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  1. #1
    rocklizard is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2001

    Mexican Anadrol 50

    I've juiced probably for about 15 years off and on. In the mid 80's I did plenty of oral/inj stacks using Dbol /Sus/Win/Test, yada, yada, yada, as a powerlifter, but now I am getting a little curious about the Anadrol 50 thats out there.

    I'm 45 yrs old now and wanna see what the shit will do. I'm 6'1", 230 lbs, 15 pct body fat. I just finished a cycle of Sus/Deca /Equi about 6 weeks ago. I still bench 400 range, and squat 600 range, so I have plenty of strength for an "old fucker." Used HCG , Nolvadex , and Clomid to come back "online." I'm ready to "go hot!"

    I've seen lots of negs about the Abombs and need some opinions if anyone has used it before. I was planning to hit Mexico soon and do a stack of : Anadrol 50/Sus/Deca or Equi.

    So . . . what about the brands of Mexican Anadrol I should look at, if at all?

    All info shared will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    i've used it before bro and dont recommend it. the worst thing to me about abombs, is that they give me an overall "sick" feeling. the first week i get flu like symptoms, then i just kinda feel , blah, the rest of the time. 2nd, the gains are temporary, for the most part. you lose alot when you come off. 3rd, my attitude goes to s-h-i-t! really bad. and, they are really hard on your liver.

    now, if all you want are fast gains, no matter what form the weight comes in(ie:water retention) and strength, then they are awesome.otherwise, i'd just go with good ole dball.

    those are awesome maxes in your lifts bro, at any age! welcome to the board!

  3. #3
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Is Dianabol really THAT good of a steroid . I thought that the Sustanon is better. Or is it just good together???

    Sus and DBol together for a cycle ??? That the good shit ?


  4. #4
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    they are both awesome in there own rights. you could use sust by itself and get great, keepable gains. the same is not true with dbol .
    dbol is 17aa and can be used safely for only short periods of time. its usually used as a kick start to a cycle , as it gets into your system quickly and you see results in only a couple of days. sust takes about 3 1/2 - 4 weeks to start producing gains in size and stregnth.
    so if you run 10 weeks of sust , with dbol included for only the first 4 weeks then discontinued, youd have a good mass cycle.
    so yes, IMO, dbol lives up to the hype.

  5. #5
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Hay thnx BigKev, that sounds like a great cycle. Would that be a good "first cycle" to go on ??? And would you need to take the Nolvadex with it, and Clomid after it ?


  6. #6
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    great first cycle bro. run the sust at 500mgs per week, and the dbol at 35-40 mgs per day. never start a cycle without clomid bro, its a must. and keep nolvadex on hand just in case.

  7. #7
    The Iron Game Guest
    Ttokkyo labs makes anadrol in Mexico, typical cost is $170-$190/100

  8. #8
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    I frequently use the Ttyokkyo Anadrol with great esults just make sure you ready to loose most of you gains

  9. #9
    rocklizard is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks to all of you guys that responded. It seems that the overall consensus out there in "the world," is that (1.) The Abombs give rapid size/strength gains but the results are short lived, (2.) generally it makes everyone have flu-like symptoms, (3.) attitude "goes south" into rage real quick, and (4.) considering the liver toxicity and financial expense it is a taboo kind of shit!?

    What are the preferred Dbol tabs in Mex? Should I look for the tabs or just get Reforvit and do "it" orally? If Reforvit is the answer, how much do I use and where inmy cycle?

  10. #10
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    reforvit is the best bang for your buck. its about 35 dollars for 50 ml. over the border. just use it like any other dbol , it 25 mgs dbol per ml..

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