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  1. #1
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    icy hot and test p....the pain!

    just wondering if icy hot can be used to help cope with test p pain. Been using ibuprophen and needed somthing directly on the muscle

    ya i know stop being a p****y, im trying to deal with it the best i can but its getting unbearable

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Try ice on the injection site. Prop is recommended for experienced users for a reason.

  3. #3
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
    wanabeMASSIVE! is offline Senior Member
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    Stop being a p*ssy dude! lol

    Try warming the Prop in warm water, it also helps if you mix with another compound.


    Or you could try wearing one of these while you inject:

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanabeMASSIVE! View Post
    Stop being a p*ssy dude! lol

    Try warming the Prop in warm water, it also helps if you mix with another compound.


    Or you could try wearing one of these while you inject:

  5. #5
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Before injecting rub the area

    after injecting rub the shit out of the area

    warm the gear

    continue to rub the area after the injection

    I have found this to help me the most


  6. #6
    funone32's Avatar
    funone32 is offline Junior Member
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    question for you... whats the dosage of the prop you're injecting?

    I tried a prop compound that contained 350mg/ml on my first go around... not realizing that 350mg should do me good for the week, but because of prop's short half life, you need to pin ED or EOD...
    At this particular dosage i experienced some considerable pain the day after i pinned. The area became swollen, and very tender. It was even difficult to get out of the car believe it or not.

    But then i looked into it some more and picked up test prop dossed at 100mg/ml, and now i stack the test prop injections EOD with 100mg Masteron , and i don't feel a thing.

    So i was wondering what dosage you're at, and does my story of no pain on 100mg sound strange to anyone? trying to determine that the test prop i've got and am using is actually working.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i've never seen prop at 350mg/ml even so you would only inject 1/4 cc at a time

    as for the 100mg/ml not all prop is painfull. I've had plenty that were real and painless

  8. #8
    funone32's Avatar
    funone32 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks gixxerboy, yah im pretty happy with the prop i've got... strength increase is significant over the first two weeks, and the winny is doing its job well with the tightening of my muscles.

    Yah, i've never seen prop at 350mg/ml either, but its a well known lab so thought i'd give it a go.

    Well, if that's the case, and firsttimmer22 if you're injecting the regular amount of 100mg then time to suck it up, or put on that rather lovely set of girly-looking ears presented earlier in the thread....

    That or... is it possible you've got an infection? Swollen, tender, red or puffy around the injection point? Is it painful in every injection point? where do you generally inject? ass or thigh?

  9. #9
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Try ice on the injection site. Prop is recommended for experienced users for a reason.
    Not disagreeing with you, maybe different things work better for for different people.

    But I iced a few of my sore prop injection sites, and it literally made it 2x worse the next day.

    After i started using a heating pad, 15 mins off 15 mins 3-4 times a day, it cuts the injection site pain in half by about a day.

    Like I said though, different remedies may work for different people. As for icy hot, I did try it for about a week applying it to a sore injection area and it didn't seem to make any difference. I still had about 2-3 days of pain.

    Like mentioned above, I found the best thing to do is, get your injection site warmed up, stretch it, massage it, flex it. Make sure your gear is nice and warm, pin the area slowly, inject slowly, pull out slowly, massage the area and heat it after injection.

    This has made my injections alot less painful, also switching from 1.5" on quads to 1" has helped alot too haha, yeah I was an idiot and for 4 weeks stuck prop 1.5" deep into my quad talk about not being able to walk.

  10. #10
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    Im injecting 150mg EOD and it kills....

    im rotating glutes and delts, but even on that 4 muscle rotation, the spots are tender and tight, and lumpy underneath the skin. No redness or anything, is this normal?

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    try shooting ed, smaller shots, and include more injection sites. if needed you can cut the shots with sterile oil.

  12. #12
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    would shooting 75mg ED be less painfull? I have those typical lumps after injecting that are gradually going away, what are they from?

  13. #13
    Focusmen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    try shooting ed, smaller shots, and include more injection sites. if needed you can cut the shots with sterile oil.
    I cut my shots from 2cc eod to 1cc ed.... made a world of difference

  14. #14
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Just cut my delt injection today with .5cc sterile grapeseed oil, heated my 1cc prop in with it.

    I've been having some painful delt injections, they will swell and knot up, turn a bit red for a few days, and eventually go away.

    Waiting to see how it feels tomorrow!

  15. #15
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    ya same here, my delt is red and swollen, glad im not the only one, what did you heat it with?

  16. #16
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firsttimer22 View Post
    ya same here, my delt is red and swollen, glad im not the only one, what did you heat it with?
    I bought a cheap ass heating pad at walgreens. Turn it on high, set it on my bare skin, then mash my arm between two pillows.

  17. #17
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    haha i did the exact same thing. now reading this and finding u did too lol anyway, my arm is swollen, red down my bicep, and hurts like hell to lift. its been 3 days and the redness has not gone away, but i dont understand because when i pin my ass , i dont get any of these sides (knock on wood)....what is this from?

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Question for you guys experiencing pain, how fast are you injecting? How long does it take to inject 1cc, 2cc.

    Even with Test E lots of people experience pain but MOST of the time it's due to FAST injectin. 1cc = 10 sec or less hahahahaha

    With 1cc I take over 1 minute to inject, sometimes more. If I can feel it at all going in it's to fast. If I can see the plunger moving it's to fast.

    I have recommended this to a lot of people and it has helped most all of them.

    Experiment. Fill one of your used syringes and needles with water. now press it with the same force as you do injecting. See how far the water goes. Now imagine that inside of your leg/muscles. Where does it go? Slamming into the muscle causing a bruise.....

    now try injecting SLOW and see how it feels. Take an extra minute or 2 to inject, even 3 and save yourself 2 or 3 DAYS worth of pain.

  19. #19
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Question for you guys experiencing pain, how fast are you injecting? How long does it take to inject 1cc, 2cc.

    Even with Test E lots of people experience pain but MOST of the time it's due to FAST injectin. 1cc = 10 sec or less hahahahaha

    With 1cc I take over 1 minute to inject, sometimes more. If I can feel it at all going in it's to fast. If I can see the plunger moving it's to fast.

    I have recommended this to a lot of people and it has helped most all of them.

    Experiment. Fill one of your used syringes and needles with water. now press it with the same force as you do injecting. See how far the water goes. Now imagine that inside of your leg/muscles. Where does it go? Slamming into the muscle causing a bruise.....

    now try injecting SLOW and see how it feels. Take an extra minute or 2 to inject, even 3 and save yourself 2 or 3 DAYS worth of pain.
    water is water, if its oil based you have to apply more force of it wont even move as compared to the same pressure you use with water for an expierment

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