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  1. #1
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    Cool EQ vs propinate bi injections.

    What do you guys suggest would be the best AS to use for bi/tri shot. I hear alot of people brag about EQ and the pump it gives yo would propinate be just as good or not.

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Prop is gonna hurt. If you insist on shooting the test, at least mix it with eq, I would suggest a 1/2 CC of each (mixed together in the same syringe) in to each bicep.

    Perhaps like this?

    Bicpe Inject

  3. #3
    bigstef is offline New Member
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    i suggest 2cc of EQ in bi or tri. if you try it with propionat it will hurt for 2 or3 days. if oyur not luky enouf with propio your arm will not mouve for 3 days. good luck.

  4. #4
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    Thumbs up

    I guess its worth a try. What kinds of gains could one expect from EQ/prop mix. Hoping to gain inch or so. I appreciate all the replies. Thanx

  5. #5
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    i personally wouldnt inject more than 1cc at a time into a small muscle like the biceps. the prop would probably hurt a little more than eq, but i'd go with the prop.

  6. #6
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Im with Kev on this, more than 1cc of oil is going to be a lot for your bis and tris bro. Prop will hurt, no pain no gain

  7. #7
    BULLonPARADE is offline New Member
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    I've done bicep spot injects with those 50mg chinese prop amps and it wasn't that big a deal at all. To tell you the truth I think quad injects are bit more uncomfortable. As far as the effectivness goes I couldn't really tell the least don't expect something dramatic to happen. I don't know about you guys but I don't jam it in like a glute inject, I ease it in and go deep with a 1.5 23 guage although a 25 would be less traumatic. Watch that big vein that runs just off center in the bi when attempting this.

  8. #8
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Check this info i read in the Dec IRONMAN

    The most effective local-growth-promoting are compunds that do not use an ester like winn and T susp. Those steroids are active in their initial and do not need to have an ester broken offi order to bind to the androgen receptor. With injection you have a deposit of active steroid sitting in the muscle tissue you want to target. Steroid concentrations are going to be obviously higher in the tissue immediately surrounding the deposit, allowing for a more adequate amount of steroid there.

    Then they go on about how long esters are not as effective.

  9. #9
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Whatever you decide to site inject is up to you I wouldnt inject 2cc into a bi not at the begining actually I like to use fina and a slin pin

  10. #10
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    I am doing 1cc per bicep once a week after my arm day. I inject 50mg/prop and 40mg/fina in each bicep. It does hurt I do get localized growth as well but it is temporary.

  11. #11
    LewdTenant's Avatar
    LewdTenant is offline Respected Member
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    I inject no more than 1/2cc in bicep these days. 1cc makes my biceps hurt for 8 hours at least. 2cc and I'm done for the day.

    I am using 1/4cc No ester EQ in them and they are larger, but it is mostly irritation from the AS.


  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: EQ vs propinate bi injections.

    Originally posted by RUSSIANBEAR
    I hear alot of people brag about EQ and the pump it gives yo .

    Well, i don't go as far to say i BRAG about it...but hell ya! Putting my earring hoops on for 30 sec. feels like doing a set of preacher curls to absolute failure. I figure I'll just stop training bi's and keep getting new earrings.....

  13. #13
    KrashRoute's Avatar
    KrashRoute is offline Associate Member
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    use prop! unless you have a very very very very very low tolerance to pain you should be fine. I also agree with kev i try and never go over 1cc in bis, and 1.5 in each head of the tri. Id try t-100 at least that way you get a higher concentration. I dont see the point on using eq local at all

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Bro, I did the 100mg Brovel Prop and it didn't hurt much, but then I site injected Romanian 100mg PhenylProp and I couldn't use my arm for 2-3 days!!! And I am NOT kidding. Your arm swells way up and hurts just to move it. It feels like you just did 1000 sets of curls to absolute failure. Tricep wasn't nearly as bad, delt shots sucked royally too. Couldn't fully raise my arm for a day or two. But bicep was by far the worst!

    Be safe.

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