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  1. #1
    rimz is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Winstrol questions.

    I am looking at possible doing a winny only cycle and have a few questions. I would take 50mg/ed but don't really know how long you are supposed to run it for. Is 6 weeks around how long? Also I am doing this as a bulk cycle, but not a big one like most of you think. I don't want to blow up and all, just wanna add a few pounds. I have read on here people gaining 8-12 pounds on a winny only cycle and that is just what I am looking for. Another question is would I need nolva and clomid with winny? Thanks for the help.


  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2002
    Since you are 22 and have been a member of this board for a while I am going to assume you have done your research and decided a winny only cycle for bulking is best for you. I would run it for 8 weeks using some liver protectant. You won't need to worry about aromatization but should run clomid post cycle for recovery starting two to three days after your last winny dose.

  3. #3
    rimz is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Well I think winny is the best. I didn't think you could gain weight on it but I have read where several people gained weight on a winny only cycle. I will more than likely either be using tabs or drinking because I won't be able to inject everyday without my girlfriend knowing and she would freak. Then it would just be a waste of money cause she would make me stop. That is another reason I wanna do winny cause I won't bulk up too quick and cause any questions with her. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to tell me. Or if you think I won't actually gain weight on winny alone. I will get some clomid for post cycle though.


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