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  1. #1
    G Child's Avatar
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    Opinions on short, 2 week cycles

    Wondering what everyone thought of this subject and who has tried the 2-3 weeks on 2 weeks off cycles?

    I remember the subject was hot for a little while but I can't find anything else on the subject as of late.

  2. #2
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    No info for ya bro, just a question. Do you try to restore test levels in the 2wks off, or is the premise that 2wks on doesn't shut you down too hard?? What do you run, dbol , prop, fina??

  3. #3
    RON's Avatar
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    I don't like the idea myself. I would think in your 2 weeks off you would crash hard.

  4. #4
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    In the 2 weeks you are on your natural test gets inhibited but not your HTPA i believe is the rationale. So you recover very very quickly.

  5. #5
    G Child's Avatar
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    It would be ran of course with short esters, dbol , prop, tren , fina etc.

    LiftChief is on it, you are in theory supposed to recover much quicker due to the pituitary being uninhibited, relieving you of testicular atrophy.
    You shouldn't crash hard at all, in theory.

    So anyone have experience with successive 2 week cycles? I have read and understand that in theory it all sounds great, minimal sides, quicker test recovery etc. I just want to hear from people who have tried it.

  6. #6
    skii96's Avatar
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    I've never tried 2 wk cycles, but love quick 4 wk ones. I did 4 wks on 3 wks off for a little while and loved it!

  7. #7
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    G Child,

    I posted a thread "cycling for pennies" by doggcrap you might find it helpfull.


  8. #8
    big N's Avatar
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    thats bout the the dumbest tbhing ive heard,in theory or whatever ,lest see theree is noi way it can work look at all trhe facts ddue it take s 2 weeks till they hitt u good and if u have lots of cycles under ur belt then it ill take even longer , the gains would suck ,the hpta wopuld be gettinhit then tryin to recover and back at it .wouldnt do a short ester cycle less then 4 weeks

  9. #9
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by big N
    thats bout the the dumbest tbhing ive heard,in theory or whatever ,lest see theree is noi way it can work look at all trhe facts ddue it take s 2 weeks till they hitt u good and if u have lots of cycles under ur belt then it ill take even longer , the gains would suck ,the hpta wopuld be gettinhit then tryin to recover and back at it .wouldnt do a short ester cycle less then 4 weeks
    Not if you use higher doses and all short acting injectibles- front loaded of course. Your blood levels will get up right away, which is important when you're only on for 2 weeks. And we all need to remember 2 week cycles aren't meant to be better than a 10 week cycle... but if you do say 3 or 4 2 week cycles your gains should be as good or better than a 10 week, but with less sides.

    Before you knock this approach you should read a post by realgains on elite.

  10. #10
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by G Child
    It would be ran of course with short esters, dbol , prop, tren , fina etc.

    LiftChief is on it, you are in theory supposed to recover much quicker due to the pituitary being uninhibited, relieving you of testicular atrophy.
    You shouldn't crash hard at all, in theory.

    So anyone have experience with successive 2 week cycles? I have read and understand that in theory it all sounds great, minimal sides, quicker test recovery etc. I just want to hear from people who have tried it.
    Needsize on elite did one- said he gained and kept 10 pounds last i heard.

  11. #11
    big N's Avatar
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    to me it sems like it would be waste ,and i know my body theres no way it would work ,and personaly u guys can say what u wnat but i dont see how it would work ,and it would not be better on keeping gains oppose to a longer cycle ,ur boby knows something is wrong u gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks that wasnt suppose to be there it s=trys to fight it off in some way ,as ot longer cycles it gets use to the extra weight on tehre over that prolonged period iof time .i dont see any pros doin 2 week cycles .

  12. #12
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by big N
    to me it sems like it would be waste ,and i know my body theres no way it would work ,and personaly u guys can say what u wnat but i dont see how it would work ,and it would not be better on keeping gains oppose to a longer cycle ,ur boby knows something is wrong u gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks that wasnt suppose to be there it s=trys to fight it off in some way ,as ot longer cycles it gets use to the extra weight on tehre over that prolonged period iof time .i dont see any pros doin 2 week cycles .
    Exactly- 2 week cycles arent for pros or people who think they're pros. They are for the average gear user looking to get big as safely as possible.

    If you gain 10 pounds and your natural test bounces back a day or 2 after you finish your cycle you shouldn't lose anything... not enough time to.

    I'm going to try them myself and i'll post my results- i'm keeping an open mind.

  13. #13
    Dawg_Legend is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by big N
    thats bout the the dumbest tbhing ive heard,in theory or whatever
    so how do u explain me putting on 5lbs in 7 days then? and no water retention wotsoever.

    next time,dont talk trash about wot u havent tried.

    i am currently on day 8 and everything is going well,no sides at running test and dbol

    any questions,shoot them to me in this thread...

  14. #14
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dawg_Legend

    so how do u explain me putting on 5lbs in 7 days then? and no water retention wotsoever.

    next time,dont talk trash about wot u havent tried.

    i am currently on day 8 and everything is going well,no sides at running test and dbol

    any questions,shoot them to me in this thread...
    What exactly does your cycle look like bro?
    Anti es etc...

  15. #15
    Dawg_Legend is offline New Member
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    go to mate,u can track my progress there.u know me over there but im under a diff. name here cuz i got barred.cant reveal who i am cuz ill get barred again lol

    here it is...

    Day 1 300mg Test Propionate
    Day 1 50mg Dbol

    Day 2-12 100mg Test Propionate
    Day 2-14 30mg Dbol

    Day 15-18 100mg Clomid
    Day 20-28 50mg Clomid

  16. #16
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Ok bro i'll check it out- i think i know the secret- haha.

