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Thread: Steroid Law?

  1. #1
    Alpine's Avatar
    Alpine is offline New Member
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    Steroid Law?

    So with a clean record if you were to be caught receiving AS through mail (amount equal to personal use only) via a controlled delivery or something what would happen? States vary on how they deal with it.

    Domestic to Domestic seems pretty safe if the person sending knows how to package and so on. Wonder what the odds of getting nailed using a Domestic source are?

    Ive read various Steroid Law FAQ's but I was wondering if someone hade more info - specifically Missouri State Law and how they handle possesion and so on (the end user).

  2. #2
    New GearGuy's Avatar
    New GearGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Souf Jerzee
    I dont know aobut getting busted but part of my first cycle (bought overseas) was confiscated. I got a letter from U.S. Customs (New York) and did'nt respond. (as was my right) The shipment was supposedly destroyed . I bet the customs guy is friggin' huge!!! LMFAO

  3. #3
    system admin is offline Owner
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  4. #4
    ssoj is offline New Member
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    Iam in florida down here they will send you a letter trying to get you to come down to the post office and sign for the package. Or they will send out a letter telling you the goods were confiscated. I have read a few other threads in regards and some fellow juice heads talked about recieving letters to respond or to come down to the post office to sign for the package. Just don't respond. They need something to show you agreed to except the package and signing for it works because you will carry the package to your house and then they can obtain a search warrant and bust your ass. If they know it is juice they can't let the package continue (unless they do a controled deliv not to common in florida) to your house and if they did you could turn around and say the cops sent it out and they are trying to frame your ass and sue. But if they do search and find other drugs then your busted. Although they will start a file on you if they find goods adressed to your house. They don't care to much about personal supplies as much as large qty's that show intent to sell. Half the cops juice brother. Half the mo fo's in my gym are Correction officers and tampa PD and they all juice. Hope this helps brother. Just be smart! If caught don't say a word period! just ask for a lawyer. PS I am currently in law school. Ironic
    Last edited by ssoj; 01-02-2003 at 11:21 PM.

  5. #5
    TheRequiem's Avatar
    TheRequiem is offline Junior Member
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    Is 500 D-bol intent to sell or is it persnal use?

  6. #6
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    i believe that the standard for personal use is 10 dosage units. i.e.- 1 dosage unit= 1 bottle or 100 tabs... thats what customs deems personal use as far as importing legally from mexico (declared at the border).

    hope that helps.

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