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Thread: Plan B

  1. #1
    Biznatch's Avatar
    Biznatch is offline Junior Member
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    Detroit, Lansing

    Plan B

    Well, It's that time of year again to be cuttin' up, and my original plan was to make it happen with a fina/winny/test prop cycle. Now, I've never done a strictly "cutting" cycle before and it was much to my dismay when I found out how much this cycle was going to cost me (upwards of $700). After some thinking, I decided I'll just cut up the old fashioned way, which has always worked well before (you know, diet, cardio, xenedrine, etc). I was a little disapointed though, because I was really looking forward to doing another cycle sometime soon.
    Anyways, my source gives me a call and tells me that he can get deca for real cheap right now--and I mean CHEAP. So the rusty wheels in my head start turning...and this is what they came up with:
    I'll grab a bunch of this deca while it's cheap and just do another massing cycle because, hey...I love mass!! I also want to throw some Test in with the deca, but this is what I am unsure about. I've got one buddy telling me to throw in some enan, another telling me to go with prop, and I'm leaning towards sust. The only Test I've used before is enanthate , and i did a really small amount-- I think it was 250 mg/wk. What do you felllas think? What type of test to mix in with the deca and at what dose?
    Damn...sorry this post is so long, I guess I'm asking a question and venting price frustration at the same time.
    As usuall, all advice/comments/jokes about my mom are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Biznatch's Avatar
    Biznatch is offline Junior Member
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    Detroit, Lansing
    well, i guess its not that long after all.

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2001
    bro fuck it then bulk again !sust is ok but too many different esters ,u have to shot eod so the prop dosent loose effect ,stick with the basic enethate or cyp,deca ,400 ech a week ,10 weeks ,but if i were u id run test and order a finakit and run test fina cycle ,trust me u wont regrett it ,

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