  17. #17
    big N's Avatar
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    oh no !the big dawg just told me !!!!sigh !your runnin 50 mg of dbol then 30 DAWG thats how i explain it,i dont care what u say about not holdin water,i guearantee u ,ur holdin water .so before u tell me dont talk trash which i wasnt untwist ur pannies from the that bunch and relax !

  18. #18
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    First off Dawg_Legend i also guarantee that the 5lbs ur talking about is water weight. No matter what u run theres always going to be some water weight. And if ur only 8 days in and ur up 5lbs its water. Thats to early for it to be muscle sorry!

    I also dont like the idea of a 2 weeks cycle. Reason being just because u front load doesnt mean its going to reach a consistant level faster. The idea is to get to a consistant even level and keep it there. Not bounce up and down. IMO thats where u run into serious sides. Also most AS takes between 2 - 4 weeks to reach that point so just as ur reaching the levels u need u'll be stopping? Id have to do more research on how it effects ur test and HTPA to make a valid point on that.


  19. #19
    G Child's Avatar
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    It's already been stated, this cycle is not for those looking for 25lbs in a cycle. It's more for those who want the benefit with less side effects and long term cardiovascular health.

    With normal cycles you are shutting yourself down longer. On "normal" 10 week cycles recovery takes about 3+ weeks since both the hypothalamus and pituitary are fully inhibited which result in testicular shrinkage.

    Personally it takes me about a month or more for my test levels to "normalize" as well as my lipid profile being out of wack. My main concerns are my Creatinine SGOT and SGPT values.

    Oh yes, and the fact that I feel like shit the whole time my levels are trying to normalize too.

    On a 2 week cycle your testosterone production is halted but it takes about 2 1/2 -3 weeks to inhibit pituitary so your recovery time should take less than a week. Since your testosterone levels normalize so quickly the gains made will be kept.

    Now this is where people seem to fall off! Yes, that was 5lbs that they kept but maybe said it wasn't enough and hit the normal 10-12 week cycle instead of going on another 2 week cycle and gaining another 10lbs etc.

    It's a much slower process; say possibly 20 lbs in 6 months to a year but it's done all the while minimizing side effects and health risks.

  20. #20
    G Child's Avatar
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    If you have done a cycle I'm sure you are familiar with the following, just to name a few:
    Blood Pressure increase
    Abnorman lipid profile
    elevated liver enzymes

  21. #21
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    2 on 2 off..........for how long?

    i would think that even if you managed to gain in the 2 weeks on, keeping it would be next to impossible. there a carryover rationale here? if you can keep even a little for the 2 weeks off, then kick it back up again, maybe this has some validity. for me, 10 weeks is and will always be the minimum.

    peace bb79

  22. #22
    G Child's Avatar
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    The whole point is that you can keep the weight gained for the time being until you hit the next 2 week cycle, say you gain 5lbs, keep training for the 4 weeks off, go into another 2 week cycle WITH the 5lbs you gained and gain another 5lbs and keep that until your next cycle, all the time minimizing high BP, elevated liver enzymes etc etc etc.

  23. #23
    G Child's Avatar
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    LEGEND - Only post I found over there was from one 2 week cycle, do you have results from more than one 2 week cycle and how much you kept from the 2 weeks; e.g. how much weight was lost?

  24. #24
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    im gonna take a pass G.........seems like a waste to me, but this is jmo.

    good luck, and keep us posted if you decide to try this, ok?

    peace bb79

  25. #25
    G Child's Avatar
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    b79 - Thanks. I didn't post this with the intention of preaching what I have learned, I just wanted someone to post their resluts from actually running a couple 2 week cycles without giving up!

  26. #26
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Also, in the weeks post cycle your natural test actually rebounds to higher than normal so you should continue gaining in the 4 weeks between cycles.

  27. #27
    G Child's Avatar
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    Originally posted by OGPackin

    I also dont like the idea of a 2 weeks cycle. Reason being just because u front load doesnt mean its going to reach a consistant level faster. The idea is to get to a consistant even level and keep it there. Not bounce up and down.
    This is why short esters have to be used. Longer esters can't be used for a few reasons, one even with a front load of lets say Cyp, the release time is about a week. The ester weight that you are using is also a big factor.

    You're going to frontload say 300mg's on day one. Blood levels with esterless compounds such as suspension would be best because you have no ester weight. This means 300mg's of test is 300mg's. I forget the ester weight of prop but I think it was something like 5-6% differential. Factor in another 5-7% on top of that for active compound loss and you should have a concentration level of approx. 250 reached in the first day of administration. 100mg's a day following will keep levels at approx. 85 ED.

    For the average 10 week with Cyp you are shooting about every 3 days which put your levels at about 15-20mg of active testosterone (this is removing the ester weight also)for the first 3 or 4 days then you will reach about 30-40 mg's of active testosterone in your system daily for the remaider of your cycle.

    The difference is about a 35% loss just from ester weight of Cyp.
    Last edited by G Child; 02-17-2003 at 06:22 PM.

  28. #28
    hockeyman20 is offline Junior Member
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    I have a good friend who has been doing 2 weekers for about 2 1/2 months. I think he has gotten in about three short cycles, all consisting of winny and fina only. He said he has gained close to 10 lbs on all three and kept atleast 6lbs after each. I haven't tried it yet but i will after the seasons over. I can't wait! keep me posted if you decide to try it too.

  29. #29
    Dawg_Legend is offline New Member
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    dont hate people,congratulate...

    theses cycles work,so get over talkin trash about them

  30. #30
    G Child's Avatar
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    Dawg - you have an update for us?

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