Age: 22
Weight: 259.2
BF: I was guessed from ~19-22
Just to get an idea of me.

Shoulders: 56"
Chest: 51"
Arms: 18.5"
Forearms: 15.5"
Waist (bellybutton): 4o"
Quads: 28"
Calves: 18"
My goal is to lose weight but hopefully not lose a ton of muscle.
Clen /T3:

Clen is cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ramping from 20mcg to 120mcg. T3 is rammped from 17.5mcg up to 75mcg.

Test E:
Thinkin 250mg every 3.5 days

PCT: Clomid/Nolva

Of course my diet and work out is in check.

What im looking to do is retain most of my lbm, is 500mg/week of test more than enough to accomplish what I have in mind. Should I do less? 250mg a week?

I wont be starting this for another 3-4 weeks im just trying to get a very solid cycle mapped out.