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  1. #1
    hammerhead's Avatar
    hammerhead is offline Member
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    Female needs cycle advice

    This thread is for a female friend of mine. She's actively working out and isn't achieving her fat-loss goals. She's in her late thirties. Her current routine - the one I put her on - is:
    Mon,Wed,Fri - treadmill
    Tue - upper body
    Thu - legs

    She does 2 sets of light weights - 15 reps. She's not pushing for strength. She has low muscle-tone. She's a little on the thin side already but she wants to take some abdominal and ass/legs fat off - like all women do.

    I'm not too comfortable with telling her what AAS to use. I'm thinking maybe some winstrol tabs with clen /ECA? Primo tabs? I've read all the drug profiles 10 times over and there's very little as to what women can take as far as stacking. She doesn't want to masculinize any at all so that's where my concern comes from - i'm hoping some people out there - experienced women - male friends of women with experience - can help her out.

    Feel free to comment on the workout too. She's open to all suggestions.

  2. #2
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    Her weight bearing workload is way too low. I would have her do something like this:
    days 1-7 20-30 mins walk 2 x daily (AM & PM) moderate intensity
    day 1&5 legs, hips, abs
    day 2 chest, shoulders, triceps
    day 3 no weights
    day 4 back, biceps
    day 6&7 no weights

    I think that she should try working out hard and ECA for at least 1 year before resorting to AS or clen .

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    yep diet ant some clen and eca fot starters ,then my suggestion would be anavar .

  4. #4
    hammerhead's Avatar
    hammerhead is offline Member
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    She's been doing the diet and clen for over a year now. I apologize for forgetting to mention that. She takes like 2 or 3 clen a day and that wires her up pretty hard. She's already lost some weight - I don't know how much - that's a guarded secret - but she wants to take the tummy fat off and can't get rid of it. Anavar - dosage suggestions? Any women out there have any comments on winstrol ?

  5. #5
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    winny is more androgenic then var id stay away from it ,as female virilazation problemss are perminent,deep voice etc..just tellhrer to be carefull

  6. #6
    D_BEAR is offline Junior Member
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    never it has bad sides for gurls
    like their clit turning into a small pecker
    and talking like stallone
    that is what the word virilazation means

  7. #7
    dickhead is offline New Member
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    i shouldn't even reply to this thread cuz of my handle. but you tel her to stop the clen . 1 yr of it is no longer the same. forget it. if she really want to get into a.s and of course, everyone knows more muscles burns more fat. anavar is her choice. but at what dosage no one knows. 30-50mg is what i seen at my gym but give it a try.

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