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  1. #1
    batmann is offline New Member
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    I've been told that having things like pins,clomids and nolvadex sent to your home via internet is safe. A few of my friend have done it with no trouble and claim that it's only a violation to receive non-controlled medication without a script. They also tell me that needles are legal in my state and that receiving them (100) is safe. I have placed an order from a well known Mexican Med site for the pills (two bottles each) and the pins from a US company. A bit worried because of the high alert. Any comments???

  2. #2
    H BOMB is offline Senior Member
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    you should be fine bro

  3. #3
    TripleA's Avatar
    TripleA is offline Junior Member
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    U r ok. Nolvadex and clomid are not in the same class as steroids .

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    bor i has a package searched by customs that contain clomids and clen and nolva, They searched it and sent it to me and didnt seize any of it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    dutch windmill's Avatar
    dutch windmill is offline Associate Member
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    US customs do seize clomid, nolvadex and clen bros...i guess you got lucky..


  6. #6
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, if those postal/customs inspectors wanted to be assholes, they could confiscate your meds. But why? Do you know how many people HAVE to resort to ordering outside the US? So many it makes my head and heart hurt. I have ordered clomid,nolva and hCG many times and never had it seized. I clearly had one that was opened and taped back up, but received no problem. I would say chances are slim, because so many people have no other option but look outside our wonderful country, which is so busy worrying about everyone else but its own citizens....who pay taxes that allow them to take care of these "other countries". Not that I am agains it, but our country is in some serious need of updating current healthcare policies. It doesn't make sense to me to go bomb the hell out of another country, just to turn around and offer extensive care to people we just killed and maimed? Maybe I just don't understand the politics of war, oh well! Viva America: you have no problem putting my 12 yr old daughter on hormones for birth control, there is no problem giving a woman androgenic hormones to change herself into a man and vice versa, but when it comes to me, and my life and goals.......I just don't get it. Oh well, all I can is viva Mexico (and of course other more understanding countries) for giving us the option to fulfill our dreams.

  7. #7
    TripleA's Avatar
    TripleA is offline Junior Member
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    I got caught at customs coming back from Mexico with 4 strips (60 pills) of clomid. They asked me what it was and I said it was to jump start my balls since I was taking andros. They asked me if I had a prescription and I said no. They let me have it and told me to make sure it was legal to bring it back next time(prescription)

  8. #8
    Ozzy's Avatar
    Ozzy is offline Senior Member
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    You don't need to know
    I got a shipment from over seas of two packages and the one with the pins, clomid and nolva was opened and not even re-taped. That was the first time over seas and the last , that guys packaging method made me nervous.

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