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  1. #1
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Here's a brain tickler for all of you!!

    Ok everybody, This may not make a lot of sense to all fo you, but i have to ask this. I am 5 9 201lbs at about 16% bodyfat. I am having severe difficulty getting past this stage. I lift more weight or more reps everytime i work out, but I'm still the same weight. Would it be possible to cut down to 180lbs and around 8-9%, then bulk my way back to 200 lbs with less BF%? My next cycle is going to be a EQ, TEST, WINNY cycle for 16 weeks. With all that AS in my body would it cut down on the catabolism compared to cutting w/o it? I also plan to use some clen and cycle with ECA every 2 weeks. My plan is to lose around 20Lbs of fat, then bulk back up near 200 by eating very clean and putting on 15-20 lbs of LBM my next cycle. Does this sound like the best choice? Or should I just bulk on my TEST, EQ, WINNY cycle? How much muscle should i expect to lose if i decide to cut? Please help me, I'm going insane here and want the best out of my cycle i can get. I personally think cutting is what i want to do, but are my goals unrealistic? THANKS SO MUCH!!

  2. #2
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    DJDJDJDJDJ, I sure could use your help on this bro, You know ur shit like almost no one else. Your opinion is highly valued by me and I would really appriciate if you could help me

  3. #3
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    have you considered fina?

  4. #4
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    I had thought about it, But I only have one cycle under my belt and i'm not sure if thats the route I want to go just yet. Plus I bought all my gear about 2 months ago (always be prepared eh?) Should I throw fina in? how should I dose it? Keep it comin brother!

  5. #5
    monstercojones's Avatar
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  6. #6
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    been training 3 years. Started at 135 am now

    21 years
    5 9
    Floating around 200
    16% BF
    33 waist

  7. #7
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    first cycle was sust at 750 a week. I know that was too much, but stupid me, I Listened to my source and didnt yet have the advice of people on this board

  8. #8
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    hahaha, yea thats overkill first cycle WOW... but you seem to have done well since. this is what im thinking for a good cutting/strength cycle with your stats, you'll be a pincushion though:

    1-8 Fina 75 mg ED
    1-8 Prop 50 mg ED
    1-14 EQ 400 mg + (Weekly)
    9-14 Winstrol (inj. preferred) 50 mg ED

    run the clen too, eat clean and do a good amount of cardio, and you should see the results that you are looking for...

    thats just my sleep-deprived thought though. get other opinions also. PM me if you'd like more feedback, im gonna hit the hay.

  9. #9
    xhybridx's Avatar
    xhybridx is offline New Member
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    i had the same thing steelman..i was 5'10" @203 18-20% bf. i went on a 12 week diet that was basically low carb low cal and ripped fuel. cardio 5 days a week. dropped down to 183 @9% or so then went on a t200 cycle for 10 weeks. went back up to 207@12% or so. now im cutting the same way. so it is possible. just work at it!-=)

  10. #10
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    how should I lift during the week? High reps low weight? just to get the blood pumping? And how much muscle should I plan to lose?

    Monster, thanks for the help, I will look in to revamping my cycle. Would it be possible to use test ent in place of prop? Prop hurts like a bitch and i already have 70ML of QV waiting on me

  11. #11
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    personally, E is my favorite form of test... alot of guys prefer prop for the instant results, whereas the E takes 3-5 weeks to start kickin in. i would train the same as you normally do, its never bad to add muscle mass. just boost up the cardio and really watch what you eat. you shouldnt lose any muscle mass if you're training and eating right. also the beauty of that cycle is that any bloated appearance from the test will be counteracted by winny, EQ, fina.

    good luck bro... and jeez - 70 ml of 200 mg Enathalate? send the extra this way man

  12. #12
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    MCJ has lined out pretty well, but to throw another point of view out there. I myself would not do so much AS for cutting. ou don't really need all of that for cutting and I owuld much rather save some of it for afterwards when you decide to start bulking again.
    The Fina is a good choice, not only because of the strength gains(strength will be negativly efected during cutting) but also because Fina actually raises BMR(body metabolic rate). I don't remember by how much, if you get ahold of Kizer, he can give you an idea.

    I'm a strong believer in test as a base for a couple of reasons 1. It's what naturally occurs in the body. 2. Keeps the dick moving, which will most likely have problems as Fina shuts you down hard.

    Thats it. I would run it like this:
    Wks 1-10 500mg Enan.
    Wkks6-12 50mgFina ED
    An increase of Fina to 8wks is possible but I would see how you react to it before deciding on that long.

    Now you could throw in winny but I personaly wouldn't. When your cutting, your cals are dropped considerably and the cardio is greatly increased which both cause catabolism. Cutting is about getting rid of fat period. Don't try to gain and loose at the same time otherwise you'll be going in circles.

    I would go with a low carb, moderate fat, very high ptotien diet. Something along the lines of 15%/50%/35%(Carb, protein, fat)

    Cardio 5 days a week, never taking more than one day off on a Jogging/walking split in the morning before any food consumption. And then if you feel up to it, hit up another 20-30min. session post workout.
    Last edited by Pheedno; 01-03-2003 at 08:08 AM.

  13. #13
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    hey, we have the almost exact same stats, and actually the same bodyfat (well when i started my diet) I've got an excel spreadsheet with everything laid out already! So all you would have to do is plug in your numbers, in place of mine. Lay's everything out based on 16 weeks, with checkpoints every 4.

    If you want a copy to help you with tracking (even cycle tracking) Shoot me an pm with your email and i'll send you a copy!

    Oh, and can you get down to 8%, HELL YES I started at 215 @ 16% and i'm shooting for 190 @ 7% and i plan on running something with my winny and clen /eca stack. It's all about cardio and diet bro! and my spreadsheet has a cardio tracking section built in...

    It is sad I have nothing more to do at work than talk on the boards and design spreadsheets that calculate everything, but ah well, that's the benefit of working with CPU's all day...

    Lata Kunipshun

  14. #14
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Another thing to add is about the 15% carbs. Get them early in the day and spread out over only 2-3 meals instead of all your meals so you reduce the amount of insulin spikes the occur during the day.

  15. #15
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Pheedno
    Another thing to add is about the 15% carbs. Get them early in the day and spread out over only 2-3 meals instead of all your meals so you reduce the amount of insulin spikes the occur during the day.
    That's exactly what I am about to start implementing in the last part of my cycle>and I will also be doing the cardio 5 times a week in the morning fina, clen , and t3...hell, if this doesn't work, nothing will!! Good Luck!!

  16. #16
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Fina will increase BMR (basal metabolic rate) by roughly 500 calories hence why people can lose fat while on a maintenance diet on fina.

  17. #17
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Holy Crap brothers, I was not expecting near this response! Thank you so much! I knew that carbs were bad while cuttting and I will keep away from them after 6:00 at night. Kanip, I don't have excel on my PC I use a program called crosstrainer and it keeps track of my calories and even tells you what type of food you need (you program in your Carb, fat, protien ratio and if you are lacking, it lets you know).
    The 70ML I have is actually going to be split up between me and my wife with a little left over for next time. I will try to get ahold of some fina. I have heard that QV introduced fina on to the market...maybe i should get a hold of that. I am going to be using heatmiser from RSOC. It has T3, Yohimburn, and clen in each dose. Herrrrre we go! Thanks everyone so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. #18
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    dan- unless you're loaded- i'd suggest making your own fina, its much much less expensive and its a pretty simple process.

  19. #19
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Ok, I heard the process was easy. I'll look in to getting a kit and some pellets. Thanks!

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