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  1. #1
    cullia01 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Couple Of Questions..

    Firstly wanted say thanks for making it easy to be able to ask a couple questions.

    Please feel free to correct me if anything i say seems stupid or incorrect.. kind of noob to all of this and wanna get it right..

    Basically... Started a 8 week cycle of Dianabol 10mg produced by "rohm labs" which i purchased through a friend who has been doing steroids for a long time and has obvious gains.. of course there is a level of trust with just taking drugs of him but that was fine.. i have just come to the end of the 8 week cycle, and have huge gains from my first cycle nearly double in size. Which of course is great, only downsides is incredible muscle cramps now and again...

    now ending my cycle i spoke to another friend who said i need 8 weeks off.. my concern of course was "will i drop down in size a lot" which would kinda dishearten my i believe.

    I have just purchased some Stanzilol / Winstrol from my friend again at 10mg dosage, he said i dont neccessarly have to come off at all just move straight on to them.. maybe giving a few days for after life of dianabol to get out. He said some of the guys at his GYM do this very often and near enough never have a break.

    I was just curious as to your opinions.. for safety and health reasons.. and also i have read winstrol will gain me almost nothing, but may make me look leaner.. i am taking all these in tablet form at min was thinking of switching to injection.. but a lot of things put me off that...

    Thanks for your opinons and help

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    How much size did you gain from 10mg dbol a day?

    what are your stats?
    training exp

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    After you give your stats as requested above Im sure you will get some good advise including having trust in your friends doesn't necessarily mean he is not an idiot or giving you bad advise.

  4. #4
    cullia01 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    will post BF% and weight 2 morro once weighed in..

    Age - 21
    Training Exp - very little.. go gym 2-3 times a week and use home weights when cant make gym on the other days..
    Gym time hit the weights and cardio heavy at home just light amount on weights.
    Height - 5.10

    have gained twice my arm size.. most of gain has gone on arms, chest and traps.

    i have a secondary question.. i understand there are many posts about this and apolagise for not reading through.. but anyone got a good recommendation for a anti estrogen to take alongside winstrol ( i heard winstrol has anti estrogen in it ) but have read many forums stating this to be a lie!...

    would just like to pick up some effective anti estrogen.. and if possible from a holland a barrett unless its something i need to purchase of net...

    Thanks for your help

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