked...other then that Great Message, it's all about the food, you can not build muscle from thin air....good post...XXL

  27. #27
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    You make a great and valid point about having diet in order, and if you read the majority of replies to questions asking about gear you will realize that VERY few questions get passed us without one of asking "What is your diet like?" I, like many of the members here preach that in every single AAS answer we give. Secondly, you have to realize that this board is called "ANABOLIC Review" and the MAIN purpose of this board is to inform and educate on the proper use of AAS. This forum alone (Steroid Forum) has much more threads and posts than every other forum on this board combined, so that should give you an idea as to what most members come here searching for. There are plenty of Natural boards out there and a plethora of info on the WWW on diet, if people want that they can LOOK FOR IT, but that's not the MAIN reason they come here. I think we answer all AAS related questions responsibly and if you read some of the posts you would see that. Last but not least I will also address the members pics section. When presented witha photo of somebody who is obviously deconditioned, maybe a little flabby, who shouldn't even be considering AAS, I can ASSURE you that the majority of responses, although supportive and uplifting, mention "look into changing your diet as it is the most important factor by far".

  28. #28
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    When you read most of the "thread starters" posts asking about gear, and "I'm 20 been working out seriously for 5 minutes and 30 seconds and want to try steroids what should I do" 95% of the people will say what's your diet! and it's is very valid that the diet is VERY important. People who don't realize that learn quickly when the members learn them with the wealth of knowledge that is here.
    Gear works better with the right diet and training and if you don't do all of it right you might as well throw your money out the window or send it to: c/o ripsid! Do it right or don't do it.

  29. #29
    bumdart420's Avatar
    bumdart420 is offline Associate Member
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    I wont add anymore to this thread other than I hope no one thought I was being critical of the mods or the veterans. There are some of you here that have all your shit together and I applaude you, my message basically was directed to all the folks who want overnight results or who think that muscles only come from large doses of this and that. That is all I will add to this post, just wanted to make sure I didn't come off arrogant or anything. Later guys.

    P.s. Glad to see flames are still not tolerated here.

  30. #30
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    Re: steriods dont build muscle!!.....

    Originally posted by bumdart420
    Good article TRY SOME PARAGRAPHS,.. and people might read the whole thing.

    I have been saying and complaining and getting up people's and newbies noses about this since I have been on AR. It does fuck all use. Let them learn the hard way.

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