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  1. #1
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    Suggestions On Cycle?

    Here's my cutting cycle for April. Suggestions welcome.

    Stats: 5'11", 190, 13% bf. Diet is clean. I want to drop some bf and gain as much muscle as I can while cutting.

    week 1 - 10 EQ 400mg
    week 2 - 11 Test cyp 400mg
    week 8 - 13 50mg winny ED
    Clomid 2 days after winny

    I'm thinking of adding some prop at the beginning to kick start. what do you think? 100mg eod for weeks 1 - 4?

    It's still early and I can get whatever I need.

  2. #2
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    why the cyp. starting week 2? IMO it should start along with the EQ. also, EQ should be run at least 12 weeks according to many knowledgable bros.

  3. #3
    sd11's Avatar
    sd11 is offline Banned
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    I agree with monsterco run both the test and eq 1-12 and then just move your winny back 10-15.

  4. #4
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you I'll run for 12 weeks..

    Question 1: I will need more EQ and TEST, but they will be a different brand. is there a problem with this?
    Question 2: Am I using enough cyp?
    Question 3: How about kickstarting with the prop weeks 1-4 at 100mg eod?
    Last edited by Cubber; 02-16-2003 at 06:59 PM.

  5. #5
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    bump for more input

  6. #6
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    1) I would bump the Cyp to at least 500mg weekly...
    2) Using prop would be a good idea since the Cyp will take about 3 weeks to kick in and the EQ even longer then that...
    3) Makes no difference about mixing brands as long as both are legit gear and dosed correctly...
    4) You could also use Fina to kick off the cycle, I find that fina hits me after only a week and by 2 weeks I can see a big difference...

  7. #7
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Whether you frontload testosterone with a shorter ester or not would take some calculating on your part to find out how much Propinate you need to take the first few weeks to match up with the Cypionate when it has saturated. A fool proof way is to just frontload the same ester weight - but using a shorter ester in a very interesting idea.

    My gut estimate to frontload a 400mg/wk Cypionate dose with Prop, would be Propinate 50mg ED for the first 10 days. After that the Cypionate should be well saturated... but this would probably get test levels closer to a 500mg/wk Cypionate use since the two esters are being administered at the same time. If you are comfortable with doing so - up the Cypionate to 500mg's per week with a Propinate frontoad of 50mg ED for the first 10 days.

    I would deffinitly frontload Equipoise a double the maintenance dose. Such a long ester takes it's sweet ol' time getting blood levels up to a saturated maintenance level... frontload and get them up there right away.

  8. #8
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for help everyone. here is what my cycle will look like now.

    week 1 - 4 Test Prop. 100mg/eod
    week 1 - 12 EQ 400mg/week
    week 1 - 12 Test cyp 500mg/week
    week 10 - 15 50mg winny/ed
    Clomid 2 days after winny

    One more question: Should I run the test cyp weeks 1 - 13 because it's a shorter acting ester than the EQ?

  9. #9
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    Warrior. I will up the cyp to 500mg/week.
    1. Can I not do 100mg/prop eod rather than 50mg ed?
    2. You're saying that I should take 800mg of EQ in my first week to frontload?
    3. Should I then take something like 600mg of EQ in the second week then regular 400 after that?
    Last edited by Cubber; 02-16-2003 at 07:36 PM.

  10. #10
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No. Frontload 800mg then move straight to 400mg every week. When you are taking 400mg per week of decanoate you are actually on about 800mg per week when you add in the subsuquent week's half lives. So instead of waiting for your blood levels to reach that point - you hit the ground running for faster results - and more results out of the entire cycle... because you chop off about 2-3 weeks of waiting by frontloading.

    BTW - where is the Deca ? I see Eq on your cycle.

    It is okay to do Propinate EOD. I prefer ED because I am real anal about keeping my blood levels even... but EOD is okay. Propinate stays very active for two days then takes a big nose dive on the third day.

    BTW - Cypoinate is a pretty light ester... you don't need to run Prop 4 weeks. You can saturate test levels for the Cypionate with Propinate in a much shorter time. What will happen is on the third and fourth week you will be on a test high - then you will take a drop. Which sucks... and goes back into wanting to keep blood levels even to prevent any hormone rollercoasters during a cycle.

  11. #11
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    I understand Warrior. (The deca was a mistake, I meant EQ, have edited it above). My cycle now looks like this:

    week 1 - 2 Test Prop. 100mg/eod
    week 1 - 12 EQ 400mg/week -- frontload 800mg in week 1
    week 1 - 12 Test cyp 500mg/week
    week 10 - 15 50mg winny/ed
    Clomid 2 days after winny

    One more question: Should I run the test cyp weeks 1 - 13 because it's a shorter acting ester than the EQ?

  12. #12
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    I'd run them for the same amount of time IMO.

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by Cubber
    One more question: Should I run the test cyp weeks 1 - 13 because it's a shorter acting ester than the EQ?
    Undecanoate takes around 21 days to run through - were Cypionate takes less than 14... so... running it till week 12 (perhaps an additional few days into week 12) would help it exit at about the same time as the Equipoise .

  14. #14
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for your help everone. I'm quite certain this is the cycle I'll be running. I just need a bit more gear, but I'm in no rush. Now I'll begin working on my diet

    week 1 - 2 Test Prop. 100mg/eod
    week 1 - 12 EQ 400mg/week -- frontload 800mg in week 1
    week 1 - 12 Test cyp 500mg/week
    week 10 - 15 50mg winny/ed
    Clomid 2 days after winny

    Thanks again for your input guys!

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