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  1. #1
    Slypknot's Avatar
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    Eating tips while running first cycle

    This is something that I've kinda been struggling with. On one hand I NEED to cut some of my overall body fat, on the other hand I don't wanna under-eat during a cycle.

    Since this is my first one I've done the research and most of my reading seems to indicate I should double or even TRIPLE my normal calorie intake!! Doesn't that lead to some 'mass' that aint the muscle kind?

    Anyway, I decide to try this out and started eating as often as possible. I try to keep with 6 meals a deal but it's tough - I'm just not damn hungry. Well I'm one week into the cycle now and find that my trips to the gym are much more intense than they used to be (as per my reading they should be) but this leads to evenings of NO hunger and an overall feeling of nastiness in the tummy area (probably due partly to the AS)....

    SO... perhaps you pro's can shed some light on this... when you're on a cycle do you actually consume WAY more food than normal? I'm not talking about eating 3 cans of raw tuna fish vs 1...I mean large portions at meal time and pretty much gobbling up everything at the local Olive Garden...hehehe

    Thanks for your input!

  2. #2
    sd11's Avatar
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    First off what's your cycle look like, if you are interested in mass stop worrying about your bf% you have to either bulk or cut. Post cycle you can clean it up and worry about your bf% but you have to take the good with the bad while on (your gains aren't going to 100% lean muscle) and definitely don't undereat. Maybe you can post a copy of your diet and get some help with it.

  3. #3
    Slypknot's Avatar
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    Not sure - move a lot.
    Sorry, should have included that info to begin with.

    Sust 500mg Week 1-8
    Winny 50mg EOD Week 1-4
    Deca 500mg Week 4-8

    I know it's an odd one...I've already been through that with another post. This is my first cycle and I was concerned about alergic reactions, so I asked my 'trainer' to make it a small one.

    Breakfast - Oatmeal with protein powder
    Snack - Yogurt
    Lunch - Chicken, vegetables, 1/2 potatoe
    Snack - Protein Shake
    Dinner - Fish/Chicken, vegetables, 1/2 potatoe
    Snack - Yogurt

    That's about all I seem to be able to put down in a single day without exploding, I can't imagine having to try and double it!

    I'm 30yrs old, 5'9 weighing 180lbs. About 4 months ago I was 210lbs in a size 40 waist...Now I'm in a 33 size due to the infamous 'divorce diet'. So you can see why I'm concerned that I'll get 'large' again and not from muscle....

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    I have never done AS yet but I have been on this board and I believe if you do cardio 4-5 times a week and you eat 6-8 times a day, clean foods you can make your calories go up. The object is to get your calories up but keep them clean. I think the snack's are too light, your meals should all be balanced and she be around the same calorie intake for each of the meals. And you may want that protein shake to be a meal replacement with low carbs and high protein.


  5. #5
    Big_BoneZ's Avatar
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    your cycle is more to cutting side with Sust and Winny, and Deca helps you bulk out. With this cycle, you would probably not add too much fat, but as sd11 said you can get 100% lean muscle on a cycle, and if you are thinking of getting back to 210, that would not be possible with this diet. You would gain between 15 and 25 lbs.
    If your BF goes up, dont worry about it, you will lose weight after you finish your cycle. If you DO want to gain "less" fat, eat WHEY protein rather than regular protein with carbs/fat, and make sure you are taking AT LEAST 180 g protein if not 240.

    I did my first cycle and my daily whey protein intake (from powder) was 240g ED.

    you need to add a little more to your diet if you really want to grow, and IMO you need more solid food in your diet. You could add more fruit, pasta or rice, and its not expensive either.

  6. #6
    Slypknot's Avatar
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    Ok... so I should look at replacing my current 'snacks' with something a little more solid like a white tuna pack or some rice/beans. I gotchya. Guess I was just worried since this method of eating is what helped me lose most of my weight that it would not be enough to fuel me during this cycle.

    I'll look at throwing some extra's in during my snack time... and the protein I'm using is Muscle Milk in the morning and whey protein later in the day for my shake. The whey seems to agree more with my stomach so I may just toss out the muscle milk and stick with what works.


  7. #7
    mammoth's Avatar
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    Everything that everyone has said has been great.

