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  1. #1
    Shrad6 is offline Junior Member
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    How does this look????

    Ok my plans are to try and gain as much lean muscle as possible. I've done 1 cycle before of sust(500mg) and deca (400mg) and lost all of it cause i was lazy and stopped. I'm 22 5'8 160lbs this is how i plan to run my next cycle:

    Eq 1-10 (400 mgs)Mon & Thurs

    Sust 1-10 (500 mgs)Mon & Thurs

    Fina 4-10 (37.5 mgs if all goes good bump to 75.0)ED

    L-Dex: Someone help setup a layout on how i should take it.

    HCG : Someone help setup a layout oh how i should take it.

    Of course i will be doing this with a good diet to get the most of it. I will also be eating and sleeping alot. If you see anything wrong or you would change let me know. Now i have a few questions....
    Should i use enathate instead of sust?

    If i have enough cash at the time should I try and pick up some test prop to jump start since eq and sust take a few weeks to kick in?


  2. #2
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    Re: How does this look????

    Originally posted by Shrad6
    Ok my plans are to try and gain as much lean muscle as possible. I've done 1 cycle before of sust(500mg) and deca (400mg) and lost all of it cause i was lazy and stopped. I'm 22 5'8 160lbs this is how i plan to run my next cycle:

    Eq 1-10 (400 mgs)Mon & Thurs

    Sust 1-10 (500 mgs)Mon & Thurs

    Fina 4-10 (37.5 mgs if all goes good bump to 75.0)ED

    L-Dex: Someone help setup a layout on how i should take it.

    HCG : Someone help setup a layout oh how i should take it.

    Of course i will be doing this with a good diet to get the most of it. I will also be eating and sleeping alot. If you see anything wrong or you would change let me know. Now i have a few questions....
    Should i use enathate instead of sust?

    If i have enough cash at the time should I try and pick up some test prop to jump start since eq and sust take a few weeks to kick in?

    which brand of ldex we talking?

    there are much more efficient ways to run sust bro,i would not go below a format of 750mgs/wk to 1g,run ed or i would stick with enan @500mgs and run prop wks 1-3 and again wks 11-12.i would also run eq at 600mgs.forget the sust,if you really want to run sust pm me.

  3. #3
    strollin's Avatar
    strollin is offline Associate Member
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    sust is better then enthante and thats a fact but depends on what your looking for. Enthenate retains more water so for a lean cycle go with sust. also sust has prop in it so it works fast. read the profiles on the home page.

  4. #4
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    heres some info for you...Madmax..'ll have to divide the 2cc's of sust equally into 3 syrnges to maximize the prop...shoot on mon/wen/fri....

    2. leave the fina out and run winny for weeks 8-13 at 50mg per day...

    3. you are probobally not going to need hcg because your cycle is long enough and at high enough doses..

    4. get clomid and nolvadex also...

    5. you might want to increase sust and eq buy 2 weeks and run it 12...that way the eq is more effective...

    sust 500 (1-12)
    eq 400mg (1-12)
    winny 50mg (10-15)
    clomid and nolvadex on hand..

  5. #5
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    Originally posted by strollin
    sust is better then enthante and thats a fact but depends on what your looking for. Enthenate retains more water so for a lean cycle go with sust. also sust has prop in it so it works fast. read the profiles on the home page.
    sust is better if dosed properly.if you understand the ester an ed inject is best to keep your test levels even throughtout the day.if i do sust again i would go sust eod but there are numerous formats and getting the most out of your sust.
    Last edited by Matt Foley; 02-06-2003 at 03:42 PM.

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