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  1. #1
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Workout twice a day on AS?

    Anyone know of the effects, ill or positive that come from hittin the gym say once in the morning, once in the evening?

    I only hit the gym about 3 times a week, but I got home from my work out this morning and I still feel like Im overflowing with energy and I could easily hit my biceps again (hit them already this morning) and maybe blast my calves for a good hour.

    Any problems with doing this? I wont be doing myself more harm then good by hitting the same muscle twice in the same day will I?

    By the way, Im on week 8 of my Prop/EQ cycle. Thx for any advice you bros have.

  2. #2
    Slypknot's Avatar
    Slypknot is offline Member
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    Not sure - move a lot.
    There's nothing wrong with splitting up a workout like that even when NOT on AS...lots of bro's do it (those with the time). Just need to really focus on how to effectively split up your routine so you're not over-training.

    Also, usually if I get home from the gym and feel like I'm bursting - I probably could have done 'more' at the gym rather than leaving... next time try a few more sets or some new moves you haven't done yet.... or better yet - hit the cardio at the end to really eat up the rest of your energy. Usually helps.


  3. #3
    Rich8888's Avatar
    Rich8888 is offline Member
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    Work each muscle group once or twice per week. Sounds like your intensity level is really high and that you probably feel like you have a lot left over when you finish ur workout ans so you want to go back and kick it some more. IMO don't. If anything go back and do cardio 2-3 x's per week, but don't overtrain and overload you body. Over training can cause all sorts of probs let alone burn you out.

    Train hard and heavy and don't leave anything left over in the gym. Get plenty of rest between body parts and allow your muscles to recover properly.

  4. #4
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, double splits are cool for upping the intensity or condensing the days you are in the gym. Watch to make sure your strength and size gains are not decreasing or you are getting sick easily, colds, etc. Sure signs of overtraining.

    I presonally would not hit the same muscle. I.E. biceps in the same day.

    If you want to try something really suicidal. Try Arnolds crazy split. I cant think of it right now, but it is in last months flex. It is inhuman IMO.

  5. #5
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    I go with twice a day, morning lift, night cardio. Just the way I feel better doing the split.


  6. #6
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Originally posted by Tank21
    If you want to try something really suicidal. Try Arnolds crazy split. I cant think of it right now, but it is in last months flex. It is inhuman IMO.
    If you look in Arnold's Encyc. Of BodyBuilding he has an advanced spit designed to hit every body part 3 times a week!

  7. #7
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    On the weekends I am doing Cardio first thing in the morning - and then weights in the evening. This gives me a great time for using cardio to burn fat and seperates it from burning me out for weights. I need a few meals in me to fuel me for weights... Plus, your body is warmest in the evening - the best time for weights.

    As far as splitting your resistance training into 2X per day. I hear a lot of Pros do this. It would certainly overtrain you if you are not at an approriate level for it. But something to play with if you have the time...

  8. #8
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yall all must be super heros but i used to do cardio in the am and lift pm

  9. #9
    Andy is offline Associate Member
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    I am often doing the same thing, feeling energetic. So I have been hittin it average 2 or 3 days a week for double workouts, besides my schedule M-F am workouts. I am having good results. Yes, I am on cycle currently. Personally I think if you know your limitations well, you can keep yourself from overtraining. My 16 days pics are up, they suck, but I am already looking better a few days later. Ill post more pics again in week or so. I plan to keep my current double workouts atleast 3 days a week through my peaking weeks, then Ill start lowering my levels.

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