    You have, in essence, answered your own question with your original post. Calories play a huge role in on and off cycle diets. The important thing to take notice of is where the calories come from. One of the reasons why bb'ers have to consume so much food is because it is hard to get good calories from healthy wholesome foods. It sounds like you have a good solid diet with great frequency. You may just have to increase the amount of what you already consume. Take a calorie count of your current diet, and compare that to what your calorie intake should be. If your calorie intake should be say, 2000 a day in order to maintain, then you should either go below that to cut up or you should go above that in order to bulk up. Stay with the types of foods that are in your diet, and add some of the foods that BigBonez mentioned. Maybe include some sweet potatoes as well. In my opinion (some people will probably disagree), I feel that you kinda have to make a choice in what goals you want to accomplish. If you are looking to cut up real fast then don't expect good lean muscle gains. Thats not to say that you will not make gains, it's just that you probably won't make the kind of gains you would when you concentrate on bulking up.

    There is a saying in bb'ing that goes: In order to get big you need to eat big! This in essence means increased caloric intake. GOOD CALORIES! Big difference. Do the research and then make your decision. Good luck, and don't worry so much about it.
    Last edited by mammoth; 01-29-2003 at 07:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Slypknot's Avatar
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    Not sure - move a lot.
    Makes perfect sense.

    Years ago (not using AA's) I did the fatal mistake of eating more while training...problem was it was not CLEAN more, it was just more food...and I would eat a lot at night as well.

    This cycle I wasn't looking to get HUGE as much as ripping down, lowering body fat and being able to get rid of this tummy to show off those abs. I realize the Deca is going to bloat me some but was also hoping that the additional muscle mass would cause my calories burned per day to increase - thus forcing my body to use up some of it's genetically stored fat.

    I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, throwing in some tuna packets throughout the day to add some protein in the mix. With my weekly photo's of myself I should be able to see where I'm headed mid-way through this cycle, then decide if something needs to be altered.

  9. #9
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    You don't need to know
    Slypknot..........Try running .25mg liquidex ed throughout your cycle and clomid therapy and you won't bloat up as much. The shit is God's gift to BB's

  10. #10
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Originally posted by Slypknot

    Breakfast - Oatmeal with protein powder
    Snack - Yogurt
    Lunch - Chicken, vegetables, 1/2 potatoe
    Snack - Protein Shake
    Dinner - Fish/Chicken, vegetables, 1/2 potatoe
    Snack - Yogurt

    That's about all I seem to be able to put down in a single day without exploding, I can't imagine having to try and double it!

    To be honest I eat more than this bulking naturally. I'd think you'd need to eat more to make the best out of your first cycle. I'd worry about cutting later.

  11. #11
    Matt Foley's Avatar
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    it looks to me like he was never sure whether he wanted to bulk or whether he wanted to a result he has lost momentum of his cycle.when you bulk you have to eat and eat and eat.and get some high caloric protein test and deca the full 10-12 weeks train hard and get atleast 4000 of clean cals per day.goodluck


  12. #12
    sd11's Avatar
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    I'm with Carlos E, you definitely need to consume a lot more calories!
    1.looks like you have virtually no fat in your diet
    2.carbs are way too low for bulking
    3.protein intake is very low

  13. #13
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    am i the only one here who sees this??

    deca weeks 4-8??what is the point?by the time it builds up to take effect you'll be off that a typo??
    why winny weeks 1-4 and not 5-8 possibly?
    Last edited by partyboynyc; 01-29-2003 at 11:49 AM.

  14. #14
    sd11's Avatar
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    Wow I didn't catch that, cycle needs some serious work!!
    sust 500mg ew 1-10 (divide your shots into 3 a week like m/w/f)
    deca 400mg ew 1-10
    winny 50mg ed 8-13
    clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg next 10, 50mg next 10
    keep some nolva on hand as well to play safe!

  15. #15
    Big_BoneZ's Avatar
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    for your diet check out AST Sports Science

    i dont know about the supplements on the site, but they have great training and nutrition tips

  16. #16
    Rhino58's Avatar
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    Re: am i the only one here who sees this??

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    deca weeks 4-8??what is the point?by the time it builds up to take effect you'll be off that a typo??
    why winny weeks 1-4 and not 5-8 possibly?
    You are right i would think deca for atleast 10 weeks, when i cycle i eat everyhting i can except the high fatty foods.

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