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  1. #1
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Sust Flu, Butt Piss..Need some help

    Well This thread is to put all my dumb questions and things that I have learned in the last 2 weeks into one. For those of you that have read my last 3 threads regarding a possible infection in my glute and sust flu, this is an update to what has happened..
    First off my first cycle started on the 9th with a shot of ** sust, 1cc in my glute and 50mgs ** d-bol, well my ass swelled up,got a little hot and the sust balled up and I thought that I had an infection, well I dont think that was the case, as of today it is not bothersome and I dont feel it is a problem. My 2nd shot of sust was this sunday the 15th, well on monday I either got sust Flu, or the real flu..I am not sure, I would like some advise on that. I started puking on monday, with a fever by moday night. I couldnt hold any thing down including water, It would come right back up. By monday night I had no energy, I couldnt eat and I was completly drained of fluids in my body. My urin was very dark, and I was dry heving with a little blood. By tuesday I was done puking and got my first can of soup in me, and started to drink alot of cranberry juice, and let me tell you was this ever a bad Idea, because today is wednesday and let me tell you, thank god for baby wipes, because I havent stopped ripping ass and peeing out of my butt for a day straight.

    What I am asking is was this the Virus Flu? Or sust Flu? Iam in norhthern USA, and I have had the flu many of times, but not for a clouple of years, and this is the worst i ever remember. If it is the sust Flu can I get this again durning my cycle?

    My D-bol I havent takin for 2 days since I have had a lot of back pain because of the lack of water I can hold, and I was worried about liver/kidney problems, when should I start them back up?

    And if you have any Ideas with the ass piss..let me know...

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    I can't be much help in terms of the "sust flu" but if you say you coughed up some blood, don't you think it would be best to go to the doctor? Or have you gone already?

  3. #3
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, I know that was going to be the question and I was so close to going, but it wasnt pure RED blood, it was like if you bite your toung and spit type of blood, the only reason I new it was blood was because I had only puked up water, with noting in it (clear), and then when I dry heaved it was tinted a little red..I dont think that it was a problem, but again that is why I am asking for opionions.

  4. #4
    Lattman's Avatar
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    Bro, this is not Sust flu, this is the real flu, because I got sus flu, all it does is make you feel like you're coming up with a cold every morning, by night seems to clear up with some Aspirin. But I did not get diarhea, nor did I lose my appetite to that point!

  5. #5
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    ass piss - you mean like diarhhea ?? keep your fluid intake up, wash your hands whenever you touch your wang or wipe, wash your hands before you eat anything.

    sounds like you ran into a case of food poisoning. how often were you yakin up ??

    i had FP once and sat on the toilet & held a garbage can in my hand at the same time - comes out both ends at once.

  6. #6
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
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    Yeah It could have been food poisoning, but I have never had it.. This is what happened that morning, I go to school at a tech school.. Get there a t 7:00am, I went to lunch at 10:00am at arbys I had there new chick finger things, by 12:00 I thought I was goona explode, then by 2:00pm I had thrown it all up..from then on all day I would puke any thing that went into my mounth. Do you get a temp with FP?

  7. #7
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    That definetly sounds like food poisoning.
    If your symptoms continue then go see a Dr. If not then you should be fine.
    Sus flu is like Lat said. You just kinda feel like shit but you don't get sick the way you did..

  8. #8
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
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    Yeah I think you guys are right, I went to web MD and look at some of the symptoms of Food Poisoning and that is what it sounds likes,except the symptoms to the flu are so close. It said that a fever is not that common with FB, but what is different is that I have had Mad gas, and explosive diarhhea, which was common with I think the E-coli of salamania FB. And man my gutt is still movin around alot. I really dont want to go to the doc, and have to explain mt self..

    What luck for a first cycle..about to say forget this shit..any one want some free gear..

    Please keep the comments commin...It makes me feel better with some responses.

  9. #9
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Hey, you don't have salmonella or FP. Trust me, you would have been a lot worse for a much longer period of time. When i got salmonella i had to go to the hospital because i was so dehydrated. The blood in your dry-heaving is COMMON. By the time you start dry-heaving when you are sick, your stomach acid has already eaten away the pepsin lining of your throat. Its nothing more than a little hemmoraging from the stomach acid. I would bet my last dollar its the real flu. Its been going around. I had the same thing my last cycle with human grade gear. Unfortunatly, it was near the end of my cycle and i lost nearly all my gains, bummer eh?

  10. #10
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Well as of today, I have really been thinking about going to the Doc, Iam going to try calling a nurse when I get out of class today.. And I Called into work because I am still shitting and have some gas, and dont feel 100% yet?? What do I with cycle?? And if I go to the doc what do I tell them about the anabolics?

  11. #11
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    I have it !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Norwalk Virus. Remember all those cruise liners that were infecting people. Do a search on it. It's not just on the cruises. Has been found in a retirement home in Michigan. Basically just a gastrointestinal infection.

    And as for Dan saying FP lasts longer - BS. It lasts a few days. I had it - threw up 15 times starting at 3 in the morning, equal intervals at first, then gradual increase in time between pukings. Everything looked the same coming out both ends.

  12. #12
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Don't stop your cycle just yet. Give yourself a few days to get back on track. It's always good to be honest w/ your Dr. but that's up to you.

  13. #13
    calidude's Avatar
    calidude is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah the DR. shouldn't do anything...DR. Patient Confidetiality

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