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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    thegame01's Avatar
    thegame01 is offline Member
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    2nd cycle

    hey guy's i will be doing my 2nd cycle in a few months .I am just coming off my test/deca cycle at 300 mg/week each for 10 weeks and prop at 250 every 3 days week 8- 12 . I didnt see alote of gains but did at the end when i introduced the prop.My measurements went up including my stomach.

    Anyways i will be trying another cycle after my time off .i was thinking 500 test and 400 eq or maybe 400 deca .

    What do you think about using prop instead of cyp or enanthate for the whole 10 or 12 weeks

    iu was injecting the cyp and deca once a week ,someone told me at the end of my cycle i should of done it every 3 to 5 days .I knew about blood concentrations but how big of a diference does this make .


  2. #2
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    Eq is a veryyyy long acting ester, sometimes can take up to 6 weeks to kick in...

    Id suggest running:

    1-12 500 mg Test E
    1-12 400 mg Deca

    or if you're into Prop...

    1-8 50 mg Prop ED
    1-8 75 mg Fina ED

    the only issue with running prop and deca is that with the prop you'd be getting 350 mg a week from ED injections and if you run the Deca at 400 mg a week- you could find that you get shut down hard by the deca and the test wont be enough to compensate for it.

    I'm not quite experienced enough to know if 200 Mg of Enathalate in addition to the Prop would be effective.

    if thats ok, then A good idea would be...

    1-12 50 mg Prop ED
    1-12 200 mg test E EW
    1-12 400 mg Deca EW

    I didnt include EQ at all because you seem to like esters that show results quicker.

  3. #3
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    any more input? im curious about only 200 mg of Test E a week to add to the prop hes already taking... is that legit? or is my thinking off?

  4. #4
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    the matrix
    the bottom line here is test is test.why do ed injects when you dont have to,using cyp or enan (long ester) is a better option unless you want to worry about ed could always kick your cycle off using prop or run porp throughout,but both dont bother.if your going to do ed injects add some reason to it like fina or something like that.your cycle is very simple you dont need to complicate things for a test /deca cycle only.
    run either prop or enan/cyp

    enan/cyp 500mgs wks 1-12
    deca 400mgs wks 1-12

    if you want to incorporate prop

    prop 50mg ed wks 1-2 or 3
    enan/cyp wks 1-12
    deca 400 wks 1-12
    prop 50mgs ed 13-14

    hit that clomid 2 weeks after your last inject of deca.goodluck

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